Does Joe McCarthy have tourettes aspergers? or is he a paid up shill?? Every couple of days he spams up voat and the Q Anon subs with disgusting explicit transexual pornography (
submitted 4.7 years ago by 3730598?
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23109166? 4.7 years ago
constant spam?
23319670? 4.7 years ago
what the fuck happened?
23319691? 4.7 years ago
He's a fag tranny and a smut merchant just ask @CanIPlay2 @heygeorge @Synxsynxsynx
23324560? 4.7 years ago
What I do?
23133687? 4.7 years ago
ask @Lamp_shade @theoldones @Kenja the name KosherHiveKicker and Katie are his fake alt sock puppet accounts he uses to upvote himself positive karma
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23109166? ago
constant spam?
23319670? ago
what the fuck happened?
23319691? ago
He's a fag tranny and a smut merchant just ask @CanIPlay2 @heygeorge @Synxsynxsynx
23324560? ago
What I do?
23133687? ago
ask @Lamp_shade @theoldones @Kenja the name KosherHiveKicker and Katie are his fake alt sock puppet accounts he uses to upvote himself positive karma