21864196? ago

As a bong? What does that mean lol.

I do like bongs...

21864221? ago

Brit. We're known as Bongs. Something to do with Big Ben.

21861130? ago

Can we get the R E A L name of this planet and start Using it? Earth is dirt. Potting soil.

I've heard it's URANTIA. But I'm not sure.

21860574? ago

The earth is NEVER going to be great again. The United States has never been great. America is just a better place to live and reside. However .. in the end. All the nations will be decimated by the Messiah Yeshua and HIS Kingdom and Government will rule the earth. That is a GREAT KINGDOM and GOVERNMENT. Not mans faux governments.

15 Do not love the world, neither the things that are in it, for whoever loves the world does not have the love of The Father in him. 16 For everything that is in the world: the desire of the body and the lust of the eyes and the pride of temporal life, these are not from The Father but these are from the world. 17 The world is passing and its lust, but he who does the will of God continues for eternity. 1 John 2

4 Adulterers! Do you not know that the love of this world is hatred toward God? Therefore whoever chooses to be a friend of this world is an enemy of God. James 4

Matthew 10:37-39; 16:24-27; Mark 8:34-38; Luke 9:23-26; 14:27; & 17:33. To cite Mark 8:34-38:

21860003? ago

Make Earth Real Again, and stop telling everyone we live on a giant ball of spinning water...

21859739? ago

good, now get rid of your aloha snackbars and you'll be doing yourself a favor.

21859980? ago

Snackbars, lol

21858668? ago

I was in the same boat Anon. Had Zero respect for the US because I knew , like my own Government in Canada , it was corrupt to the core and there was no one Leading to bring back my respect. I actually thought that BHO was going to be the one to bring change but then knew less than a year into his Presidency it was going to be the same old , same old. Turns out , it was worse. Then when Donald Trump was Elected , I supported his Presidential run because I knew Hillary would be the greater of the 2 Evils. I remained skeptical until I saw what the President was actually doing. His actions spoke the most eloquently for him and have been a Canadian For Trump ever since.


Peace Y

21858847? ago

I've always adored Canadians. Odd, isn't it? Even when I had a problem with USA fags, I always found Canadians to be delightful. Canadians are wonderful folk.

21859143? ago

I have always been proud to be Canadian. Like the US , we have a beautiful Country filled with , for the most part with good people. But at the same time , I have been ashamed of my Government since Trudeau Sr. was our Prime Minister. The US has it's Deep State , we have a Deep Province. The Cabal has been entrenching itself for many , many years in Canada and we will have a fight on our hands to get rid of them all. One of the reasons I've supported the President is because I am hoping he will give Canadians the Ammunition to finally get rid of the corruption here. 130,000+ Sealed Indictments have at least a few prominent Canadian names in them.

Peace Y

21859368? ago

Canada is a penthouse above a meth lab. Make Canada Great Again!

21859763? ago

lol , I think the Robin Williams quote was , "Canada is like a loft apartment above a really great Party"

Peace Y

21859272? ago

Peace to you too, friend. You Canadians are such a delight, even whilst you labour under the rapacious depredations of that utter fuck-up, Trudeau.

Every time I meet Canadians here in London, I am pleasantly gratified by their politeness. What lovely people you are!

21858545? ago

Can’t make the entire Earth great while niggers and muds are here.

21858504? ago

^ ^ ^ Ditto ^ ^ ^

21858402? ago

I get the sense that this is the case for us in the US as well. We have been conditioned to believe that citizens of countries that our government is at war (cold or hot) with - Ira, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, etc, - all hate America and want death to the West but that is very likely not the case.

21858265? ago

I desperately await justice as i echo OP's sentiments. Greetings from Scotland. Pray that Nicola Sturgeon does not drag us out of the great awakening and sell us back to Europe. I fucking hate westminster but i hate the UN all that much more... i am done with seeing my country slowly turning into a mudslime pit where you go to jail for comments on facebook, while rapists and murderers walk free.

21858351? ago

It's not hard to see why Scotland wants to separate from London, and be a nation state in its own right. But Sturgeon, FFS, is awful. How the bleeding hell did you guys end up with that ridiculous dwarf as your "leader"? She is utterly fucking horrible.

21859901? ago

I guess its because our other options at the time were ruth davidson - and most of us would rather cut our own throats than have that bint, or some new labour traitor. Independants dont have a chance, and Its kind of hard to beat the "Stronger for Scotland" message when everyone else is busy trying to tell us "shut up, everythings fine". We desperately need a political revolution up this way. Most people think thats what it means when the country lights up yellow, but they dont know what theyve just done unfortunately. I just dont have the energy for another referendum. I actually kind of like NS, she's never been afraid to speak out, and she gets targeted by the BBC constantly which tells me she's not one of "them".

21860079? ago

Please don't leave. Scotland is too good to be separated. We love you guys.

Merry Christmas x

21858257? ago

As a bong who lives in Australistan I agree. God bless America. Help them fight the cancer that plagues us all

21858100? ago

Same. I’m glad the USA is back.

21858150? ago

We Brits enabled it too. Blair should be brought to justice.

21858232? ago

Agreed. America is not the only culpable power.

How many Brits do you find on here cheering EVERYTHING their country has done just by virtue of the fact that it was their country that did it?

Considering how long the evils were perpetrated, how broadly they were perpetrated, the fact that they were perpetrated under colour of US (and other) flags, and the fact that Americans (and others) did fuck all about it for decades kind of reflects poorly on your country.

If THAT is the America this movement is supporting, then count me the fuck out.

21858030? ago

Thank you friend. Many of us felt the same way about our own govt and international actions. Still do since trump has been halted from fixing half the issues.

21858133? ago

trump has been halted from fixing half the issues.

But he's fixed the other half. Give him time.

Barry took America back a hundred years. It takes time to repair all four tyres on the vehicle.

21858182? ago

Indeed. But if all his time is taken from him as it has been, i might have to take time from others.

21858002? ago

I usually put a few cubes of ice in the bottom of my bong. It seems to give the hit and nice, refreshing taste.

21858111? ago

We Brits continue to add value, long after we set you free!

21858539? ago

If u haven’t figured out where the modern home of globalism is yet then there’s no helping you. The brits “freeing” somebody is fucking comical. U go ahead and pay your tv tax, bowing to a fucking fake queen, and keep watching David Attenborough because ignorance is indeed, bliss.

21858590? ago

That's it. I'm colonising your arse. Stand by.

21857887? ago

Welcome to "The Great Awaking" it was always Us against ((Them)).

21857861? ago

Are you serious wanker?

Go fuck yourself. You DO NOT represent this movement.

Now fuck off.

Careful, son. We might recolonise your country and civilise it again. The British know how to seize land and force the inhabitants to grow up. Yah.

21858424? ago

You talk like a nigger.

21857782? ago

Thank you. As citizens, we were (at least I was) fooled by our leaders into believing we were benevolent and helping to keep peace in other countries. What a load of crap we were fed.

21857755? ago

Can't make Earth great again without fixing the jew issue

21857754? ago

I could have written that myself.

21857640? ago

Very grateful Trump and Q have opened so many eyes. People are generally good worldwide, no matter their home country. Most of us missed that the corrupt degenerates are the ones who rose to power worldwide - living lavishly off of the hard work of us peons.

I'm American born and raised - and one who further had my eyes opened recently. I slipped on ice and broke some bones recently, which has resulted in me slowly hobbling along on a crutch as I recover. I have seen the true goodness in the hearts of people. Strangers have shown such compassion and kindness - only too willing in this time of holiday hustle and bustle to go out of their way to help me in situations too numerous to mention. It all has shown me a glimpse of God here on earth and for that, I have found blessings through my fall.

To any other foreigners, I recommend if you ever visit the US to go to 'flyover country' instead of New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, et al - our large globalist meccas. They generally don't show the true heart & spirit of a large country which has so much more to offer. There is gentility and graciousness in the old Deep South, ferocious independence & the spirit of freedom in Texas, beauty in the desert sun of Arizona, laidback hospitality from the plains of middle America's breadbasket to the mountains in Montana. Here you will find the true America - and the deplorables long-overlooked who elected Donald Trump to lead us back from the abyss. Almost all newscasts & movies come out of the 'elite' havens of NYC, LA/Hollywood and DC - which don't give you an accurate picture of the vast majority of us Americans. I am sad for those who spend time and money to travel here and see some of our worst - instead of our best.

Merry Christmas, brothers and sisters worldwide. Peace and goodwill to each and every one of you. Together we are strong.

21858960? ago

People are generally good worldwide

You need to get out more.

21858511? ago

A foreigner's guide on where to travel in America.

Red - Visit & meet us Deplorables!

Blue - Stay away - overtaken by globalists/progressives.


21858665? ago

And stay at a Trump hotel. Their service is the best!!!!!!!

21857866? ago

This, so much this. I've always felt that 90%+ of the people of the world, across all Nations, faiths, et.c were just 'people'; trying to live their lives, raise their kids, work their work, and be left alone by all the bullshit. Unfortunately, the psychopaths and cultists got into control...

Merry Christmas, and here's to their demise.

21858536? ago

I'm nearly 60. To give you a relative timeline. My grandfather was a patriot, fought across many wars. I didn't really see much of him, he lived 6 hours away after retirement. But he said something to me once, I was a teenager and it really stuck. He told me how he had fought on several continents, met people from all over the globe. That 90% or more of the people were good, and just wanted to live in peace and harmony, enjoying their cultures. A small % were greeting evil shits that wanted to dominate the globe. He told me wars were needless & did way more harm than good. But the small % ruled and pushed people to do things that in their heart they knew was not right and wouldn't have done it otherwise. It was a conversation that never left me, I've carried that around for 45 years or so. We were sitting smack ass in the middle of his front yard. He knew. Now I know. I hope God has him.

21863420? ago

Thank you, hope this reaches literally everybody.

21857817? ago


Merry Christmas on behalf of The People of Australia. <


21857762? ago

Good people like you were hidden from us, and we were shown only the NYC/Commiefornia types. Now we see clearly, and God knows you are the best of people. May Christ abide in you, now and forever.

Merry Christmas, dear friend.

21858442? ago

Your wish is mine for you....for us all.

I'm fiercely conservative and talked daily with like-minded friends prior to the 2016 election. Strangely, however, that on Election Day none of us spoke or texted with each other. Not one message to or from anyone. We didn't plan that in advance...but each of us inherently knew how to spend the day. I prayed so often that day as I went through my ordinary tasks - and found out afterward that my friends did the same. I truly believe God has given us another chance through the election of President Trump - as is said in Esther - "for such a time as this".

God's grace to you, ForeignFriend.

21857619? ago

You're the worst. As an American, I can safely tell you to go eat a bag of dicks. Aww, you used to hate our country and now you like it. Fuck you. No one gives a fuck what you have to say about our country.

21858153? ago

Hi, and American troops toppled democratically elected governments around the world and installed brutal dictatorships, and killed any leader who dared try to free his country from the Rothschilds.

As the OP, I’m glad America is back, as I have always loved America and Americans, but fuck you if you’re circling the wagons around some of America’s past. Some really truly evil shit was done in YOUR name, and whether you accept responsibility for that fact in this world, you will be held responsible for it in the next unless you repent.

Yes, (you) are responsible for killing done in your name.

21861154? ago

Again, no one gives a fuck about your opinion here. Go talk to some kangaroos.

21862289? ago

Do you even Q bro? The world is connected.

21865848? ago

My cock is connected to your mother's anus.

21857769? ago

Not quite. Some of your fellow countrymen are less angry than you. Merry Christmas and may your God be with you.

21857795? ago

Meaning we don't have the same God? Go back to your land, heathen!

21857517? ago

Can't say I 'loathed and detested' but I was quite annoyed at the US situation thru the times you describe, and I am not 'foreigner'. My idea is that you have been ahead of the curve. Looking back, some loathing and detesting was in order. We are on track now, regardless, and i will not miss the shills.

21857777? ago

Thank you, and Merry Christmas!

21857919? ago

Not 517

Quad sevens is impressive. Merry Christmas to you too.

21857356? ago

No one gives a fuck about your opinion, foreigner.

21857537? ago

We "foreigners" are fighting for you as much as ourselves.


21857565? ago

Actually fuck off, no one needs your foreign ass poking your face in our business. Go back to fighting with Kangaroo's or whatever you do there, criminal. Work on fixing your own country before you even think about ours.

21858104? ago

You're an idiot (non-savant).

We need friends worldwide, so that these sons of bitches can find no sanctuary.

21857727? ago

Shut the fuck up. We need everyone around the world to support us. This is a fight against evil world wide. You can fight alone if you want, but you will just be left behind.

21858201? ago

“Support you” doesn’t mean cheering “America Rah Rah Rah!” in a discussion of the profound evils YOUR country has committed in YOUR name.

If we’re going back to more of that after this, then fuck you, fuck America, and bring on the NWO. If nothing else, it will punish those Americans like you who are proud of what has been done and hopefully give you a taste of what you have done to the rest of the world all these years.

We love America and Americans. But you people had better have a reckoning coming. If this movement is papering over everything that has happened then I’m out.

21857844? ago

Thank you.


21857607? ago

Are you serious wanker?

Go fuck yourself. You DO NOT represent this movement.

Now fuck off.

21857615? ago

Wanker? Found the foreign fucker again. Why don't you pack up all of your shit in a little backpack and slow walk it back to where you belong. No American needs you hanging out talking about our country, faggot. The last thing on this planet any patriot wants, is some socialist piece of shit from an island populated by criminals sharing their opinion on our land.

Go sit on a pole.

21857629? ago

I will destroy you with Gematria. >


21857621? ago

You 'appear' to know a lot about me. Please, do continue.

21857631? ago

All I know about you is you're not one of us, and that's all I need to know. I'm so glad you hated my country for years. You know who else said that? Obama. He hates the US, just like you did. And now you think you have some common ground. Suck an dick, bitch.

21858213? ago

You loved Obama’s America?

Imagine how hard it would have been to love America from inside one of its war torn pawns. I bet Haitians are just head over heels with the way your country raped them then COMPLETELY DIDN’T GIVE A SHIT.

You people have some fence mending to do. If you think otherwise, we will be back here again in a generation.

21861146? ago

No you fucking dimwit, I love America, period, no matter who happens to be president. If you only love your country when you like the person in charge, get the fuck out.

21862284? ago

If you refuse to admit the wrongs your country has committed under your flag in your name, opting instead for “America can do no wrong,” then it is doubtful you will be of much use to America. See you here again in a generation!

(Hold your fucking government to account or don’t be surprised if the people whose throat your boot is on keep trying to harm you).

21865841? ago

Holding your government account doesn't mean hating your country. I love America even when idiots run it. It's still my home. I'm sorry you only love America when you like the guy in charge.

21866658? ago

when you like the guy in charge.

You say that as though this variable doesn’t mean literally life or death for much of the planet.

You expect love from the world you spent 8 years droning, extrajudicially rendering, thwarting democratic governments in, etc?

Like I say, I am glad as all hell that the America I love and grew up next to is back. Fuckin’ A!

21857793? ago

Gee. You're quiet... <

21857637? ago

Oh you show yourself so clearly Shill.

Glow Faggot in the house Anons.

Must have been all the body blows I have consistently delivered lately.

Well there's more coming Shilbo.

You have NO IDEA what you are dealing with. <

21857677? ago

LOL, it's all anonymous you idiot, how would anyone know what body blows you are delivering to other men?

21857797? ago

Nothing else to add? <

21857681? ago


That's how you fool!

21857397? ago

Tru dat.

Merry Christmas.

21857934? ago

You are getting trolled. They don't like it when we cross boundaries and unite.

God bless. Hope next year is your best year.

21857969? ago

Amen brither/sister. God shine upon you, friend.

21858429? ago

Just to let you know, your sentiment has brightened my morning. Thanks Anon, God bless you. Patriots world wide are all on the same team