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21731826? ago


I fucking knew it! I posted the following decode a couple of weeks ago regarding FLOTUS' Christmas message, then I linked the Be Best, and Army tweet, where I KNEW to leave the B2 out of the genatria to solve the puzzle. <

I will take some credit for this one boys. KEK!


NSFW Anon ARMY Tweet = Love QAnon > Plus FLOTUS Christmas Decode 'o-o' < (QRV)

submitted 12 days ago by 3545026?

Hi. There is a lot here.

On the house at the start of the video 0.01 secs ( 1 = A = Q): >

Top line:


1 = A = Q in Isisian code

The 23 means 11 btw (2300 hours)

Then it goes to 45 (POTUS) > 4+5 = 9

Thus 911 revealed.

Bottom line:

8 & 9 are shown >

8+9=17 (Q)

It also looks like two 4s are hidden behind the pillars on the second line. 44 [RENEGADE].

Later in the video the dice and domino: >

The Domino (fitting choice) dots add to 17.

Further, it is made up of 11 black dots, and 6 yellow dots. So thus 6/11. <

Yellow and black denote Danger as sign posts > Danger for (((them))).

Inverted this of course reveals 9/11 again.

The sides of the dice, show a 4 and a 5 (45 POTUS).


And the dice also shows the 2 side, which also represents 11 (2 ones).

Snake eyes in a game of craps, equals 11 or 11/66 or God (11) over Satan (66).

Thus the dice shows 911 and POTUS throwing the winning dice (Snake Eyes, which is bad luck for (((them))) > FLOTUS trolling KEK!).

The rabbit is a Q Alice in Wonderland reference.

The duck [SITTING DUCKS] is shielding itself from The Storm.

The bird is a Dodo > [DS] going extinct.

It is a warning that the 911 domino is about to fall. <

At 0.42 secs, the picture of the house has 22 little wreaths on it, 6 on the left, and 16 on the right.

Then at 0.45 secs, FLOTUS adds the 17th wreath on the right hand side > Q.

So 6 on the left plus 17 on the right, reveals 23, which is a Patriot confirmation code.

So 6/23

The 6 is then flipped 180° to a 9 > And there is 911 revealed again (as 23 = 2300 hours or 11 o'clock) > thus 6/23 = 9/11. <

There is more. >

U.S. Army


The calm before the storm


A team of Rangers silently hold their position before executing a platoon raid.

Photo by 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment


The Army tweet above (same day) 'capital letters' (TARPRRRF) Gematria reveals a message of 'Love QAnon'. I left the B out here as it had "2B" in the tweet > BB > Be Best. B was left out deliberately as it had a 2 before it.

I noticed this, and chose to leave out the 2B, as it corressponds to BB of Be Best, which is how it ties in to the FLOTUS video.

Notable: >

Love QAnon

Jewish 976

English 690

Simple 115

Also comes up with Rabbit Hunt.

There is a rabbit in the shot.

EDIT 2: Gematria of TARPBRRRF >


Storm Is Coming

Jewish 489

English 876

Simple 146

I have already done the decode for Be Best. See QRV. Notable > Hero Dog.

The time length of the FLOTUS video was 57 secs.

NOTE: The Army referenced 75th Battalion (75 is a mirror of 57, the length of the FLOTUS WH video > a confirmation link).

Also there are two bakers in the background of the shot of the cake. A nod to us. <

More coming. In progress, as I am phone fagging and on the move.

Kind regards,




There you have your Q proof through Gematria. <

21732604? ago

Does your head ever explode, SB2?

21733079? ago

No. My thinking just expands further. <


21733097? ago

Fuck off namefag

Youre all the same

21733230? ago