23295609? ago



23293716? ago

Did he post as Q while he filmed it?

23288022? ago

This twatwaffle had convinced several people on Twitter that he threatened the Queen of Denmark into abdicating her position and we were going to buy Greenland because he said so, cause He Was Q! Lol.

23285927? ago

We all know a team of DIA special ops will bust him out. "A-TEAM" style.

23284426? ago


Alex Jones is sheep-dipped (look it up).

Alex Jones is a known mossad asset.

Alex Jones apologies for looking into Pizzagate and for rightfully calling out Sand Hoax for what it is

"Alex Jones blames conspiracy claims on 'psychosis'"

'Member what Alex Jones said he talks with and plays golf with Q?

'Member when Alex Jones got caught with tranny porn on his phone's browser history?

How many millions of dollars a year does Alex Jones net?

Why is Bill Cooper murdered for speaking the truth, but Alex Jones blabs for decades with no threats?


23283929? ago

With cyber harrassment?

23286491? ago

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23283617? ago

Finally! So happy this POS schill was taken down, I hope they spank his ass till it bleeds

23283398? ago


Lol I guess he didn’t realize what was coming his way

23283005? ago

My question is - when are they going to really take down AJ himself? - Dude is unhinged. -

23283591? ago

He is unhinged on purpose because his entire job for the NWO is discredit Patriots trying Red-pill as insane "making the frog gay" crackpots.

Like his "crisis actor" bullshit and his follow up doxxing and harassment of shooting victim's families, got all discussion that mass shootings were false-flags to motivate gun-grabbing silenced and anybody suggesting that maybe the CIA was using MKUltra stuff to create these shooters banned.

23283562? ago


23284834? ago

Yep, and this guy as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JO-ndBqZORk

He first made a stint as a fake flat earther, for BuzzFeed no less, then converted into a Q insider/larper.

23282595? ago

Where is it shown that this guy is an "alex jones minion"?

23282220? ago

Those who want to call Austin a larp are salivating. Have they forgot their watching a movie?

23282357? ago

I’m with you. I don’t know why people are so concerned. They act as if their belief that Austin is or isn’t Q will actually change anything. I believe a lot of things I don’t make all of my beliefs public. If Q/patriots are in control then Austin not anyone else is a threat to the plan. So chill out.

If Austin is mentally ill it still doesn’t explain everything he said/did/has. He is setting someone up and frankly I hope it’s the DS.

23282132? ago


23281940? ago

Shills....WE ARE EVERYWHERE. Keep playing games. Who's next?

23281849? ago

Q stopped posting once Austin was arrested, holy shit!

This thing has blown wide open

23282969? ago

If you think there is anything legitimate about Austin Steinbart, you are a fucking idiot.

23285013? ago

Funny how my factual statement triggered you. Usually when one gets triggered, it’s because they know a lie they follow is about to be exposed...

23281848? ago

If you read the court complaint that was filed it is obvious that he suffers from pretty serious mental illness. And there is nothing funny about that. While he seemed like a complete ass-hat on the surface, it turns out he is likely schizophrenic. I’ve seen it before firsthand.

A guy named Steinbart is schizophrenic? Color me surprised.

23282619? ago

Good ol' inbreeding.

23281830? ago

Maybe everyone claiming the celebs have been arrested can take note. When someone actually IS arrested, they go silent. Fancy that.

23283303? ago

celebs have PR teams, including trump, Austin does not, and this guy fooled thousands LOL

23281744? ago

I've never even heard of the dude, and I've been red-pilled longer than most.

23284549? ago

Oh he's pretty recent and you didn't miss much, trust me. lol

23282641? ago

A kid named Counts became notorious with his prank phone calls to the Austin Community Access Center, in particular Alex Jones's show. An incident occurred - though with varying claims from both sides - in which Counts was involved in the assault of Jones in a parking lot with three other individuals. As a follow-up, it was claimed that Jones used FBI connections to label Counts a terrorist and claimed he possessed child pornography. Federal agents raided the FringeWare Review bookstore, headquarters of an early cyberculture magazine that Counts wrote articles for. The case was later dropped. Prank Calls Sounds, wasnt there some kid outside a resaurant parking lot he got into a fight with over some prank calls? Alex told that he had powerful relatives in the FBI, and reported to them his DJ, audio engineer bookstore as a terrorist front. The fed friends, in true Illuminati fashion, found people Alex Jones accused of crimes not guilty of anything. Clayton Counts was an American musician and composer, a former DJ, and one half of the experimental band Bull of Heaven. On 21 January 2009, Counts was featured as the cover of the Denver Post's arts section, performing a solo piano composition. In November 2016, Clayton died from an overdose of opiates, When Clayton Counts Died, His Friends Thought It Was a Prank? https://www.westword.com/music/when-clayton-counts-died-his-friends-thought-it-was-a-prank-8781104 , https://www.dailydot.com/layer8/alex-jones/ , https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/charliewarzel/alex-jones-will-never-stop-being-alex-jones , https://infogalactic.com/info/Clayton_Counts

23283159? ago

Alex Jones' (alleged) connection to DS or Zionist people has been well circulated. I say "alleged" because I've never cared enough to check for myself, but will accept the premise.

I don't really follow the guy, but it seems that he still goes after some of the worst actors and DS plots that an honest broker would. How do you explain that contradiction?

23292551? ago

He binds truth to lunacy. It is controlled opposition. He yells and screams about things that are true in a manner that is belligerent. Then MSM and normies can point to him as a reason not to believe the truth he speaks of. He is only there to be a caricature for us so we can all be mocked.

23295552? ago

I once held him in high esteem, but over time, with this notion in mind, I have come to believe you are correct.

I initially rebuked this idea, since no one had ever told it to me like AJ before, but I googled Bill Cooper anyway.

What a worrisome web they weave...

23284679? ago

There was a graph a long time ago that visually explained how gatekeeping and controlled opposition works.

Basically, from the flow of people that are leaving the mainstream viewpoints, looking for answers, at regular distances of political dissent, misdirectors and controlled opposition appear, in order to redirect part of that flow outwards.

Some of those outward branches are also barraged by a gatekeeper. From 100 people leaving a mainstream viewpoint, only 10 may arrive at their destination.

Of course, for each person convinced of the knowing 'The Truth', the slightest deviation from it can be seen as misdirection.

23283086? ago


23282278? ago

He couldn't even be infamous.

23281572? ago

So THIS is who AJ was going to reveal this week?


23286773? ago

Funny how AJ or that other kid arrested hardly have any impact on the Q movement anymore, they're insignificant while our movement keeps growing stronger every day, we just kick the lil' twerps out of our way and keep going strong!

23295565? ago

AJ literally led me to Q.

Not defending AJ, I think its hilarious.

23282242? ago

Where did you get that dumbass idea.

23281563? ago

2 year delta yesterday on Q post 1062. Sure looks like it could be related.


23281556? ago

Did he actually work for InfoWars or did OP mean it more as a pile on the loudest Q critics?

23282651? ago

No. Op is putting out fake news... as bad as the people we are supposed to be fighting right? He doesnt need to as we have truth on our side so...

23281839? ago

It's obvious this noob was part of AJ shill group.

Timeline: AJ gets arrested > Fake Q guy comes out

To me, that screams AJ is desperate. To be relevant or they'll system him and his family to death.

23281943? ago

I have not paid much attention. The arrest mentioned was him drunk a couple weeks ago?

Also, is there anything more to AJ saying "Q iS vIoLeNt" besides some retard trying to false flag a train into a ship?

Genuinely not informed on this topic.

23283665? ago

Alex Jones is an information gatekeeper.

Qers have known thisnfor a very long time. He works for the cabal as controlled opposition.

23287401? ago

Prove it ! You cant so keep glowing worm.

23291352? ago

Here we go, disprove all of it:


Alex Jones is sheep-dipped (look it up).

Alex Jones is a known mossad asset.

Alex Jones apologies for looking into Pizzagate and for rightfully calling out Sand Hoax for what it is

"Alex Jones blames conspiracy claims on 'psychosis'"

'Member what Alex Jones said he talks with and plays golf with Q?

'Member when Alex Jones got caught with tranny porn on his phone's browser history?

How many millions of dollars a year does Alex Jones net?

Why is Bill Cooper murdered for speaking the truth, but Alex Jones blabs for decades with no threats?


23291379? ago

show your proof thats not any proof!

23291549? ago

Some points not documented proof there but some are. For example, apologizing for pizzagate also tranny porn

23292461? ago

odds are the tranny porn is faked! imagine if you were that well known how many people would try to do things to you! and the hole pissgate thing also walk a mile in his shoes and see what decisions you'd make for your family's sake! believe me i dont condone his actions when it comes to knocking Q or back stepping pizza gate, sandy hook ect but with money comes consequences like being sued into oblivion!

23281405? ago

Q has been caught?

23281331? ago

Eat a dick, Austin!

23281186? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/E4lVp :

Jordan Sather on Twitter: "Looks like Austin Steinbart was arrested and is being tried by a U.S. Attorney over cyber harassment he was doing. Would explain why he’s been so silent for the last week.

Onto the next chapter.


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