With 10 days of potentially no internet I'd like to create a one-stop-dump for videos and articles of interesting reads. Share whatever you have. (QRV)
submitted 4.8 years ago by 3706712?
I also plan on rewatching all 27 episodes of the greatest story never told.
Might even watch it with the family.
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22909032? 4.8 years ago
Anywhere to get a large dump of every Q post ?
22909307? 4.8 years ago
You'll want to make sure that you have winrar or 7-zip to open them.
22909460? 4.8 years ago
Perfect timing, thanks for linking my op here!
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22909032? ago
Anywhere to get a large dump of every Q post ?
22909307? ago
You'll want to make sure that you have winrar or 7-zip to open them.
22909460? ago
Perfect timing, thanks for linking my op here!