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22221687? ago

Possible hit ordered in this story? 1/22/2020

I find it interesting as well that the last 4 of the contact numbers are both positions in PI. Reference to 45 as well as golf. Not sure if it would be indicating POTUS or Russell Simmons.. who has angered Oprah Do you see anything in it? Appreciate your input.

I do know more than I can say....but it's on another subject. CG-OP

22223337? ago

Hmm you mention the number 2323 from the contact number... G2323 first used in Verse # = 23233...

I said how 9/7/2021 is the 595th day of 1189 days, and Tzolk'in 222 (1, Ik') and 7/1/5782 (Day 1 Civil)...

Interesting that 9/7/2021 (symbolic of 117) plus 2323 = 1/17/2028 (

I don't know, it's hard to make anything out of those two other stories without researching it deeply. That plane crash certainly seems like a sacrifice or something, maybe by Freemasons or other secret society deep state/cabal/illuminati type of goons.

My post about numbers in "Warden Vogel" is an excellent post:

I also just recently realized the numbers in his name 6561 are not only 9 * 9 * 9 * 9, but you can also add 6561 days to important landmark 12/25/2020 to get 12/12/2038 (

They really went all out on that guy, the numbers are undeniable...

What subject do you have knowledge of?

22248957? ago

Thanks for your input.

I have CONcern of sharing any knowledge I have in this forum.