Feminists, the Vatican, the Masonic Shriners the Eastern Star branch and Jews all had a perverted agenda....4th Feminism changed the West to a Matriarchy? (catbox.moe)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3691913?
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22785716? 4.9 years ago
Women are in no way equal to men, the more we allow women to pretend to be leaders (ha, even in their own lives) the further the world gets inverted.
22785752? 4.9 years ago
What Are Your Arguments Against MGTOW? https://voat.co/v/mgtow/3638791/22358034 MGTOW is a genetic dead end to your family lineage and is therefor counterintuitive to your biological instincts to procreate and build a family.
22786668? 4.9 years ago
Its jewish niggerfication of white men.
22785886? 4.9 years ago
What Are Your Arguments Against MGTOW?
MGTOW is a genetic dead end to your family lineage and is therefor counterintuitive to your biological instincts to procreate and build a family.
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22785716? ago
Women are in no way equal to men, the more we allow women to pretend to be leaders (ha, even in their own lives) the further the world gets inverted.
22785752? ago
What Are Your Arguments Against MGTOW? https://voat.co/v/mgtow/3638791/22358034 MGTOW is a genetic dead end to your family lineage and is therefor counterintuitive to your biological instincts to procreate and build a family.
22786668? ago
Its jewish niggerfication of white men.
22785886? ago
MGTOW is a genetic dead end to your family lineage and is therefor counterintuitive to your biological instincts to procreate and build a family.