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22040011? ago

Yay, more garbage!

22040076? ago

You keep telling yourself that Shill.

Dreaming. <

22040344? ago

Total garbage!

So what exactly is the message then? And why?

22040357? ago

Try reading it.

22040402? ago

I did, a giant wall of garbage.

Try summarizing.

22040415? ago <

Deeper message. <

'o-o' <

22040433? ago

Summarize with your words. I'm not clicking on your bait videos.

22040442? ago

"Folks are dumb, where I come from..." <

22040512? ago

So you post a wall of spam with no logic or summary, and then link to a video to try to explain?

You are the definition of propaganda.

  1. It is easy to post your summary, do it.
  2. Learn to communicate HOW you got your analysis. It develops trust.

22054908? ago

So what is the message then?