22504981? ago

nice catch!

22499642? ago

Yall are retarded.

22497998? ago

How about it is a countdown of HRC clones remaining?

22497253? ago

I have no idea what the hell this post about. Next time you bother to post explain more clearly what you are talking about or don't waste our time you retarded jackoff!!!

22504395? ago

Strange that the 100 other people who commented before you had no problem at all. Now, who's the retard?

22496104? ago

pretty easy to decode. the difference between the day and dots are squares.

5:5 marks the beginning of the pattern:

5 dots on 6th = 1

4 dots on 8th = 4 (4+4=8)

3 dots on 12th = 9 (3+9=12)

2 dots on 18th will equal 16 (2+16=18)

1 dot on 26th will equal 25 (1+25=26)

0 dots? ummm, March 7th?

22495712? ago

Will the next drop with "The silent war continue" be on February 20th?

5th, 6th, 8th, 12th..........20th? 1, 2, 4.........8?

22496270? ago

This could also be correct.

22495481? ago


22494791? ago

There is no 5.

22497469? ago

Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch? "5 is right out!"

22494341? ago

John Podesta goes down first, So let it be written, so let it be done.... somebody datefag some numerals... Hillary was detained, Podesta arrested first. Please God, make it biblical for Seth Riches' sake

22494332? ago


22494253? ago

My guess on the reason the secret service gave Hillary the code name of Evergreen is because of her perpetul jealousy due to her filandering hubby Bill.

22494029? ago


5:5 to Q drops 43 and its mirror 34, which are both related.

22493999? ago

The final countdown...

22493971? ago

Q either names the J, or shuts the fuck up.

22493751? ago

What about 3774!?


22493655? ago

Why can't I hold all these indictments?

22493651? ago

Did anyone else notice that the dates between the drops are doubled? 5th to 6th = 1, 6th to 8th = 2, 8th to 12th = 4. So 8 days from now would be 2/20. Be interesting to see the drops on that day, if any.

22497443? ago

kek, great minds! Posted it "above" (I read sorted via "Old" so things make a bit more sense in terms of chronology), it's short so will repeat:

I just pulled up a calendar and tried to do some extrapolation. Yeah, yeah, I should really just pass over these opportunities, but bear with me for a little humor.

Feb 5: 5; +1 day=

Feb 6: 5; +2 days=

Feb 8: 4; +4 days=

Feb 12: 3. Currently the end. Below is speculation, that the time between continues to double.

Feb 12: 3; +8 days=

Feb 20: 2; +16 days=

Mar 7: 1; +32 days=

Apr 8: 0. This date is Passover. Interdasting!

22495792? ago

You posted this long before I did but I just didn't see your post. Didn't mean to be repetitive.

Yes, I saw that. I have a tendency to look for patterns in everything.

22497086? ago

It’s all good.

22493594? ago

Pattern doesn't hold up.

3774 had one dot on 12-29-19

3825 had five dots on 2-5-2020

3837 had five dots on 2-6-2020

If it's a pattern it's recent.

22493345? ago

2 3 4 5:5

22493006? ago

Great post. Good eyes.

22492777? ago

Good eye

22492762? ago



It is all Political Theater and Controlled Opposition

22492749? ago

where are you deriving the numbers from?

22492774? ago

The number of periods making up the ellipses.

22492805? ago

ohhhhh. yes. thank you. i went and put my glasses on. interdasting!

22492707? ago

About six weeks ago, China was reporting on the first 41 cases of confirmed #coronavirus in that country. Singapore and Hong Kong have now each hit 50 cases. Modeling suggests that the time from first introduction to epidemic spread is about 10 weeks.

10 weeks

Speaking of countdowns.

22492663? ago

A countdown that starts at one million. lol

22492656? ago

And there were 56 exclamation points which meant nothing.

22492548? ago

H.R.5543 - No War Against Iran Act. Probably nothing. https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/5543

22492348? ago

I decoded it: There will be no arrests coming next week again! Rinse, repeat you stupid Qtarded honkies

22492737? ago

Warning: shill detected

(What are you even doing on this board? Go somewhere else!)

22492277? ago

In broadcasting, the TWO is silent and the ONE becomes a pointing finger.

22496332? ago

Like the point Schumer did in the video in drop 3859??

22492242? ago



22492223? ago

Radio check: short count to follow..... 5 .....5....4...3

By the time 1 is spoken you are expected to be fully tuned in.

22492172? ago

You know jews control America.

22492137? ago

Good Find!!! Wonder what comes when it gets to .

22492672? ago

You get a free burger.

22491917? ago


22491851? ago

Why two 5s?

22492007? ago


22491733? ago

Due to my vast experience of LARPing and Date Fagging, I m confident to say this will lead to nothing.

22493330? ago

Look at all the down voats you got.

A prediction , of a prediction never comes to fruition.

We are all holding out hope at the end of the day - no matter who we are.

22493365? ago

People see something and say something. What's wrong with that ?

22493765? ago


22493354? ago

You should look at the upvoates i got too... that's some 12th degree confirmation bias you have right there lol

22496232? ago

I’ve found there is no sense in being optimistic around here.

22496284? ago

I don't care anyone anytime anyhow being optimistic or pessimistic. It doesn't matter shit how someone feels.

I care only about being realistic, which is lacking here.

22493182? ago

Everyone forgets past datefagging so quickly.

What were your favorite failed predictions that everyone forgot about? Mine was the EMS test.it

22493259? ago

There were just too many, my fav was indictment 2019

22493291? ago

Classic, instant classic.

22492859? ago

Dibs on the dick sucking if wrong

22492746? ago

shill detected, go somewhere else if you hate trump, q, and america

22494263? ago

That's just it, faggot. I love trump and america. I want this shit to be true, it just, well, isn't. q can go suck his own dick.

22494489? ago

If you don't think Q is real then why are you wasting your time here on a Q board and trying so hard to convince everyone it's fake? Because you're a shill, that's why. Truth is simple.


22492995? ago

It's a fair thought, hopium-addict

22493423? ago

Then go share it on a board you don't hate. If you hate Q, let me ask "What the fuck are you doing here?"

(Guys guys it's nothing! Q is a Larp Lolol! Pls listen! Grrrrr I hate Q but I stay here on purpose so I can keep telling people I don't believe in Q!!)


22494699? ago

I do follow Q. But datefagging is a word for a reason.

22494721? ago

No you don't.

22493554? ago

To redpill you, kiddo.

22494407? ago

The irony is that you're the one who needs redpilling.

22493596? ago

Shill: I hate Q so I'm going to intentionally go out of my way to go to places where people like Q and hang out there like a mosquito telling them that Q is a Larp or a troll, wow I'm so useful to the satanic globalist deep state trying to blue pill everyone! Go back to sleep!

Real person: Calls out shill




22493545? ago

Wow, Q followers need a sAfe sPAcE now ???

22495404? ago

America is our safe place...your efforts to take it from us will fail...

22496119? ago

America belongs to Mexicans, get out !

22493610? ago

The fact you don't like Q but choose to shit here, is proof that this is not where you eat.

Shill: I hate Q so I'm going to intentionally go out of my way to go to places where people like Q and hang out there like a mosquito telling them that Q is a Larp or a troll, wow I'm so useful to the satanic globalist deep state trying to blue pill everyone! Go back to sleep!

Real person: Calls out shill




22493632? ago

"anyone doesn't agree with me is a shill" - that's how communists think. Look what Q have turned you into.

But I understand you, it takes time to wake up. I was a Qultist like you are, but I think logic and think for myself and I woke up to Q's BS.

You will too one day. Q doesn't do a very good job keeping its promises.

22493658? ago

"anyone doesn't agree with me is a shill" - that's how communists think.

Okay shill

"anyone doesn't agree with me is a Q" - that's how Q's think.

Two can play at this game you salty two faced hypocrite shill agent!

22492743? ago

Good luck getting that into their thick skulls.

22493566? ago

Need some hardworking but it works. I was one of them myself before QRV redpilled me.

22491948? ago


22492757? ago

shill detected! go somewhere else if you hate trump, q, and america!

22493202? ago

^^ This is how ^^ the SBBH fags post now ^^^ to sow discord.

Non-communists would capitalize the words correctly.

22493406? ago

"Hey you didn't capitalize the start of your sentence! Therefor you must be a shill sowing discord and everything you said and warned people about should be ignored!"

Absolutely disgusting shill! shame on you.

22493579? ago

Fuck off, clamhurt, we're on to you.

22493642? ago

Ah... another semantic stop sign buzzword to shut down discussion.

shill: Oh fuck! They're on to me! I know! I will accuse them of being someone else! hah! that will shut them up!

Was that supposed to be some kind of defense mechanism designed to make me look bad somehow? Because it doesn't. You know what would? An intelligent response addressing the factual content of my post. But that isn't possible, because everything I said is true and you know it.

But you don't like hearing it, so you react by name calling or using semantic stop-sign themed buzzwords in an attempt to pathetically censor any logical debate or discussion or response that could have possibly come out from all of this, because ''it is logic itself, that is feared by the illogical''.

''It is truth itself, that is feared by those who are untrue''

22493672? ago

That's a lot of words. Fingered you on the first time, did I?

22493693? ago

Deflect, Evade, Misdirect, Project!

really sick of your bullshit, and everyone can see you squirming in your deception!

22491644? ago

Are we at 3 or somethin? tsss

22491634? ago

5 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't know what that means but it does ha.

22495021? ago

How can you have a movement of truth relie on lies?

Here is Q post #1:

HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run.

Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am.

Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur.


On this first Q post, Q was saying Hillary will be arrest in a manner of hours or days.

When someone question on why it didn't happened (meaning this is a lie), they are told "Disinfo is necessary".

  • But how can you fight darkness with lies? (Lies are a creation of Evil.)
  • Does that mean that it is impossible to fight darkness/Evil with Truth? (This would mean lies are stronger than Truth)

22497833? ago

Mama? Why my teef so cold?

22497130? ago

Future proves the past!

22495814? ago

Don't you imagine that it's likely to be yet another "future proves past" moment?

I'm guessing you don't understand, so: Q posts about events before they occur. Sometimes years, but often on or around the very same day. Then we meme about it to draw attention to the fact we knew it was coming.

Did Q mention the year that this event would occur in post #1? No, he does not. I'm personally hoping its December 2020, right after the election. We've all year for this crescendo to build.

Look at the pace thats building already.

That's definitely panic i can smell.

22495462? ago

You haven't studied the drops. Superficial effort leads to misunderstanding. Was there a year mentioned? Q's drops are not sequential. There are deltas of one and two years that match up. Weeks out from 2016 election, he gave us the 53-47 predicition on the outcome of the Senate. He predicted Brexit's final date with precision. None of these things were obvious before the fact. Why would he tell the adversary what he knows? He codes it in such a way that we find out after the fact.

Watch this year 10/31, 11/3-11/4 for big arrests--HRC, Podesta--right after the election. The S is going to HTF.

22495493? ago

Again the cult shaming tactic, how pratical.

22496531? ago

Why are you here? You’re like a fag trying to squeeze into a titty convention

22495634? ago

Kiss off, shill. If you are a doubter, you are excess baggage.

A barking dog that nips at the heels of patriots on the march.

Sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Any more metaphors I can use?

22497281? ago

All hat and no cattle.

22495363? ago

Oh, shut up!

22495387? ago

Your probably talking to Q.lown right?

22496538? ago


22495253? ago

"10/30" - Which year? We've seen several examples of 1 and 2 year deltas for posts that seem strangely prescient in hindsight.

And before you say 2017, please note that it is the quoted poster who says 2017 not Q. Q only gives a day and month and does not specify an arrest like the quoted poster.

Future (will) prove past.

22495247? ago

You need to separate religion.

Q did NOT say HRC would be arrested with any time frame.

In fact that word arrested is no where in there.

22495292? ago

Q did NOT say HRC would be arrested

Right, LMAO!

22496546? ago

Still fagging on

22493585? ago

Don't know if this means anything either but there is an i missing in one of the 2 "definition" words in today's post..

"Non-standard defintion."

The lines are drawn.


Define Renegade [Hussein USSS code name].

Standard definition.

Define Evergreen [HRC USSS code name]

Non-standard defintion.

Think depopulation.

The Silent War continues…


22497445? ago

That word is misspelled the same in some of the wikileaks emails having to do witha and HRC. Ill try to find the post on 8kun.

22497264? ago


22496461? ago

I = immortality / evergreen?

22506430? ago

Evergreen is linked to an airline out of Oregon and Arizona... chemtrails

22508303? ago

Saw that now, maybe anytime there’s a missing I it is a reference that (lack of) intelligence is involved

22493105? ago

And the 17th letter of the alphabet is? 17=?

22491608? ago

Silent war, no longer becomes silent!?

22491583? ago

Countdown to D-day?

22491516? ago

They have 5 on there twice, why?

22491559? ago


22491601? ago

This person Q’s!

22491463? ago


22491396? ago

Nice catch!!!

22491373? ago

and also the pic Q posted today has a date as an image name

22492526? ago

GA2.21. ?

22497248? ago

Also backwards someone else shared 122AG, "one Bill Barr Attorney General" (or "a" for the "one"), I really liked that. Also really like that I remember it. Something seems to have changed today relating to the concussions. More later. God bless.

22500939? ago

I don’t have a fucking clue as to what you’re talking about with Barr.

22503170? ago

Sorry I compressed it. Someone else had said "think mirror" and reversed the photo's filename: from GA2.21. to .12.2AG, then ignored the periods, and using letter/number replacement (i.e., 17=Q), the "2"s become "B"s, making "Bill Barr", the "AG" for "Attorney General" and then the "1" could be either noting that he's singular "one"; or, convert to letter "a" to indicate he's in the current role at the time.


22493897? ago

Inauguration is 1/19/21

Maybe 2/2021

I know I'm moving the goalpost but think for yourself

22496830? ago

No. It will be 22021 days after Trump dies naturally of old age.

22492541? ago

Great Awakening 2/21

22491353? ago

.... 2, 1, 0, BOOM SHAKALAKA ?

22497367? ago

I just pulled up a calendar and tried to do some extrapolation. Yeah, yeah, I should really just pass over these opportunities, but bear with me for a little humor.

Feb 5: 5; +1 day=

Feb 6: 5; +2 days=

Feb 8: 4; +4 days=

Feb 12: 3. Currently the end. Below is speculation, that the time between continues to double.

Feb 12: 3; +8 days=

Feb 20: 2; +16 days=

Mar 7: 1; +32 days=

Apr 8: 0. This date is Passover. Interdasting!

22491975? ago

No at zero we all take off our clothes and start the orgy.

22492842? ago

faggot detected^

22499099? ago

Don't worry, just don't let the balls touch.

22504738? ago


22491566? ago

BOOM 💣💥🍿