When You Pray Ask God to Destroy Freemasonry (QRV)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3715858?
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22985319? 4.9 years ago
You are so blind... what is the foundation of freemasonry? Catholics church? Islam? Judaism? Mormonism? Rarlianism?
That, my friend is the "root"...
Can you tell me? I have infiltrated and studied all religions for 20 y EArs ...
The higher orders,
I, my friend have the keys
23338797? 4.9 years ago
looks like another blackmail butt fucking old boys club for the elite, things seem to have really gone to shit when the witches and hoodrat nergoids joined? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3755674/23319425
23342275? 4.9 years ago
They can use anything for black mail. However, the magic systems have a purpose. The mystagogue would be the one to show you the WAY(road, hodos,tao)
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22985319? ago
You are so blind... what is the foundation of freemasonry? Catholics church? Islam? Judaism? Mormonism? Rarlianism?
That, my friend is the "root"...
Can you tell me? I have infiltrated and studied all religions for 20 y EArs ...
The higher orders,
I, my friend have the keys
23338797? ago
looks like another blackmail butt fucking old boys club for the elite, things seem to have really gone to shit when the witches and hoodrat nergoids joined? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3755674/23319425
23342275? ago
They can use anything for black mail. However, the magic systems have a purpose. The mystagogue would be the one to show you the WAY(road, hodos,tao)