22494767? ago

I analyzed this earlier today, the .txt link that is, didn't know there was a .html. I just saved it locally and renamed to end in ".html" then double-clicked and opened in a browser. It appears to contain compressed PDFs at the end (well, starting around 20% of the way through that one; the end of the .html link in the OP which is shorter, ends with the table of contents).

Let me find it... Here it is, linking as it's long: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3655456/22492506

22495982? ago

Thanks! Great analysis.

22491841? ago

Anyone able to post what is in the images (There are 8 graphics) at the bottom of this HSBC "FREE WRITING PROSPECTUS" filing and/or can clean up the coding? Any S&E or Stock Analysts who can shed some light on this?


A free writing prospectus is a supplement to the formal prospectus required by the Securities and Exchange Commission. It may contain additional information about the business offering the security or additional information about the offering itself.

22491990? ago

Where's Rudy when I need him? LOL

I'm guessing this has to do with money laundering and/or fraud.

More criminal activity perpetrated by the treasonous traitors who so many still adore.

22490855? ago

Wasn’t evergreen a container company that the white hats forced out of Long Beach CA? Or some such thing. These container cos from China are a part of trafficking and who knows what their evil dealings (bio weapons?). HRC was at the center of this.

22491492? ago

Yes, I believe it was.

We also have this Q post referring to "Evergreen" :


Photo of "Evergreen" (USS HRC Codename) at Hyatt Regency Chongqing Hotel (H-R-C)



29 Nov 2018 - 5:49:55 AM



We know.


And these:


Dig: Why is Jake Tapper Calling Out "Evergreen" -- the US Secret Service Codename for Hillary?



18 Jul 2019 - 6:17:05 PM


Explore further.



Q has All the Secret Comms



26 Apr 2018 - 10:01:50 PM


26 Apr 2018 - 9:50:10 PM


Q -

Thank you for arriving. Frustration is very high.

Can Marshalls physically remove texts, tapes, etc.???


We have it all.

The right people have the information.

GOOD people are acting on the information.

Think GOOG.

Think ES departure.

Think NK.

Many drafts.

Many shared users [foreign & domestic].

Variable access.


Fake emails.

Game forum comms.

New intel revealed today.

Gmail comms.



Define Evergreen.

When do you call a plumber?

Ongoing investigations require…..

Q [auth478-24zgP]

22490669? ago

Looks like a reference to Evergreen Airlines? What many people believe to be a CIA front for all sorts of nefarious things, like chemtrails and depopulation agenda, etc.


22491183? ago

Thank you posting this.

It helps in connecting the dots. Sometimes we don't know what has significance and what doesn't, but I think everything is somehow in someway connected. And what one may find to be nothing, another may find to be something.

22491127? ago


I remember this:

Philip Lader’s fellow Council on Foreign Relations member John P Wheeler III was recently dumped into a land fill in Wilmington, Delaware. Wheeler III was a consultant to Mitre the non profit corporation with jurisdictional advice over the Federal Aviation Administration’s flight patterns.


I think they surmised that he ended up in a dumpster and that is how his body got to the landfill. It was said that he had previously been acting strangely and confused. He was well connected. He was instrumental to the funding for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial funding. His death was big news at the time.

His wiki:


John Parsons Wheeler III (December 14, 1944 –c. December 30, 2010), known as Jack Wheeler, was a chairman of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, senior planner for Amtrak (1971–1972), official of the Securities and Exchange Commission (1978–1986), chief executive and CEO of Mothers Against Drunk Driving, consultant to the Mitre Corporation (2009–death), and a presidential aide to the Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and George W. Bush administrations. He also held numerous other positions in the United States military, government, and corporations.[2][3]

22490377? ago

In Lethal Weapon 2, Mel and Danny drive on to that dock, and they pass an EVERGREEN container.

22494792? ago

That's the one where the gold is stolen from under the Twin Towers?

22496373? ago

There is stolen krugerrand in the story line. There’s also at least one 9/11 reference in the first Lethal Weapon movie.

22491276? ago

Maybe, shipping containers used to ship the remains of ritual sacrifice (or plain snuff / murder as entertainment) to third world countries - where the evidence is more easily 'disappeared'. Forgot where I read that.

22490370? ago

The Silent War continues. It's so silent that no one will ever be arrested, indicted or held accountable.

22490002? ago

Re: Evergreen - I recently read Milton William Cooper's "Behold! A Pale Horse" and recalled reading about Evergreen in there.


Apparently a nerve gas (Malathion) was being "sprayed heavily on population centers in California. The helicopters came from Evergreen in Arizona, a known government and suspected CIA base.The pilots are contract pilots furnished by Evergreen. Evergreen has been named as one of the bases where drugs are flown in from Central America."

I know this isn't related to HRC technically but definitely Q is mentioning depopulation, and that was Evergreen's purpose.

22490658? ago

Shit, it probably IS related to HRC as well.

22490325? ago

Perhaps that program never ended, or started up again with HRC

22489856? ago

So is Q hinting that those two are involved in releasing the Coronavirus in the wild to depopulate (with assistance of HSBC)? Testing bio weapons?

22491550? ago


I wouldn't put it past them. Think back to the professors who sold us out. Treason!

22489830? ago

Seems a bit as if Q expected America to wake up more quickly....

22489825? ago

Follow the Clown.