How many mason lodges are in the United States? Secret Society's are everywhere, they swear allegiance not to the Constitution. Enemy of the people. (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3607079?
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22113096? 5.1 years ago
This country was founded by Freemasons. It is explicit that Masons are to put God, Family, and Country first, before the lodge.
22114107? 5.1 years ago
That was in the old days before it was taken over by evil ones....
22144932? 5.1 years ago
What are some reasons for and against becoming a freemason?
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22113096? ago
This country was founded by Freemasons. It is explicit that Masons are to put God, Family, and Country first, before the lodge.
22114107? ago
That was in the old days before it was taken over by evil ones....
22144932? ago
What are some reasons for and against becoming a freemason?