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23059596? ago

You think they got the goods on hin, and he is sending messages to the DS?

23060414? ago

Yeah because he can’t make a phone call afterwards. This thread is absurd.

23060473? ago

you right, no one is listing to any of us...

23060841? ago

us signal messenger. Problem solved. End to end encryption.

23061164? ago

Compromised long ago.

23061817? ago

so, they can't use the latest encryption or any other number of techniques because it's "compromised" but they can use some stupid "masonic signs" that apparently any dumbass anon can decode...

JFC...think logically people this is dumb.

23062280? ago

I am not a dumb ass Anon I'll have you know: >

Start here if you want to learn something: >


This is a complex and sophisticated coded language I'll have you know, and it's worth your time learning it.


23062823? ago

Your "decodes" are garbage...great examples of apophenia. This post is a great example...there's no "language"'s just a bored guy scratching his neck.

The place is dumber for having you around.

23063090? ago

Boy, I sure must scare you, for you to be gaslighting everyone one here like this.

Try harder Faggot.

23063144? ago

The only one gas lighting people here is you by trying to convince them a respected doctor who was appointed by POTUS is making "secret hand gestures" during a press conference for reasons that don't make sense.

He could just contact them in many ways that would be easier and more secret. The fact that some rando on the internet would pick up on it shows why they wouldn't use it.

23063224? ago

I was not the one who posted that, nor have I made even a single post related to Dr. Fauci's alleged secret hand signs.

So fuck off you cunt.