Locked in with films and books?? Movies to watch, video games to play tv shows to see, books to read during the Cornoa Apocalypse? (invidio.us)
submitted 5 years ago by 3706397?
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22906319? 5 years ago
Learn about the sun worshipers who are running things.
23140555? 4.9 years ago
the Western?
1. Firefly tv pilot or Serenity movie
2. Unforgiven
3. Outland 1981
4. Escape from New York
5. Korean good the bad the weird
6. Sundown The Vampire in Retreat
7. Back to the Future Part III
8. Good, the Bad and the Ugly epic Spaghetti Western film trilogies directed by Sergio Leone
.... https://voat.co/v/movies/3734466/23137584
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22906319? ago
Learn about the sun worshipers who are running things.
23140555? ago
the Western?
1. Firefly tv pilot or Serenity movie
2. Unforgiven
3. Outland 1981
4. Escape from New York
5. Korean good the bad the weird
6. Sundown The Vampire in Retreat
7. Back to the Future Part III
8. Good, the Bad and the Ugly epic Spaghetti Western film trilogies directed by Sergio Leone
.... https://voat.co/v/movies/3734466/23137584