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22700943? ago

Mikaela Spielberg was about a year old when she adopted. She was the child of one of the most powerful people in Hollywood yet still suffered horrific abuse “outside the family”. Spielberg is “supportive” of this wacked-out way of healing herself. In Realville USA, this is disgusting that supposedly the parental guardians didn’t know and is child neglect at a minimum. Spielberg & wife should be having to vigorously defend their parenting during her childhood. Crickets.

22709565? ago

22727895? ago

Thanks for the link. Very sad about the past abuse shared in comments on this thread, but Speilberg and his wife don't get a pass on missing that their child suffered years of abuse from "monsters". If it were at all possible that they just "missed it" somehow, they should be throwing all their power and money into working to end this type of horrific abuse of children. Looks to me like he's just doing damage control because he's part of it all.