23299076? ago

Q+ strikes with precision

Q 1052 I stand ready to deploy, engage, and destroy the enemies of the United States of America in close combat!


Enjoy the show.





23291857? ago

So...when is something going to happen?

23288639? ago


23260805? ago


Where is Rosenstein ??

Where is Mueller MARINES ROCK n

Where is Sessions


23288625? ago

They're all on lockdown for Coronavirus at home....like most of us.

23249630? ago

COMM Q144 Today's COMM Q 144

What is No Such Agency - Q group?

+++Adm R+++

(New) Age of Enlightenment.


MANY themes with this one

23241727? ago

My money says jim acosta can get him out of trouble, that guy is a fuckin pro

23241566? ago

[AS] [EC] [SM] [MA] all in it together, the first 3 no deals, I guess the last guy can hope the first 3 aren't pulling the bus around. What do you think mike ? they wouldnt, would they? window closing

23234711? ago

Im privileged to inform crumb catchers that crack house eddie and ig cucknstuff dont want to turn states evidence against liddle adam. wink wink

23219433? ago

Nancy 'the curve' Pelosi is launching a new commie mission for more election fuckery, impeach her for the good of the country please !! shes not just part of the problem she owns the crisis in cali.

23218778? ago

Connecticut Governor, the dishonorable ted lamont needs to RESIGN, the man is inciting hysteria claiming babies are dying from corona, FALSE ! this may be a CRIME to spread propaganda 0during a crisis, FBI needs to request a full audit of all communications to and from this obviously controlled and corrupted politico. Who is leaning on this guy ? Who told him to say it? If the gov isnt making his own decisions, who is? I think we know but lets find out anyway. Barr? Wray? anyone there?

23206378? ago

We are all God's children.

We are, FATHERS.

We are, MOTHERS.


We are, SONS.


We are, SISTERS.

We do not look at race.

We do not look at skin color.

eat shit trolls

23170347? ago

geezus, does ANYONE realize our economy is a dead man walking???? anyone???? there are only a relative few that earn enough, and work for companies that have some capital to keep going.

I am in luxury consumer goods manufacturing. I know of 100million dollar customers who are on the brink of closing RIGHT NOW. Damn near overnight. The majority of American workers are virtually unemployed, or will be in the next week or two. Benefits aren't coming for 2-3 weeks tops and dont mean a thing and cannot replace an entire economy like pissing in the ocean. There is going to be a shitstorm in the streets and FAR more people dying from this shit than the virus itself. People are frickin playing violins on the titanic thinking this is a stay at home vacation reconnecting with family for 3 weeks. Guess again!

23206868? ago

Already on week 3. Don't know of anyone in my neighborhood, family or friends who have issues with money right now. This is going to be a real learning experience for many.

23167339? ago

So much for the looking glass theory lol.

23164387? ago

Q+ COMMs all is well.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Il9l1HQe-Js video a bit quirky in the first minute or two. do watch COMMs

about 8:25 it get very good

Trump's smile at about 8:40 suggests ALL is WELL

ADD DRUMS and FIFES;; you got it.... THE BEST IS YET TO COME. HAPPENING if you open your eyes.

23164707? ago

MISSED a COMM Melania's Dress Junior's salute http://s3-origin-images.politico.com/2013/11/24/jfk_salute_ap_328.jpg

23148236? ago

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is going in the toilet. Beginning to think Q can't really do shit. No Voter ID, MSM still here, POTUS impeached, government shut down twice, attacks from the left... What was the plan again?

23152889? ago

The plan is in full swing, and working. For instance, how do you propose I know you are full of shit? The plan in action!

23154230? ago

Enjoy your lockdown, comrade.

23148145? ago

We just reposted this over in v/Niggers. Come join the discussion!

23147857? ago


23146918? ago

So Trump extended the coronavirus timeline. This is not a planned event. We have no more time. They need to take action now if they are going to ever. Economic armageddon isn't going to wait. we have maybe 2 weeks until a major panic sets in and nationwide unrest. If you live in a dense urban area, GTFO!!!!

23147899? ago

Our local news won't even report the tremendous spike in crime in the last few weeks.

23171163? ago

they wont have to, (aholes) because most people are going to see it and experience it, FIRST HAND. It's already spreading over my social media in my area. If you live/work in an urban area, GTFO!!! or if you live along the subway/light rail systems......watch out.

23138610? ago

Not American, but I'm grateful to be acknowledged by Q to be one of those who's praying for America.

23131158? ago

Did anyone notice how POTUS waved to the Prison Ship as it headed for NY... Waving as if their was someone(s) special on board. Check it out. Before the MILITARY Style salute. The version I watched ended with the MARINES Song/theme. Much more than we are told. BEHOLD the COMMs. Chill some Champagne/Celebratory beverage. THIS will call for more than just popcorn.

23147848? ago

No. Because that did not happen.

23130648? ago

Characteristics Of Walking Liberty Half, later used on the AMERICAN Silver Eagle. POsted by accident,m it seemed relative to today's happening. LADY LIBERTY oh what a DAME

The coin designs are emblematic of the many stories of our disabled veterans' courage, loyalty and sacrifice. The obverse features an image of the legs and boots of three veterans. The inscription in the banner along the upper rim pays tribute to our courageous disabled veterans who have survived military service injuries for our freedom.

The reverse design depicts a forget-me-not flower at the base of a wreath wrapped in a ribbon that cradles and supports clusters of oak branches. The oak branches represent strength, while the forget-me-not is a widely recognized icon that first served as a reminder of those who fought and became disabled in World War I. The significance of the small blue flowers is attributable to an image conveyed by World War I soldiers who had seen them growing on the graves of comrades and allies who had been killed. After the war, the flower became the accepted symbol for commemorating those who had fallen.

23127997? ago

No way Q would ever support this place now. Reiteration of no outside comms. We're here now but I am pretty sure we got tricked into congregating here.

23132807? ago

By Q??

23127995? ago

I really wish we wouldn't pretend these copy/paste drops are discussion.

No outside comms.

We need to revert to 8kun. This place is retarded and toxic.

23126357? ago


23125402? ago

Interesting. This flag image, with the long code name, is in focus. The previous flag images were kind of blurred and played tricks on your eyes. Not sure if that is significant.

23124950? ago

Fuck yes. Love you guys. We stand together

23124926? ago

TIME TO MOVE THE GOALPOSTS! Trumps ass was red, international lib / jew / masonic/ DANGER SIGNAL! LOOK OUT!

Mellania's lips have herpes, so does PENCE! Look out!

So.....what's next idiots? NOTHING IS HAPPENING YOU DUMB FUCKS! As always!

So, "It's happening" is over already? You moron motherfuckers are WRONG again, as always.Rural uneducated superstitious idiot LOSERS afraid of your own shadows. LOL You are, LIKE YOU ALWAYS ARE, JUST FUCKING LAUGH OUT LOUD HILARIOUS IN YOUR IDIOCY!Just gets dumber and dumber AND YOU STILL CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT!Q is BULLSHIT! IT'S OVER you idiot HILLBILLIES!Now, on to your pathetic brain dead attempts at insulting me! I'm SURE you will trot out the classics BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE!! LOL How many times a day do you dumb fucks piss your pants?



But Tom Hanks! The military......The PLAN!LOL


Q CULT, the dumbest, most hilariously stupid asshole losers on earth. YOU CAN'T stop losing!

23229318? ago

It's all done to trigger clueless buttfucks such as yourself.

23236985? ago

Uh sure Gomer.................go feed the pigs

23194886? ago

I have a college degree in mechanical engineering and I believe a lot of this stuff. So fuck your stereotype. Sorry we don’t all have English Literature bullshit degrees from some libtard college where we explored our homosexuality at with a professor. But......But......I think the hype has to be kept up because it takes a long time to rout these lowlifes out but the arrests in the Vatican are definitely indicative of something happening. So seriously, calm your fuckin’ tits.

23138142? ago

You can't even get the date right!

23134451? ago

Dude take just ooooone more step back and take a real good luck at this whole thing. You’re on the second to last level and JUST about there to realize what this is really happening here. Think Sub Genius. Think Church.

23125846? ago

Bro, this is a LARP, take your meds. We come here because it's an interesting read. It's like a good book of fiction and it's just a chat board, nothing more whether people believe in it or not. Why are you taking this so so personally?

23137745? ago

It’s just a prank bro

23129477? ago

Because he really does believe it, and he is on the other side.

23135095? ago

I think it's Chet, or maybe Austin. They're both assholes.

23125109? ago

Bro. Chill.

23124818? ago

I am all in and agree - however Q what is going to be done? We need Trump and others in leadership roles to start calling out evil and people need to go to jail or face the ultimate punishment.

23124450? ago

We're dying because Trump and Q were clueless about the bioweapon and impotant to stop it.

Yet Q is still fucking around with riddles and gloating.

Now is not the time Q, you useless piece of shit.

23126077? ago

You’re dying? Maybe you just had too much weed...

23125863? ago

why is this so personal to you? Have you no say in your own life and daily living? Are you that pathetic over a LARP?

23125901? ago

Because I see the big picture: coronavirus was the first trial of the globalist's culling project... and it was a massive success. We can expect them to fine tune it and release another version very soon. They won while Q did nothing but distract people from prepping.

23125960? ago

What makes you think Q is even real and that covid19 is a globalist culling project? Isn't that a little extreme? And if Q is real what makes you certain Q has this ultimate power to stop everything in every country?

23125966? ago

I don't think Q has any power.

I think coronavirus is a bioweapon because it's a bioweapon.

23125990? ago

So you think Q is real, that's what you're saying.

And all pandemics going back to the black plague are bioweapons?

23127497? ago

So you think Q is real

Yes, I feel confident that the last four years of my life haven't been a dream.

And all pandemics going back to the black plague are bioweapons?

Some, but not all.

Then you're argument descended into personal attacks. Sad.

23127738? ago

So easily offended. Soft and squishy. You speak in juvenile terms without conviction or clarity or anything the community can grasp on to to consider your attempt at assertions. Just like a kid. Prove me wrong by giving us something you speak so absolutely about other than gibberish. So offended so easily. You must be one of those kids who gets a trophy for just showing up. Go ahead, get your panties in a bunch for being called out.. you still gave us nothing but your reactionary self.

I want to understand your mindset because it was nonsensical from the start. Prove me wrong. Show us the conspiracy of a bioweapon historically since you convinced yourself. And wtf does this mean? "Yes, I feel confident that the last four years of my life haven't been a dream." ? It's a imbecilic comment without thought.

23124710? ago

No one is dying that wasn't going to die regardless virus or no virus; Obviously "we" aren't dying or else "we" wouldn't be here typing garbage posts..

23123210? ago

Sounds like some shit about to go down

23123157? ago

Q3908: what software generates 32 byte file names in hex for png files?


Or, are the freedom flags decryption keys?

23123100? ago

Q is really showing his inner Jew today.

23122881? ago

Nice timing Q. Thank you.

Love and light you guys! Onward to victory!

23122803? ago

Never been prouder than I am today, knowing that others are out there willing to do anything to defend the greatest country in the world! USA WWG1WGA patriots

23122659? ago

Feels like the time to dig and meme is coming to a close, and the time to fight and pray is here. WRWY Q. We are ready. Please thank Q+ and team for us. I pray daily for operators in the field. I feel so grateful for people who send their sons and daughters out to fight so that my children can be safe. I’ve often thought about the revolutionary war, or the pioneers who walked across the plains, and wondered what I would do, would I be strong enough for those times? The truth is, the spiritual and mental strength needed for our times is just as great. I will pray for all of us, patriots, that we are up to the task that the good Lord has set before us in these days. God bless all of you, thank you for teaching me the truth. It has been an honor and a privilege to fight along side you in this spiritual war. God, have mercy on us, give us strength, bless the operators in the field, put a hedge of protection around them. In Jesus holy name.

23122656? ago

God, country, family

23122376? ago


Soros Takes Orders from P


22 Dec 2017 - 1:31:58 AM

Soros takes orders from P.

You have no idea how sick and evil these people are.

Fight, fight, fight.

Day of days.

Game over.



Chair of Peter Serves the Master



4 Apr 2018 - 12:49:59 AM

Powell is "The Chair" right now


C comes before D.

Old news but P=Payseur




23121826? ago

freedom flag marker


23121703? ago

Time between drops. 3-3-1 3/31?

23121841? ago

3/31 + 10 = biblical.

23121683? ago

God bless Q! Where We Go 1 We Go All!

23121643? ago

The "Danger to Our Democracy" video helped wake up my dad to the media's bullshit. It's a strong red pill.

23121723? ago

Definitely a powerful video. Wife, parents, friends... this is a perfect go-to video to explain what has been happening with our "news" outlets.

23122419? ago

Thanks anon. After showing that video to my dad today he has been texting me almost non stop. It's great.

I hope more people can see this and show their own family who need a good wake up call.

23121537? ago


Scream this one from the rooftops.

We are sheep no more Patriots.

23126499? ago

Owie that hurts when you put it inside me daddy

23121475? ago

I'm in. Tell me where to report for duty Sir. o7

23121474? ago


23122253? ago

This still applies but it feels like we are moving closer.

23136414? ago

That’s the objective, foo.

23121472? ago

We are all bound by a feeling deep inside

That want for a Final Solution.

23121442? ago


23121306? ago

🎼I’m ready! I’m ready! I’m ready!!!🎼🛫

23121257? ago

Piss on all you 'boomer' bashers, YOU are our enemy and an enemy of our UNITED Republic. THEY WANT YOU {US} DIVIDED!

Those who attack you.

Those who mock you.

Those who cull you.

Those who control you.

**Those who label you.

Do they represent you?

Or, do they represent themselves (in some form)?

Mental Enslavement.**

23121136? ago

Any sailorfags know why the Comfort is banging a U turn off Virginia Beach instead of heading north?

Waiting for helos maybe?


23121467? ago

Burning up fuel to get into the port a little lighter. Depends on draught. Are there tugboats nearby?

23121499? ago

Comfort is circling now. I see no tugs, just a law enforcement vessel nearby. They just departed Norfolk two hours ago, supposedly bound for NYC.

23121693? ago

Just looked and high tide isn't until 11pm. Low tide started at 530pm. Might be waiting for berth space or the tide to get higher.

23121757? ago

Comfort is outbound to NYC, not inbound to Norfolk. It's underway southeast currently, and I'm waiting for a turn north.

23121785? ago

Tide times were for NYC. 11pm is next New York high tide.

23122019? ago

Get this, I was watching Comfort circle, and I didn't realize that it was drawing a "Q" with it's track as it came out of the circle to the southeast.

23120885? ago

I'm really feeling the negatives laying waste to my life right now. Reading these posts has restored me, thank Qou! I stand with you all as one!

23120854? ago


23120834? ago

I hear the Ride of the Valkyries playing very loudly, and I advise Charlie to run.

23128217? ago

The guy posting right above you hears Dueling Banjos.

23127403? ago

It's not Charlie who dominate five of the six most powerful Democrat positions.

It's not Charlie who own our mainstream news media and Hollywood.

It's not Charlie who own our unconstitutional central bank.

It's not Charlie who the world's largest refugee relocation foundations that are 100% dedicated to flooding ONLY white countries with jihadists.

Take a long look at Schumer, Schiff, Nadler and Feinstein... that is the elephant in the room.

23120781? ago

The tension everywhere has been rising so much. We have had it with these sick people.

Feels like things are going to go into another gear soon.

And those recent arrests in Saudi Arabla and with the Cartel were HUGE. But you didn't hear about them much, if all all from MSM.

SA then USA.

23121135? ago

I speculate Saudi Arabia is where much of the first Torah was written, perhaps even the Commandments. Some say Mt. Sinai is there with charred mountain tops - but the authorities there won't let anyone near it. Israel will truly be saved for last. God's people, not the land.

Mt Sinai in Saudi Arabia/biblical history


23120770? ago

INFILTRATION why unplug from the Matrix.. Why get outdoors. Why get with friends... Why TURN OFF the programming Turn off the INFILTRATION of your mind. Let life; Let God infiltrate your mind. Considering watching Pains Angels a time or few more. Many tips that we all need to DO. HAVE SOME FUN ALL... After all it is early SPRING of this Great Awakening. Spring to life ALL.

23123798? ago

Love light & peace prosperity.

23120745? ago

"Difficult truths will soon see the light of day" aka: Hitler did nothing wrong.

23121279? ago

Hitler betrayed his own people by allowing a war he could have won at Dunkirk to continue so that fascists could get the rest of the meat off of the bone, and his country lost because of it. Hitler didn't gas the Talmudists, but he was no hero to his people, either.

23126303? ago

You should read more and spout nonsense less. Hitler didn't want a brother-war, and thought the brits would use reason. Hitler's only mistake was failing to realize how jew-cucked most of the brits were. But not all were.

23131311? ago

You fell for that BS excuse?

23141068? ago

You sound like you haven't read Mein Kampf. Maybe do a bit more research. What is it that Q says, again... oh yeah, he says this: "research for yourself. trust yourself"

23120698? ago

Q didn't say "Divided by race" ...Q knows about niggers.

23120678? ago

Trust and faith in God, Self, Family for God, Family, and Self - same to the nation or leader that supports these principles.

23120599? ago

The flag has a long name, it looks like a decryption key. Anonymous key distribution.

23121175? ago

23120599? Digits confirm!

Let's ROLL!

23122559? ago


23123066? ago

Anon got double 9's it means his post is significant. P.E.P.E. confirms hidden truths with repeating digits. It's how 4chan KNEW Trump would win 2016. This page explains how it habbened (fun reading):






Shadilay, Shadilay Ahh Naahh!

23123765? ago

You think thats somthing !


23120583? ago

Time posted of the flag 322 time 45

23120557? ago

Let's go, I'm not getting any younger.

23120422? ago

This reads like a patriotic charge. I’m in.

I’m also glad to be a patriot alongside you all.

Love, light, and freedom.

23132120? ago

Too much fluff. Sadly, this reads more like ‘a swing and a miss’ for Q today.

23126669? ago

Yes, it does read like a patriotic charge... my question is "Who wrote it?" the posts read more like JFK than Q.. or perhaps someone who has studied JFK's speeches or who may share his leadership style.. Just felt that I should put this thought out there.

If all hell is going to break loose... I'm hoping a bit of patriotic heaven emerges. Disinformation was necessary. I suspect the time for disinformation may be quickly coming to an end.

23123093? ago

Q is fucked. The problem of “race” has nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with incompatible inherent behavior.

23128206? ago

All social behavior is learned. The only "inherent" behavior is scratching your balls when they itch.

23122642? ago


23121821? ago

That's what I thought when I read those posts. The "Loquacious Q" is back and seems like they are giving us the speech before battle, like in the opening scenes of "Patton." Remember who you are, we don't hate the enemy ahead of us, we love our families and country behind us....we stand in the breach. I have little doubt that Q knows exactly who we are individually, and I hereby offer myself as a soldier in what is to come. I've been waiting a lifetime for this moment.

23121133? ago

I know NOT what course other Men may choose, but as for me...



23123849? ago

5:5 that anon. it is a fight to the death

23126363? ago

I want my asshole licked

23132161? ago

Then you are in the wrong place.

23121078? ago

I am with you brothers.

23126288? ago

Lick My Tight Asshole

23129791? ago

dont lie, your asshole is very loose and diseased.

23129129? ago

r u Ellen Degenerate ? then no thanks

23120803? ago

Well said, I just posted something and what you said - Patriotic Charge, is bit of what I am feeling too, and just posted as much.

Trumpets in Can Hear in the Distance. I think they are Calling Our Name.

23120523? ago


23120985? ago


23126325? ago

Let Daddy Tickle Your Asshole

23120335? ago

Get ready to fight!

23120274? ago

Shills gonna shill. Always early to respond. Why do you watch the board so closely shills?

Thank you, Q. May God Bless and Protect is all.

23126367? ago

Will you lightly lick my butthole tonight, mommy?

23126810? ago

What's the difference between jam and jelly?

You can "jelly" your cock up a shill's Asshole.

23120163? ago

Summary: sheep no more as we take our republic back!

23122275? ago

Summary: nothing you haven't already seen. Looks like he's just as clueless what to make of Covid19, despite all the ridiculous conspiracy theories floating around here. Remember all the "Do you even know someone who has it?" posts? Like it was all made up lol.

23122311? ago

^this gullible faggot actually believes in the wuhan flu

23136394? ago

Yeah, he probably also believes in a round Earth.

23126300? ago

Won’t You Lick Daddy’s Dirty Asshole Little Girl?

23120039? ago

Gas the FED. Hang THE IRS return to a literal interpretation of the original constitution.

23129144? ago

Zyclon B for want of a better term

23123190? ago

Actually, there really is no reason to collect income tax and no reason to issue government bonds.

23123280? ago

Bless your heart. I agree completely.

23120205? ago

Yes put Nancy Adam.Maxine and AOC in charge of determining the value thereof.

23120036? ago

i get it. there IS no cavalry. we are the cavalry. There is no Q storm. Q is trying to whip up everyone to stand up to the deep state.

23121817? ago

It seemed to me like a final message before they strike

23121612? ago

I disagree. Q is trying to avoid the people being the Storm because its going to get a lot of the people killed.

Q has been getting us ready for when the storm comes, we will support it.

The storm, is going to be a military coup against the current government. Trump is going swoop, arrest half the government, and people who have "congressman" after their name are going to to be strapped into lethal injection chairs.

This is going to culminate in the US Army storming DC, NYC, and several other highly important areas. This is going to climax with infamous politicians being walked out of their homes by soldiers.

Q is letting everybody know what the mission is: Restore the Republic, restore America, restore the ability of the people to rule with free and clear minds. They are is letting patriots know this is NOT a South American junta. This is true patriots taking the country back.

Its letting American's know that this is going to go back to the true Republic when Marital Law is lifted.

23124322? ago

Almost gave me goosebumps.

23128234? ago

I'm vegan- I got rutabaga bumps.

23126318? ago

Arrests or GTFO!

23128715? ago

Eat a shirt

23121088? ago

nah he is not trying to start civil unrest. no violence. he said truths will be known soon.

23120010? ago


23120831? ago

Here, now go do your homework. And mom said the meatloaf is ready. You can come up from the basement now. Oh, and your organic "For Him Tampons" arrived. They are in your fathers room.

Happy March Madness Shills

Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Andrew Gillum Arrested During Meth Orgy in Hotel Room


Clinton's Evil Princess Pal SENTENCED TO 13 YEARS IN PRISON


Saudi Arabia “detains” 298 Government Employee’s on Corruption Charges


US arrests 600 Mexican cartel members in one of the largest ever raids




Obama’s Homeland Security IG Indicted






Harvey Weinstein guilty




DNC Vice Chair Who Called Obama His Big Brother is CAUGHT STEALING FROM TAXPAYERS








Top Aide SENTENCED TO PRISON in BRIBERY PROBE of Ex-Hillary Clinton VP Finalist Picked by Podesta


Democrat Politician ARRESTED for STEALING from Charity for Disabled and Elderly


PANICKING Democrat Politician SENTENCED to PRISON, BEGS Trump for Pardon


Democrat State Senator RESIGNS After FBI RAIDS of Democrats in Chicago


Democrat Mayor BEHIND BARS in Dallas Testifying Against Donor to Gillibrand, Beto, Castro




Mississippi Mayor ARRESTED, Faces 100 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Democrats PANIC as FBI CHARGES Lawmaker & Daughter, Something Strange Happening in Maryland?


FBI CHARGES Democrat Mayor After 'FIRST WAVE OF ARRESTS' for Corruption Investigation in Ohio


Top State Democrat ARRESTED as Trump Attorney ROUNDS UP Corrupt Politicians in Chicago


Brooklyn Supreme Court Judge ARRESTED, Faces 45 YEARS BEHIND BARS


Anti-Trump Intelligence Agent ARRESTED for TOP SECRET Leaks




Democrat Mayor PLEADS GUILTY and RESIGNS for Defrauding Children's Charity


GRAND JURY INDICTS Democrat Council President, FBI Confirms Probe of Democrat Councilman


23121617? ago

Excellent info!!! Thanks, Kip! Subscribed!!!!

23120704? ago

Lead the way

23120236? ago

Ohh my, here we go

23120559? ago

Arrests or gtfo