22318405? ago

What did I just see? What was that lot going on about? I haven't been back to that site for a long time...full retard ain't the word for it. I will lie down and hope I feel better soon...

22315618? ago

The ends justify the means.

22328866? ago

Dershowitz and the Merchanst of Smut .... he has a dead wife you can not name? He hates Free Speech and guns, yet defends wife killers? Dershowitz handled the successful appeal of Harry Reems, who had been convicted of distribution of obscenity resulting from his acting in the pornographic movie Deep Throat. In public debates, Dershowitz commonly argues against censorship of pornography https://voat.co/v/QRV/3635094/22327525

22313722? ago

POTUS being defended in Senate by an operator who knows the swamp, you need a swamp creature on ashort leash.

22313507? ago

Funny how those people did not care 3 years ago when pizzagate broke.

22312608? ago

All I can assume is when fighting the swamp sometimes you have to use the tools available. Perhaps dershowitz is fighting to save his own skin.

22312509? ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/evy6ee/the_president_of_the_united_states_is_being/ :

The President of the United States is being defended in the Senate by a man credibly link to a child sex trafficking ring and everyone in the media is acting like its normal. : conspiracy

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22312467? ago

Kept his pants on. 10-year-old children weren't touching his penis, they were touching his pants

22312463? ago

pedo connected Alan Dershowitz argues the age of consent should be lowered to 15 or perhaps "as low as 14." // Dershowitz met Jeffrey Epstein in 1997, flew on his plane, and has been accused of the statutory rape


22312464? ago


Defender of smut merchants and wife killers?

pedo connected Alan Dershowitz argues the age of consent should be lowered to 15 or perhaps "as low as 14." // Dershowitz met Jeffrey Epstein in 1997, flew on his plane, and has been accused of the statutory rape
