Joyous Nigel Farage says there is 'no way' UK will EVER rejoin the EU - In other words GTFO EU! (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3635045?
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22328599? 5.1 years ago
His speech is a must watch. Huge FU to the EU. The lady in charge was such a Nazi bitch too. She’s like, ‘did he say hate?’
22329266? 5.1 years ago
Seems like the Goldman Sachs agenda? there is also the Rome cult with Babylon pagan connections??
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22328599? ago
His speech is a must watch. Huge FU to the EU. The lady in charge was such a Nazi bitch too. She’s like, ‘did he say hate?’
22329266? ago
Seems like the Goldman Sachs agenda? there is also the Rome cult with Babylon pagan connections??