Which major culture/civilisation would you say is the most vehemently antithetical to the West? (theapricity.com)
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3658017?
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22510176? 4.9 years ago
Jewish Culture
22816378? 4.8 years ago
Jew Israel Terror Privilage? men pose as press, but in reality Mossad agents, arrested inside Mexican congress October 10, 2001 armed with pistols, 9 grenades, explosives detonators, but released? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3682550
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22510176? ago
Jewish Culture
22816378? ago
Jew Israel Terror Privilage? men pose as press, but in reality Mossad agents, arrested inside Mexican congress October 10, 2001 armed with pistols, 9 grenades, explosives detonators, but released? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3682550