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21925471? ago

Obama got more done than Trump.

21925852? ago

More destructive things done, yes. I agree.

21925907? ago

I’m not judging the merits of his actions. Just that he was a more effective executive. No one can deny he is a smart and capable man.

21926072? ago

Obvious troll is obvious

21926223? ago

You think Trump has done more of his agenda as Obama at this point in his term?

21926291? ago

Tenfold. Obama doesn't come close to the productivity of Trump. Trump has roadblocks in front of him too, yet he STILL has done more.

21926521? ago

Really? <


21927232? ago

Thank you!

That'll shut up the Obama loving faggot really quick.

21927457? ago

You're most welcome Anon.

I live to give.

Here, have a decode. >

Reply to James 8 Corney's Tweet > Decodes will continue > Shove it up your Jurisdiction <


