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23393218? ago

Honestly it’s trash non research posts that get upvoted

23394058? ago

Like this one which I just completed in full BTW.

23396508? ago

That's a real pile of dogshit you have there

23400568? ago

There Are Hundreds of Q Proofs at This Point - No Chance They Are Coincidental



11 Jul 2019 - 2:25:45 PM

Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.

[Wheels up]


23400877? ago

Ok true believer

23401018? ago

OK Shill Bot.

23404591? ago

Negative. Genuine goat. Been here years longer than you dumb faggots.

23400373? ago

One of the best I have done. Thanks for the compliment!