23185155? ago

I have manipulated myself since I was 12 years old when I discovered masturbation!!!!

23184688? ago

Started with the satanic masonic system our country was built on. Highly informative non traditional presentation. Give it 5 minutes and then make time for the hour long presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qv0QG63ORkA

If you liked that, then pair with this summary of the 1871 US as a Corp debacle. You'll be the smartest kid in class after these two. Seriously. See his pinned post - https://twitter.com/Inevitable_ET

23184753? ago

Nowhere in our Constitution is masons mentioned. God is mentioned, though.

23185519? ago

Several founders were masons, but more specifically, I am referring to the world banking system.

23184247? ago

Jews shouldn't be allowed to run or own media.

Their lying press:

Has no morals

Hate everyone who isn't themselves

Always lie

Fake genocides

Covering up for real genocides

Willing assistance with trying to coup the president

23184313? ago

Its time to seize their assets and expel them all. Remember, Germany had to do this too against the Lugenpress and then WWII started

23184369? ago

Jews started ww2.

This time all countries need to rise as one against the parasites.

Any world war = attack Jews in power so it stops

23182583? ago

Your life is your responsibility. Don't blame anyone else for the choices you freely made.

23183865? ago

No, jews are behind every problem we face.

23181939? ago

Here is one example: Member the rash of mass murderers in the U.S. in the late 60's 70's and 80's? Not crazy people manufactured in America only - False Flags courtesy of MK Ultra. Key police in on it for them to remain unsolved for as long as possible, they had no choice. The goal? seeding fear, leading people to willingly believe their own government's mass mind control propaganda.

Eventually FF's advanced to a specific goal of disarmament.

23182252? ago

plausible and effective

23181826? ago

GOD can free you, because GOD is your creator.

23181847? ago

God will free us from the jews? When?

23182622? ago

Free yourself from the Jews. If you don't like what they are pushing, then don't buy into it.

23183928? ago

They just wont leave me the fuck alone

23194881? ago

They don't go after people. They run certain industries and businesses. If you patronize those, then you may have to deal with them. If you do not wish to deal with them, then find businesses they do not control. They are out there. There are only 13 million Jews in the entire world. If you want to avoid them, you can.

23182694? ago

Step 1: remove yourself from society

23194975? ago

There are only 13 million Jews in the entire world. If you want to avoid them, you can. They do not run all of society.

23181903? ago

I am not HIM. HE is the Boss.

23182237? ago

a cop out and 'a likely story'

23182273? ago

It wouldn't be the first time God saves the world.

It's been thousands an thousands of years.

Think more than 2000 years -- much more.

When IT happens, it only lasts a 'moment'

23192928? ago

You dont actually know any of that.

Thank you for sharing your beliefs. I wish you well.

23181737? ago

We all know this..,

23181498? ago

Television reinforces voluntary retardation.

23184061? ago

Jesters and Shriners? /v/ClownWorld

23184040? ago

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23182205? ago

yes, and the hypnotic induction frequencies dont help

23181378? ago

Trump does nothing.

Q does nothing.

Same old shit.... different day.

23182638? ago

Why are you waiting around for someone else to save you? Save yourself. Your life is your responsibility.

23183002? ago

He's here 24/7.

He says he browses VOAT and sees us on the front page all the time, however I see him in threads that don't make the front page.

Define "Shill"


23182943? ago

We all should be "saving ourselves" by grabbing guns and heading to Washington DC.

23194931? ago

We are not there at this time. There may be a day, but we really don't want that.

23182702? ago

Fuck you worthless piece of shit.

23194955? ago

I'm busy living life.