23082582? ago

There's a downplaying kike in the comments. Downplaying is one of the most basic techniques of shilling.

23079113? ago

He was a red herring

Probably alive and living

23078168? ago

Those are mostly low level people compared to who is running these puppets

23077003? ago

He was a kike. Never believe a kike. Roberty Downey Jr? I doubt it.

23076682? ago

Adrenochrome Chemical ID Decoded = COVFEFE = QANON = DORIAN



23075408? ago

I look forward to the day Steven Colbert is arrested.

23075339? ago

i'm just realizing how many people here have no idea what the term "evidence" means. or, what it's not...like...rumor, hearsay, innuendo, libel, slander, and so on.

23073866? ago

Is imgflip safe? We need the techiest anon.

23082553? ago

Safe from what ? Security is an illusion. The mose secure computer is the one that hasn't been manufactured.

23073820? ago

Wow, Why isn't Meathead on that list? Or is he the Grand Dragon?

23073786? ago

The problem with lists like this, other than there being no actual evidence beyond a verbal claim, is that it is clearly very partisan and monsters don't give a fuck about political divides. I don't know if this was supposed to be a full list or not but you'd expect to see a hell of a lot more Red to go with all that Blue if it were complete. I suspect it's probably horseshit.

23076912? ago

Hollywood is pretty much all blue though.

23073777? ago

Joe Biden

23073723? ago

That's at least 30 indictments worth.

23073526? ago

Poor Adam Carolla. Some of his friends on that list.

23073279? ago

Call me naive, but I was kinda hoping that Robert Downey Jr. would not have been on the list. I know Hollywood is ripe with these sick people, but the optimist in me thinks that there are at least a few good ones out there. i.e. Rick Moranis

23073735? ago

He once crawled into his neighbors child's bed after a bender.

23073272? ago

I don't know what to think about Kappy. He was asking money in exchange for names and had a weird parody story going on to start with, everybody rightly called him a "paytriot" and then he appeared a few months later in the news, dead under suspicious circumstances.

23073022? ago

I wonder if all these child rapists attend the same synagogue?

So many Jews!

23073932? ago

I’ll bet they all belong to the same carnivore/cannibal cravings club.

23072943? ago

Missed the scum DeNiro.

23073853? ago

Meathead too. And Baldwin.

23072910? ago

Kiedis ... Red Hot Chili Peppers ... their album Blood Sugar Sex Magik ... right in front of our faces ... I never really liked that band.

23073880? ago

I like the Peppers but yeah, I never really thought about the album title.

How about "Show Me Your Soul"? "I want to know more than your brain...."

23073868? ago

Kiedis said himself he was raped by Cher when he was 13. I wonder who his parents were?

23072960? ago

Look at his 20 year old girlfriend Helena Vestergaard she’s a kid. He’s in his fifties. Not that hard to imagine.

23077132? ago

He was terrible in point break too

23073138? ago

She's not a kid.

She's an adult.

Stop being stupid.

23076125? ago

This doesn’t seem a little off to you? Scratch the fact he’s a rockstar celebrity and just look at him like a normal person. This isn’t normal. It’s not even about age, she looks like a child.

23075117? ago

20 years old, you are still very young at that age to know what the world is about.

25 is when you fully mature.

23076161? ago

Women never know what the world is about. This is a stupid argument.

23075591? ago

Then you're a pedo too, as I am sure you have had sex with someone below the age of 25 at some point in your life.

As mentioned, don't be stupid.

23075195? ago

Maybe now.....previous generations were not brainwashed and actually had a pretty good head on their shoulders by the time they were 20. I lived overseas and traveled throughout Europe and other places very successfully at that age. Nowadays, 20 year olds lick toilet seats and eat soap detergent....so yeah- big generational difference :)

23101567? ago

"Travelling around" the world is no accomplishment of maturity whatsoever, anyone can do it if you got moms and dads money in the bank.

I guess everyone thinks that after 18 you magically have a switch in your brain that goes on and you know everything about the world, how it works and you are fully mature... smh

23101663? ago

You're foolish and stupid and judgemental. I traveled on a scholarship and my OWN money. And yes, Generation X and Boomers were absolutely more mature at 20 than the present generations....if you are one of them, sorry.but you all are undeniably irretrievable......

23073842? ago

But he can’t take her to the bar (legally) so there’s that.

23075296? ago

yeah, he can. she just can't drink.

23072829? ago

No Robert DiNero or Eminem? Hmmm

23072926? ago

Fuck, Eminem is one of them now? Do you have any source for that?

23073404? ago

Q has posted pics of Eminem with Rachel Chandler, FFS

23082303? ago

Q post 1056

23073157? ago

There are pictures of Rachel Chandler with Eminem.

Now that Google is uncensored, you could probably find those pics easily.

23073301? ago

Damn, I listened to Enimen growing up. While I don't care that much for his music anymore, he still had my respect and I would listen to each new album he dropped a couple times through when they came out.

No hard feelings though. A more awake me today recognizes how violent and destructive his music is, even if listening to it every now and then was still a guilty pleasure.

Let all the pedophiles and corrupt bastards burn.

23073728? ago

Lost respect for him when he did a horrible Trump hate rap that made it seem like all talent had been depleted years ago.

23073816? ago

I had not seen that before, but I looked it up just now.

Even with that, I would still have respect for Eminem if he were not apparently linked to the pedophile baby eating cabal. Artists tend to be liberal and I can forgive them that if they have talent. I don't listen to them for the political views and anyone who does is an idiot.

But I can not forgive the rape and torture of children.

23077018? ago

I would still have respect for Eminem if he were not apparently linked to the pedophile baby eating cabal.

It shouldn't be news that "Slim Shady" isn't a good guy. He's been throwing shit out there for years in his song lyrics. Who was talking about the "new world order" like 20 years ago? Well, Eminem was (look up "Lose Yourself" lyrics).

23077225? ago

Saying "new world order" once in a song does not make him evil in and of itself.

But yea I recognize that his lyrics is violent and destructive. Listening to him on occasion was a guilty pleasure. It still saddens me to hear that he may be connected with the evil in this world.

23078108? ago

Saying "new world order" once in a song

The whole song is about selling out. Here's a couple of snippets.

If you had one shot, or one opportunity

To seize everything you ever wanted

One moment

Would you capture it or just let it slip?


The soul's escaping, through this hole that is gaping

This world is mine for the taking

Make me king, as we move toward a new world order

A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortem

23078217? ago

Yeah I can see your point. But this perspective is not one I had when I first listened to him at around 12 years old.

23072710? ago

Proof Kappy was killed? You don't have it.

When he first tried to grift r/GreatAwakening with his request for $100k, I was first to call him out. He was in a bad place and was getting no work during his narcissistic pity party while flopping on his drug buddies couches and sponging off them.

The minute we started telling him to spill the beans, he came up with a story that he needed a camera crew, an entourage, a security detail, a vehicle and cash on hand for whatever. Then he disappeared for 2 years.

Depression is a motherfucker. It probably didn't help that Kappy more than likely did unsavory things for what little Hollywood work he had. I wholly believe his character from Beer Fest. That bridge he worked under wasn't too far from the one he jumped from.

23072415? ago

He released names, but no proof to match his claims. That makes the info pretty much useless.

23120061? ago

Naming names is far from useless. It tells law enforcement who to investigate next. The problem we've had is that law enforcement has been protecting the criminals. That has changed.

23121980? ago

It wasn't Kappy that changed LEO's behavior. No one believes he accomplished anything, except drawing ridicule to the movement.

23079379? ago

He repeatedly said, "If I'm lying, just sue me then."

No one ever sued him. Instead he ended up dead.

23079419? ago

I know. He said a lot of things. He committed suicide, so we'll never know, if he ever would have come across actual evidence.

23079756? ago

My point (and his) was that Spielberg and whoever else could simply sue him for libel. Yet they never did. The "suicide" wasn't until months later. The implication is that none of the accused would dare to sue him because then they would have to give testimony under oath, answer interrogatories, submit to document discovery, etc.

Why didn't any of the accused simply sue Kappy when he "libeled" them? They certainly had enough lawyers/funds to do so.

23079900? ago

Because he was a gnat of importance in their eyes, and if they sued him, the stories would spread into the mainstream. Again, he was nothing to them.

23076623? ago

He released names, but no proof to match his claims. That makes the info pretty much useless.

I agree

For Those Not Familiar With Presumption Of Innocence

This is your reminder that all are considered innocent unless proven guilty. This is according to the Laws in most countries.

If you claim that other people are guilty without an official court statement that they really are, you risk to expose yourself to:

  • An expensive libel lawsuit against you slandering other people. Read more.
  • Make a fool of yourself. Because someone with immature behaviors fooled you into believing FAKE information (disinformation). Which could be discredited to make you look bad and hurt your reputation. Keep in mind that in the future the person targeted by the slender may in fact be proven to be with mature behaviors, and or a Patriot like you.
  • Look & feel to others as a person who is member of a religious cult, with crazy behaviors, with paranoid behaviors
  • Censorship, Block account, Arrest, Prison

Your Vote Matters


23077113? ago


23075116? ago

did sarah ruth ashcroft release proof?

23075454? ago

Nope. She could go civil lawsuit, as those in Australia, and Canada are doing. So, my jury is out on her case.

23075085? ago

Proof is in the pudding...

Lowest hanging fruit being Seth Green.

Kappy would often repeat in his livestreams: If I'm lying about Seth Green, why isn't he publicly denying my claims, or coming after me?

It's known they were friends, and both are fairly famous, yet Seth Green just ghosted Kappy and pretended that he wasn't being called a pedo.

Why not deny it or sue Kappy if it weren't true?

23075555? ago

Because I think he was a victim, and not a victimizer. Many victims have weird fetishes, but are not criminals. He's always appeared "feeble" to me; even when he plays a role in something. The weakness seems to shine through in what he's doing. It didn't surprise me to read that he enjoyed infantile sexual play with his wife.

23076353? ago

Kappy is a jew.

Jews are not victims. These are children of satan. You miggt occasionally get them to turn on each other, rarely, but do not confuse yourself.

Jews are born evil, for evil, and will die evil.

23076564? ago

You're in the wrong thread. No one here said Kappy was a victim.

23073833? ago

He's dead. I'd call that proof.

23075468? ago

He committed suicide.

23079137? ago

But did he really?

23079426? ago


23076361? ago

And you suck jew cock which leads you to believe all kinds of stupid naaive bullshit.

23076549? ago

Ahhh, a rocket scientist! Can you post a link to that?

23073466? ago

The list is pretty obvious anyway, except for Seth Green, personally I think he would be way more famous if he was one of them.

23073525? ago

I think Seth Green could possibly have a weird fetish, due to being a victim, if you know what I mean.

23073232? ago

I want to see a pic of him dead to believe that he wasn't, himself, an op. If he was trying to be a credible whistleblower he failed. I got the impression he was an op to make our movement look dumb.

23073550? ago

I leaned this direction too. He made people appear crazy, that were seriously trying to protect children. He and Crokin were obstacles to get around.

23072480? ago

Read through the names listed. It is a who's-who of trump hating luciferians.

23077384? ago

So what value is it tlo point out what we all can see clearly? Dude is most likely not dead, and not a real whistleblower.

23075543? ago

That was my first thought OP

23073892? ago

Plus he's....dead. I'd say that was pretty good proof.

23073604? ago

Totally agree and I don't think any of us here are about to leap out and defend any of these people, BUT, think about it... we all essentially knew their names and would have called them satanic pedos prior to Kappy. He could have just been among us and thought the same thing without having any sort of hard evidence that we don't have.

However, I believe Kappy was killed and the photos of the little girls in the Turkish style bath house creeps me out to no end and were for sure his dead man switch. RIP.

23072608? ago

I read through the names. Because they're Trump haters, doesn't make them luciferians, or child rapists. That's why we don't get any traction on this stuff. You can't paint people with the rapist's brush when you have no evidence. I have suspicions about people that aren't on that list, but would never post them here, because most people aren't doing any research, just accusing.

23076293? ago



The list is full of jews

All jews are evil

23075761? ago

You can't paint people with the rapist's brush when you have no evidence.

Funny, the media paints white people with every ugly brush all day long and people seem to believe it.

I have suspicions about people that aren't on that list, but would never post them here, because most people aren't doing any research, just accusing.

This is why it's GOOD to post and talk about it. The problem is that people might have their minds made up - but ideally, by posting and talking about it, you can keep other people's eyes open to corrobating evidence or evidence that would otherwise lead to the "exoneration" of said peoples from wild claims.

We have no evidence, we need to gather evidence - whether it refutes the narrative or strengthens it.

Have to start somewhere unfortunately.

I understand your comment fully, and agree that rabidly throwing red paint everywhere isn't good, but the people on this list have been theorized long before this meme was posted here today... Still other names appearing in this meme were exposed in the wikileaks.

Anyone connected to those exposed is suspect by association.

Let the investigation continue!

23075882? ago

Years ago, I started looking into this stuff. Ramsey, Gosch, and Boys Town help get a feel for how these monsters operate. If a person can remove the emotion, and see how they operate, you can almost pick them out on the street. They're very methodical. No doubt Hellywood has an MO. Everything mentioned here, and more, IS connected to our political system, and back to the monsters. It's a network. A very sophisticated network.

To protect your own families, be sure to approach anyone that is taking pics in the neighborhood, even if they appear to be surveyors.

23073865? ago

Everyone who hates Trump is evil.

23072854? ago

I have suspicions of people I have met over the years and they have no connection to Hollywood, Washington DC or corprat America ….we always need real proof not an accusation...

23073039? ago

Yes!! I have a personal story on this. When the police had the perp, with a nailed down prosecutable case, they said it would be better not to press charges. We tried, but they wouldn't take the case to the courts. We're not just fighting Hellywood and Depraved DC, but law enforcement, as well.

We need something that will be more than a Crokin/Kappy accusation.

23075286? ago

my read on crokin is that she believes any acusation abd does not think criticaly on it. her heart is in the right place but she would repeat any story given to her. Kappy I believe was telling the world what he thought they wanted to hear.....I think he had some real knowledge of those involved but would give names that he saw on the internet also because he was trying to please people.

23075507? ago

I agree with part of this assessment. I think she is a fame whore. Everything that happens in life is a HUGE drama. I had to stop watching her, because she made herself the story in every video. I don't think she can help herself.

23075689? ago

suggestion watch the random rants of Ryan on youtube. he does real research into this area and is a critical thinker.

23075711? ago

Thank you! I will check him out. I appreciate the head's up.

23075647? ago


23073205? ago

Secret societies, was probably a Mason being protected by fellow masons

23072460? ago

Still good to have an idea of who we are working with. Who to dig information on.

23072562? ago

Well, it can be done over and over, but these people don't commit acts in broad daylight. These people have been looked at many times, and no doubt, the innocent have been branded with the same brush as the guilty.

At this point, it's necessary for victims to come forward, and start naming their rapists. I don't see that happening for a good long time.

I haven't stopped watching the ones that show signs of being sick, but Kappy and Crokin really weren't good at investigating this stuff. Too many rumors turned off a lot of people. We can't get any convictions with what they reported.

23076332? ago

All of those faces youre seeing on youtube are pretty much gonna let you down

Hate ta break it to you. All your super duper pollys, croakins, preying medics etc.. all are plants that wont name the jew

23076651? ago

all are plants that wont name the jew

I disagree

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23082265? ago


How you've been ? Welcome back !

23076584? ago

I didn't get any of MY facts from YT. You're replying to the wrong person.

23083350? ago

Yes, you did.

23086096? ago

You're wrong. You probably need to read more books.

23073803? ago

Sara Ruth Ashcroft has named names.

23075566? ago

Yes. So did Kappy.