American Women and Marriage: a Sacred Vow (Why I Will NEVER Marry an American Woman)...numbers reveal that they are family-wreckers. Marrying an American woman is a risky activity (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3756161?
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23321021? 4.9 years ago
I'm an American woman. Been happily married for 24 years.
23321094? 4.9 years ago
Sadly all women act like retards when exposed to the western culture. Too much freedom and social media is similar to doing hard drugs for them. No internet or voting to keep your women sane.
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23321021? ago
I'm an American woman. Been happily married for 24 years.
23321094? ago
Sadly all women act like retards when exposed to the western culture. Too much freedom and social media is similar to doing hard drugs for them. No internet or voting to keep your women sane.