Covfefe Decode > Translated from English to Hebrew and back again Covfefe = Covid Xix (Covid19) (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3733141?
Covfefe put into google translate comes up with this in Hebrew: >
When you put that back in and translate back to English, it gives you: >
Like Flying
Gematria of Like flying is very interesting, but the main notables that stood out was as follows: >
Covid Xix 1375 660 110
Jewish Gematria equals: 526
English Gematria equals: 660
Simple Gematria equals: 110
Other Notable results: >
Nine One One 284 660 110
Melinda Gates 312 660 110
Walnuts 1351 660 110
Ebola Outbreak 526 768 128
Martial Law 1162 660 110
Border Wall 1162 660 110
Punisher 492 660 110
End Of Times 339 660 110
Rapture 526 594 99
Yet again, here is a proof connecting POTUS and Looking Glass Technology.
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23141645? 4.9 years ago
Thank you for continuing to do these, even if they are getting downvoted (which means little, other than visibility).
Digits (btw: you got a palindrome, then a dub! :) )
23401244? 4.9 years ago
I have some amazing new ones: >
First Lady Melania Trump Reads Easter Story "The Little Rabbit" > 'o-o' <
The Library: >
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23141645? ago
Thank you for continuing to do these, even if they are getting downvoted (which means little, other than visibility).
Digits (btw: you got a palindrome, then a dub! :) )
23401244? ago
I have some amazing new ones: >
First Lady Melania Trump Reads Easter Story "The Little Rabbit" > 'o-o' <
The Library: >