22456780? ago

Alexandra Chalupa goes under the DNC

22454546? ago

Thanks OP for your hard work on this post. We need quality posts like this instead of the daily drivel we see here.

22449452? ago

Valerie Jarrett??? Must be in on this somehow

22452810? ago

Valerie Jarrett??? Must be in on this somehow

I agree. Done. Added.

For those not familiar with Jarrett https://archive.md/wdjfy#selection-1019.0-1061.240

22449348? ago

Jonathan Winer

Jonathan Finer

Dunno why that strikes me as odd.

22452549? ago

Jonathan Winer

For those not familiar with Jonathan Winer, he "was a top Obama State Department official. Winer received documents alleging Trump-Russia collusion from notorious Clinton guy Cody Shearer, through another even more notorious Clinton guy named Sidney Blumenthal, and received the Steele dossier from Steele in summer 2016. Winer shared the contents of these documents with his boss, Nuland, and prepped a summary of these docs for the State Department. He also gave the Shearer document to Steele, who then gave it to the FBI. That both Shearer and Blumenthal are known Clinton cronies and hatchet-men never seemed to be important to Winer. Winer was also a source for at least two journalists who wrote articles prior to the election based on the Steele dossier."



Jonathan Finer

As for Jonathan Finer, he "was another Obama State Department official, and the chief of staff to former secretary of state John Kerry. Finer got the so-called dossier from Winer, and gave it to John Kerry. This of course, among several other pieces of information, raises questions as to whether President Obama saw the dossiers and knew about what was being done to the Trump campaign." https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/251897/obama-steele-dossier-russiagate

22447131? ago

Nice references anon. Good fucking work!

22447057? ago

LOL a list, NOTHING will happen.

22454403? ago

Shaking in your boots for your daily shilling? Your boss Soros will be broke soon and so will you.

22454514? ago

you are able to blame a boogey man, Who funded Trump tower Chicago L@@K it up … soros, Who does Jared Kushner owe 1 billion dollars too again look it up, Soros? you are as blind and as foolish as the liberals. Soros controls BOTH sides.

22446517? ago

Would love to see list of names that are scattered in Q posts as names to remember.

22446226? ago

Let's get on it then, Senator. We the people do not pay you suited assholes to fuck around for years and pose for the TV cameras like you've actually done something for us.

22447442? ago

Actually, we do. We may not like it, but what the fuck are "we" going to do about, vote harder?

22446533? ago

If we were following our constitution, a private citizen or group can start by filing a complaint. We should not be relying on a government to investigate and decide whether to arrest someone.

22452505? ago

We should not be relying on a government to investigate and decide whether to arrest someone.

I agree that Obama's 2016 government could not be relying on, but I disagree about Trump's government 2017-2020. As you know in 2016 it was Obama's DNI, DOJ, DOS, FBI, not Trump's DNI, DOJ, DOS, FBI. There are not to be confuse.

MATURE Behaviors or Immature Behaviors?

I believe that most public-servant at the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Department of Justice (DOJ), United States Department of State (DOS), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are GOOD people with mature behaviors, and lawful behaviors. But allegedly a minority have immature behaviors, and unethical behaviors, or unlawful behaviors.

22446172? ago

Loretta Lynch.

22452615? ago

Loretta Lynch.

I agree. Done. I added Lynch. As you know she is one of 1% at top back in 2015 to 2016.

For those not familiar with what Lynch did:

22446141? ago

First arrest will send a shock wave. George W. Bush!! I believe ol W has spilled the beans. This was his daddys circus, he was blindsided and gave up the goods. THAT would send a shockwave.

22447154? ago

So why would they arrest him first if he is a cooperating witness, witless?

22446548? ago


22446540? ago


22445899? ago

Wow!! Your list is very very very short. Are sure there am was not more active players, I think there is.

22454439? ago

OP said it was a partial list. Add yours, lazy?

22445722? ago

Susan Rice? John Podesta?

22445819? ago

Susan Rice? John Podesta?

I agree. Done. Added.

22445485? ago

Great post! This is what QRV is SUPPOSED to be!!!

22445361? ago

I want to see HRC dragged off in chains on the news. Pay per view.

22447775? ago

I've already paid plenty for the Clinton crime gang. I want it freely and often repeated on every screen worldwide.

As a (slightly autistic) computer and investment genius, I watched him sink the economy as I was trying to enter. I also get peeved when someone praises his "good" (multi-bubble) economy.

22446432? ago

Maybe it could end as it began with the first Q post. Hillary extradition on October 30th. The massive panic and calling in the military because she was nominated by a brokered convention and running against President Trump. The liberals couldn't handle that.

22452630? ago

Maybe it could end as it began with the first Q post. Hillary extradition on October 30th.

Interesting. Maybe Q meant October 30th, 2020 not October 30th, 2017.

22447181? ago

Might just happen that way. Once the criminal is nominated and by that time, more disturbing criminal info will have come out, and America will see just how fucked the system is and will be just fine with the military coming in to clean even just days before the election. What? We are supposed to let a criminal who is clearly selling off the US steal an election, and thus, our country?

22446546? ago

Even Trump has said that this is deeper and more extensive than they originally knew. Maybe October 30th is now small fish.

22445548? ago

22445251? ago

Sen. Lindsey Graham: "Half the People Involved in the Russian Investigation Are Going to Jail"



8 Feb 2020 - 10:17:53 PM


The bottom half was instructed (99% good).

The first will send a shock wave.


22445836? ago

Why only HALF?

22446079? ago

The bottom half was instructed (99% good).

22446928? ago

So, just following orders is now considered an acceptable excuse for illegality, sedition, treason, etc?

22447419? ago

Not just acceptable, but good. This is why this administration bends over backwards to sing the praises of various fed agencies; They want control of the Leviathan, all of it, to be able to unleash it at any opposition they face.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

22446521? ago

So, it is still ok to ruin Flynn’s life, but give a pass to coup participants because they were under instructions? After all, the instructed coup participants are 96% democrat according to 2016 DC election figures.

22445182? ago

A 1000 Points of light - going into the dark.

22445526? ago

Dark to Lights

22445149? ago

For being 2% of the population, there sure are a lot of jews on that list.

They should do public hangings and earn the nations respect back.

22454503? ago

earn the nations respect back.

Is Satan redeemable?

22456731? ago

I guess that is up to Jesus.

From what I know, no.

Are you saying that the USA is satan?

22457175? ago

No. You missed my point.

22459209? ago

Ok good.

I think i can pick up what youre putting down.

22446605? ago

This Jew baiting is disgusting. It is more than racism, it is a perverted obsession. It is also designed to weaken the movement.

Rally against Mossad.

Rally against age 12 being the age of consent.

Rally against real things and actions.

22447293? ago

How is it "jew baiting"? What does that even mean? It is not possible to deny the percentage of involvement in the subversion of all our systems of governance. Instead, why not explain why so many parasitic Jews are involved in this subversion. Do you speak out every time a parasitic Jew rants against the false concept of white privilege or white supremacy? How about when parasitic Bernie claimed no white person is impoverished? Stop projecting parasitic Jews' perverted obsessions onto others. You would better serve the Jews by culling the parasitic subversives, not protecting them.

22445308? ago

For being 2% of the population, there sure are a lot of jews on that list.

They should do public hangings and earn the nations respect back.

I disagree

One Of Many Jewish Patriot Is Laura Loomer :)

• President Trump’s tweet in support of Loomer’s candidacy for Congress at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/president-trump-tweets-in-support-of-laura-loomers-candidacy/

___• https://archive.md/vSyXZ#selection-443.0-443.39

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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


22447205? ago

Laura loomer is a self proclaimed, Zionist. This is her own fucking words, boomer. You’re ok with this in our govt? You’re a god damn fool. Naive, blind trusting, fucking boomers haven’t learned their fucking lesson. Still!

22445422? ago


(diversity CAUSES division, rabbi.

you know this. its why israel is an ethno-state)

22445106? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/4B6Rs4PmTEYc - ( USA... Four More Years. Orthodox Jews Raise $3.... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/E7xMWxd1mctw - ( BLEXIT – We Free )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/g1qeKQ4HJHFr - ( Introducing The Exodus Movement )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/0StlLDx13QQ4 - ( M3thods - Listen carefully... #QAnon )

22446341? ago

Sabatean's hate joo's hard progressives are sabatean

22445083? ago

The heat goes up.

22445576? ago

If the Equal-Justice-Under-Law-Heat goes up high enough it might result in tasty popcorn time ;) https://i.postimg.cc/hPN4Dfry/mm-holiday-popcorn-trump-2020.jpg

22445056? ago

Great post, thanks OP!

22445036? ago

George Papadopolous

22445058? ago

He already served his 3 days. kek

22445329? ago

More then anyone you faggot trash want to be in jail kek kek kek

22445008? ago

Roger Stone

22446577? ago

Actually, a more effective way to get them is NOT to arrest them directly. It is for the DOJ to make an appearance in Federal Court and submit the malfeasances that were done in these past criminal prosecutions. The courts then order hearings and drag these folks in. From that, the arrests will be rock solid and demanded in the public eye.

22445077? ago

Will be overturned when prosecutors are exposed as corrupt. Kek

22445325? ago

But they will have spent more time in jail then anyone else kek kek

22445351? ago

So. What’s your point? Does it stop Durham from prosecuting the traitors?

22445381? ago

Wanna bet that none of them go to jail?

22445401? ago

Lol. I would if you weren’t a shill that’s just gonna disappear after Durham’s investigation is concluded.

22447168? ago

hahahaha! exactly

22445407? ago

Ok give me a reasonable date this will happen by and I’ll bookmark it and set a reminder so I can come back and mock you like I have every other deluded boomer who said that about Whitaker and Sessions and Barr and Huber and Horowitz.

The bet is this. Pick your reasonable date and if no one is in jail then you say “Ok I admit it. You are absolutely correct. I’m a god damn fucking idiot.”

22445486? ago

AG Barr said he expects Durham’s “CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION” to conclude in late spring or early summer.


It’s the only investigation that is a criminal investigation. It’s the only investigation that has indictment power. Making fun of shills that purposely made false predictions about audits leading to arrests doesn’t mean anything.

22445490? ago

Pick the date fucktard. Pick whatever reasonable date you think Durham “drops the hammer”, add six months and when nothing happens, think back to this post and repeat this over and over in your empty head.

“I am such a fucking deluded boomer to have ever believed anything would happen. I am a god damn moron and the dude on the internet who told me this wouldnt happen was right. I’m a fucking moron and I have embarrassed myself”

22447240? ago

You were doing so good. Right up until the last commenter hit u with logic and truth. Then, you transformed, before everyone’s eyes, into a know nothing, triggered, leftist and spit out the insult, in your very first sentence in your reply. You’re fucking glowing.

22449405? ago

So you can’t State a reasonable date when these arrests happen either LOL.

You sound uncertain. Are you uncertain? All you need to do is give me a reasonable date.

I guess that’s too difficult.

“yOuRe gLoWinG!”

Oh tuck! Am I? Am I a shill? Does that mean you’re incapable of saying what you think a reasonable date is? Lol

22447177? ago


22445067? ago

Discovery on that one will be interesting!

22445000? ago


22445072? ago

He's a DS faggot. He will rot in prison.

22445069? ago

Will be overturned when prosecutors are exposed as corrupt.

22446581? ago

Actually, a more effective way to get them is NOT to arrest them directly. It is for the DOJ to make an appearance in Federal Court and submit the malfeasances that were done in these past criminal prosecutions. The courts then order hearings and drag these folks in. From that, the arrests will be rock solid and demanded in the public eye.