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22101329? ago

Did they leave out the part where they kicked the Islam stone at Europe in the first place?

22104234? ago

fake as fuck, FAKE, a lying just like every lying asshole who tells you some bullshit about the disgusting hell hole called the mddile east....someone aka some kebab stole another artists animation, the propaganda jihads they defaced and violated the original clip. then after stealing the clip and claiming it as theirs the Low IQ Arab trained to use their shit inferior software and computers just put flags on the characters. The original clip was much better, higher sound quality, better sample definition and frame rate and higher quality, it was made in a small drunker stoner studio in Oregon USA, Directors: Kameron Gates, Kirk KelleyWriters: Allan Turner, Kameron Gates. “A Tale Of Momentum & Inertia” – Short CGI Film relates a Neverending Story style rock giant who accidentally lets a boulder roll down a mountain toward a small coastal village, the shit subversive toxic politics of kikes and kebabs have nothing to do with the original CGI animation.

22105631? ago

Calm the fuck down, someone shared an Israeli ad running in Europe.

22106793? ago

Uh this is an animated short. It’s not a political thing. It’s a cartoon. It’s funny. Remember when you were a kid and you hadn’t yet been taught to hate ? Maybe you like Saturday morning cartoons. This bit of whimsy is intended to touch that bit of unadulterated humanity that some of us still have. It’s just fun for fun’s sake. It’s not about culture or race or politics or hate. Someone added those labels. Don’t be stupid, it’s annoying.

22107892? ago

Don’t be stupid, it’s annoying.

Projecting stupidity and then being annoyed by it is no different than saying you're offended that people think differently from you and confusing it for some kind of valid argument. Being annoyed by something so trivial means you're likely an addict with major liver problems, don't blame your weak ass shit on me.

22107966? ago

It’s annoying when stupid people repeat lies. It’s also annoying when liars lie.

When shills post lies, and Q ppl repeat it / believe it, damn right it’s annoying. It means shills successfully suckered people who are earnest and sincere about seeing justice done. It makes the movement look stupid. That’s ducking annoying.

22107989? ago

Do a liver cleanse and stop taking the internet so seriously.

22108474? ago

These Rag heads need to drink more, smoke more shit and examine, investigate and question that shit book the Quran or Koran... if they did this possibly they might see the truth of moohammad, a sexual pervert, who raped animals, looted and terrorized, a person who thought himself demon possessed by demonic or djinns, moslems the followers of islam praying to a pedophile who married a 6 yr old Aisha. @carnold03 @Hey_Sunshine @woadowl a so-called holy book which orders jihad or deception everywhere?

22108480? ago

a kebab posted jihadi propaganda and the Q morons ate it up

22108576? ago

another of your faggot games soap box?

22108599? ago

who wrote what? @PuttitoutIsGone @Trigglypuff