Five Tons of Chloroquine Sent to Greece from India - The drug will be available in hospitals as early as Friday. The Greek medical industry has already begun its production of chloroquine as well. (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3730951?
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23109902? 4.9 years ago
The leftists and feminist politicians in most formerly white nations, and 5 US states, want DEAD WHITE OLDER CONSERVATIVES!
Its true. The politicians are opposed to the "TrumpCure" or "TrumpPill".
They want DEAD WHITE OLDER VOTERS in michigan as of today!
In michigan a NURSE can honor a DNR order, and by default starting this week , ALL COVID-19 patients on respirators are deemed DNR auto opt-in!
DEATH PANELS using one vote from a minority hire nurse!
Read the proof of existence of the secretive automatic DNR from last night, by this marxist bitch governor! :
DEATH to whitey! A Black Nurse decides if you look "too sick"!
Also.... More proof of Trump Derangement by female politicians ...
The proof is her specifically listing the Trump cure in her gestapo letter from last night :
See? The communist libtard bitch claims "WITHOUT FURTHER PROOF OF EFFICACY FOR TREATMENT of COVID-10", despite countless amazing successful trials reported world wide.
350 jews out of 350 cured totally last saturday, all 350 :
Trumps election promise to allow by default "OFF LABEL" prescriptions is at odds with this communist banning pharmacists from filling prescriptions!
Trump protected "OFF LABEL" but this anti trump bitch wants more dead old white conservatives, to tip michigan blue in 2020
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23109902? ago
The leftists and feminist politicians in most formerly white nations, and 5 US states, want DEAD WHITE OLDER CONSERVATIVES!
Its true. The politicians are opposed to the "TrumpCure" or "TrumpPill".
They want DEAD WHITE OLDER VOTERS in michigan as of today!
In michigan a NURSE can honor a DNR order, and by default starting this week , ALL COVID-19 patients on respirators are deemed DNR auto opt-in!
DEATH PANELS using one vote from a minority hire nurse!
Read the proof of existence of the secretive automatic DNR from last night, by this marxist bitch governor! :
DEATH to whitey! A Black Nurse decides if you look "too sick"!
Also.... More proof of Trump Derangement by female politicians ...
The proof is her specifically listing the Trump cure in her gestapo letter from last night :
See? The communist libtard bitch claims "WITHOUT FURTHER PROOF OF EFFICACY FOR TREATMENT of COVID-10", despite countless amazing successful trials reported world wide.
350 jews out of 350 cured totally last saturday, all 350 :
Trumps election promise to allow by default "OFF LABEL" prescriptions is at odds with this communist banning pharmacists from filling prescriptions!
Trump protected "OFF LABEL" but this anti trump bitch wants more dead old white conservatives, to tip michigan blue in 2020