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21851608? ago

This is what SOLAR FARMS DO Nancy and Barack - MASSIVE LOAN GUARANTEE SCAMS > 'o-o' < - Solyndra/Solar Reach/Bright Source Energy

21851779? ago

So Pelosis brother worked for a utility that made an investment, three years before he was hired, into a solar firm that got government funds? lmao

21851859? ago

SolarReserve is Nancy Pelosi's "Solyndra" scandal equivalent.

Read the links you idiot.

21851888? ago

is She connected because her brother happened to get a job at a large utility, three years after they invested in SolarReserve? That’s a stretch man

21851982? ago

Everywhere these people go shit is dodgy AF, and everything they touch turns to shit.

That's not a stretch now is it Shill?

Energy company scams seem to be a recurring theme... <

21851824? ago

The renewable energy scam is a big earner for them, and they are all in on it.

Pelosi Family included.


Obama > Solyndra.

The pump and dump.

All a scam.

That's the point.

21851851? ago

What tickers were involved in the pump and dump? Or are you misusing those terms as well?

21852011? ago

Recurring theme: Energy Company scams.

Pelosi Family

Biden Family

Kerry Family


Bush Family

Do you see a pattern forming?

21852232? ago

Not really. All of this is conjecture and a maaaajor stretch. If I was hire as an accountant and the accounting firm committed fraud three years before I was hired, would I be liable?