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23178819? ago

Hey.. nice post. :)

I just commented it here..

Good idea for it to have a full post.

23179401? ago

800mi deep?

Deep water Horizon oil drill is 7mi

23179424? ago

I'm sure they are using alien tech.

The radius of Earth at the equator is 3,963 miles.

23182692? ago

that's if there is no molten, iron core that you'd be running into.

23179545? ago

Have to be.. elon's boring machine is most cost effective we know of. 35ft/day... 2.2 miles per year, according to a quick search.

23178917? ago

Thanks! :) I thought so too, after bumping into your Comment and watching. ;)

23178930? ago

I thought so! Cool!


Prayers to the brave men fighting this war down there.. and everywhere even.