Locked in with films and books?? Movies to watch, video games to play tv shows to see, books to read during the Cornoa Apocalypse? (invidio.us)
submitted 5 years ago by 3706397?
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22905945? 5 years ago
TV Shows -
Poldark from Masterpiece Theater is good. Brit soldier returns home after losing the Revolutionary War and tries to return to normal.
MR Selfridge is good until the last season. Rich, enthusiastic American tries to open a luxury department story in London in the 1940's.
Blue Bloods - very good and mostly moral episodes. Nice pro-family vibe. NYPD police/family drama
Corner Gas - very silly Canadian 1/2 hour sitcom show with some very funny episodes pretty wholesome
Orphan Black - very interesting adventure/drama show esp the first few seasons. Same actress plays many characters.
Broadchurch - british tv show with continuous plot. Very well done
The Last Post - Very interesting storyline about officers and their wives who are posted in the Middle East
Our Girl - Very well done British propaganda tv series about a young british floozy who turns her life around by joining the Army.
Red Rock - Really good Irish 1/2 hour tv show about a Dublin police dept. Great characters and a meandering storyline. Tons of episodes.
Suits - Another lawyer show with Satanic 'do what thou wilt' attitudes, and features Megan Markle. Pretty good first few seasons.
22908029? 5 years ago
read voat? The Rockefeller foundations control $150 billion in 'charity' funds that they are using to promote the Muslim terrorists.
The United Nations Counterterrorism Centre was founded by Saudi Arabia in 2011.
22910842? 5 years ago
? your reply doesn't seem to have anything to do with my comment.
22913256? 5 years ago
just saying red pill black pill white pill posts on voat as good as any documentary or books?
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22905945? ago
TV Shows -
Poldark from Masterpiece Theater is good. Brit soldier returns home after losing the Revolutionary War and tries to return to normal.
MR Selfridge is good until the last season. Rich, enthusiastic American tries to open a luxury department story in London in the 1940's.
Blue Bloods - very good and mostly moral episodes. Nice pro-family vibe. NYPD police/family drama
Corner Gas - very silly Canadian 1/2 hour sitcom show with some very funny episodes pretty wholesome
Orphan Black - very interesting adventure/drama show esp the first few seasons. Same actress plays many characters.
Broadchurch - british tv show with continuous plot. Very well done
The Last Post - Very interesting storyline about officers and their wives who are posted in the Middle East
Our Girl - Very well done British propaganda tv series about a young british floozy who turns her life around by joining the Army.
Red Rock - Really good Irish 1/2 hour tv show about a Dublin police dept. Great characters and a meandering storyline. Tons of episodes.
Suits - Another lawyer show with Satanic 'do what thou wilt' attitudes, and features Megan Markle. Pretty good first few seasons.
22908029? ago
read voat? The Rockefeller foundations control $150 billion in 'charity' funds that they are using to promote the Muslim terrorists.
The United Nations Counterterrorism Centre was founded by Saudi Arabia in 2011.
22910842? ago
? your reply doesn't seem to have anything to do with my comment.
22913256? ago
just saying red pill black pill white pill posts on voat as good as any documentary or books?