Does Joe McCarthy have tourettes aspergers? or is he a paid up shill?? Every couple of days he spams up voat and the Q Anon subs with disgusting explicit transexual pornography (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3730598?
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23133637? 4.9 years ago
a spooky gay bitch user named @Fambida /u/Fambida is supporting his spam
23137080? 4.9 years ago
Some soap box guys are ok, some can contribute for example one arty famous guy does guitar but not all soap box are good and many are scum! not sure about drama bitches like JoeMc....well.... He almost ruined a cool community called movies with goats ?? @LettItBurn @madmalloy @TheBuddha ? @1Sorry_SOB @JesusRules
23137129? 4.9 years ago voats 4 goats @crazy_eyes @peacegnome @0xHUEHUEHUEHUE @ThirteenthZodiac ? what is JoeMack
23140421? 4.9 years ago
Why am I mentioned here? What's this about?
23144920? 4.9 years ago
I am as well. I never get mentioned, so maybe just a random list?
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23133637? ago
a spooky gay bitch user named @Fambida /u/Fambida is supporting his spam
23137080? ago
Some soap box guys are ok, some can contribute for example one arty famous guy does guitar but not all soap box are good and many are scum! not sure about drama bitches like JoeMc....well.... He almost ruined a cool community called movies with goats ?? @LettItBurn @madmalloy @TheBuddha ? @1Sorry_SOB @JesusRules
23137129? ago voats 4 goats @crazy_eyes @peacegnome @0xHUEHUEHUEHUE @ThirteenthZodiac ? what is JoeMack
23140421? ago
Why am I mentioned here? What's this about?
23144920? ago
I am as well. I never get mentioned, so maybe just a random list?