21677660? ago

Everything you're saying is true. Except you seem to believe there's going to be a good outcome. That things are now going to turn around. It's like the promised wonder weapons that were to turn the war around in 1945. And then we find ourselves sitting in the bunker with a Luger in our hand.

21674067? ago

and nothing will be done.

21671014? ago

This is what Trump's entire presidency is about not just this little hearing. It's really fucking sad that it just now dawned on you. faggot.

21670389? ago

Examine your local sheriff's department also, small town police departments, lunch ladies.... just kidding about the lunch ladies, I meant lunch people.

21670128? ago

No, dumbass. It is the Dem's actually impeaching orange kike.

21669882? ago

So are we not getting future tech? Cures?

21669075? ago

Part of the process needed in order to make this transition is to show-case the massive corruption and complete breakdown of our government and the rule of law.


21668662? ago

Tired of guessing. We the people need to come together in mass. We are being toyed with. Only God can awaken this many people. Q is awesome but we as a whole are an even greater force. Just sad what’s going on and the feeling of helplessness bc we are playing “there” game. Very frustrating. But still WWG1WGA. I’m

Sure everyone here is the oddball out with this information. At what point do we get tired of letting normies be normies and live a real life or at least fight for one? Jesus saves, he is the only TRUTH through all this madness. Bless you all.

21668578? ago

Look into System64 and PineBooks

21668368? ago

This is exactly what's going on.

21668121? ago

Watch this video again. Pay close attention to the very first sentence.

Trump and Q are replacing the Republic with a new one, not restoring it. This is a revolution, not a reformation.


21667829? ago

Yeah well its pretty clear they arent gonna start arresting and or hanging people any time soon. So i guess we might as well hope youre right. But the reality is it will end when we decide its over and likely not before.

21667568? ago

Controlled demo of the deep state. No disruption to anyone else. Poetic

21667262? ago

Not hardly. It's being spun as completely legitimate. Wray sounded like he believes the report wholeheartedly and is even tired of having these discussions. He was clearly annoyed at having to do that interview. I, for one, am losing faith in this process. Thinking something g more drastic is gonna be needed from US, The People, in order to win this thing.

21666948? ago

Really hoping to see Horowitz asked about Klinesmith and his "lack of political bias".

The 11th has the potential to be pretty crazy.

21666806? ago

Great post OP! I'm really excited for the younger generation. Once everything settles and our Republic restored...stay involved and keep holding elected politicians accountable.

We got too complacent. As long as all was well in our bubble worlds, we didn't pay attention. Then, (((they))) tried to wipe us out in 2008 with a Depression. After the shock wore off and a bunch of us realized that we elected a piece of shit, We the People had enough. And, that's why President Trump was elected. (((They))) are too fucking stupid to realize this.

Now things are better economically. More and more are involved in politics and are waking up everyday. This is going to be a long fight. But, we are Americans. And, if you think about, we don't have anything to lose by fighting the good fight. Complacency is not an option anymore.

We got too complacent. I always said, "as long as we had good jobs, house & 2.5 cars, etc, all will be well." Then the depression of 2008 happened. Many of us lost everything. After the shock wore off,

21666622? ago

What has Trump done to reduce corruption in government? He’s just another rich guy looking out for the interests of other rich guys at the expense of everyone else

21666820? ago

Gamma Male scum. GIT!

21667986? ago

Yup, so you can’t name anything 👍

21666559? ago

"This is not about a four year election." Q

21666350? ago

At this point you're just making excuses. This is another fail for Q and the movement.

Too much shit hasn't happened that Q said was going to happen. Patriots are not in control they never have been. Q has been an awesome pied piper to keep people from taking to the streets to get real things accomplished. We have all been hoodwinked into trusting the plan and staying docile. We have not lost 2+ years trusting the plan when we should have been playing hardball and bashing skulls.

Trump on the other hand has done nothing about the censorship, done nothing about Assange, has let the system fuck over several of his close ties and even denied ever talking to one of them. He has done jack shit about the tech giants monopolies, done jack shit about the blatant election meddling and has done jack shit about the lies from the media.

All of you should be lighting your torches and getting your pitchforks but no, there are more excuses coming out by the minute as to why we need to wait, trust the plan and go back to sleep. Buncha fucking lemmings.

21666082? ago

I think it’s more like “We are going to show you corrupt we are and there is nothing you are going to do about it because we are ALL in on it”

21665979? ago

Glad you got there. More need to though, keep pushing.

21665882? ago

Dude, I have libs on my facebook crying about Planned Parenthood. I dropped tons of links about them selling baby parts. Not one single lib believed it, dismissed it all as "random websites".

21672752? ago

When red pilling, pick the angle that will most likely resonate, where the person doesn't have a big stake. Then go gentle.

Or go intense. The Epstein thing has red pilled probably millions.

21669671? ago

That's easy. Just post the videos of the planned parenthood workers talking about selling baby parts. Project Veritas has them all on tape.

21665831? ago

Been sayin that for weeks.

21671387? ago

MY KID is soooo mad that I am a Trump supporter, I don't get a phone call ever. She watches my social media so she knows just where I stand. The Great Awakening will be traumatic in her, IF it ever happens. Very fucking sad.

21665758? ago

...or, you're getting fucked as usual.

Let's see, which is more likely?

21665725? ago

You missed one, and its key, the Pentagon, it is the machine that keeps feeding the swamp with taxpayer dollars.

21665602? ago

I think we're also learning that Trump is corrupt too, no?

21668504? ago



give us your links and info.

we'll wait...

21680713? ago

Well, just today he's had to pay. $2 million settlement for this scammy "Foundation"

21681335? ago

they didn't 'settle', so right there you are wrong...

Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Saliann Scarpulla ordered the personal $2 million payment from the president last month after Trump and the Attorney General's Office reached agreement on other major aspects of the deal to dissolve the lawsuit.

21691695? ago

Don't forget the esteemed Trump University. What a scumbag. A real piece of shit.

21666510? ago

How so? By playing them like a fiddle?

21666446? ago


21665342? ago

Any reset button is going to be a dangerous one to press. It's worth it, if it means truly being free, and removing the so called "elite", and self-appointed rulers.

21665228? ago

Q indicated the IG report was the first step.

(H) + [C] = D

From Q 3354

Horowitz IG (Horowitz not in kill brackets but also not in ][ open brackets indicating not fully unleashed)

Comey is in kill brackets AND IG report refers to him as c o r n e y every time. It’s a clear indicator to us that things are on track. [C] is the Comey release. We don’t even know what that is, but it’s coming before declas.

Lastly the D is declas. That is the real money shot but even that isn’t the end, but just the beginning.

Remember we don’t want to tell the good ppl watching when declas occurs.

Lastly!! “Post D comes many I’s” or indictments.

Trust the plan. Enjoy the show.

21665242? ago

I wonder does this mean comey is corn? Cia?

21665346? ago

Comey is absolutely corn. But he knows it. Remember the tweets in the corn fields? This is truly crazy

21665110? ago


In Congress, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, ****That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ****Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

21665263? ago

Interdasting digits.^

21665105? ago

You haven't named the Jew. You don't, in fact, get it.

21666964? ago


21665012? ago

Arrest or GTFO

21664996? ago

America will FALL. Why? Because America is Mystery Babylon.

21666968? ago

No. DC, Rome and London are Mystery Babylon. The American people have nothing to do with that.

21666992? ago

America is Mystery Babylon. No more discussion needed. And yes the American people have everything to do with it. Most of you are CINO's and the like.

21666498? ago

Which means the DS will fall. A new country will emerge. Inevitable. "This is not about a four year election.Q"

21664765? ago


21667010? ago

NO! My 5th great grandfather who fought with General Washington on the Hudson was not fighting to create a Federal government. He was fighting for the independence of Massachusetts from the British crown. The Articles of Confederation were the real deal. The creation of an (eventually) all powerful central government ensconced in a lawless city state was an act of treason to the revolution. The Federalist conspirators, of which some such as Hamilton were actually (((British))) agents were behind the constitution. The Bill of Rights was an afterthought, the first instance of conservatives giving ground to tyranny.

21668995? ago

nope, he was fighting for lgbt rights and the right of niggers and illegals. Once the democrats are back n power they will just legally change all the laws. The constitution is just a word, they care not what the document stands for.

21665164? ago

No sir the declaration is the foudation. The constituion is the bilaws of the declaration which is its founding document. Read my above post of such document.

21665390? ago

:) you are my brother. I agree completely! Most don't think that deeply so I don't even go there for the most part. o7

21687370? ago

Here is another brother.


21687989? ago

Peace and live patriot, checking in...

What os the first thing to strike the ground when New Jerusalem appears?

The FOUNDATION. What is the foundation made of?

The 144,000.

When it lowers from heaven, what does it hit first? The HEAD.

Crown on, eye opened. 2 booms to start.

5 booms to follow as it drops.

Reread David and Goliath. David had 5 smooth stones. Goliath lost his head, or the top 2 stones.

Goliath wore human armor. David wore none, aside from an activated lower 5 chakra suit. Lower 5 activation means duality is integrated. That allows access to the throne of God, past the veil.

Who is Potus related to? What is the Holy Grail?

Means more than most realize...

Welcome to activation. 5:5?

21694225? ago


21670195? ago

Try having a conversation with someone whose phone is constantly ringing with bullshit calls, they are stuck on inane texting or gaming, they get their jollies on stupid tv shows and have a one minute attention span if you are catching them on a focused day. Or, if you really are making points that hit home they get agitated and either interrupt you constantly and start trying to talk over you or change the topic to "Isn't this food great?". Waste of time.

21670222? ago

ha ha ha ha ha I know what you mean... Its agonizing.

21664714? ago

You are either dence as shit or stupid then if you just got it.

21664598? ago

Ukrainium One

21664589? ago

He wanted them to commit to their narrative so that they can't back pedal. They had enough rope to hang themselves. Give it a few weeks for the public to digest then declass FISA.

21664576? ago

Watching some of hearing on Fox News, the faces of ((them)) were not tinted blue. What gives?

21664755? ago

Pro tip: If they filter the blue, just look at the nose.

21670380? ago

Well, OK. But, but, it's not a technical limitation ... the line of scrimmage and line for first down are routinely tinted in real-time in football games on TV. At least ((their)) noses could be tinted blue in real-time hearing coverage.

21664492? ago

Very true. We're in for a long haul.

21664465? ago

This impeachment by the demoncraps just shows how stupid these people are. The truth will come out with the Durham report. The IG report is a nothing burger, though it does show corruption on the part of the FBI. There is no stopping what is going to come out. Praying that Barr, Durham and Huber are as honest and as truthful as we are hoping they are. We owe nothing to these deep staters and corrupt politicians. We don't work for them, they work for us. Though the majority only work for their pockets to be filled with ridiculous amounts of kickbacks and lobbyist payola. How else can a salary of $200k/yr amount to making multi-millionaires overnight.

21664448? ago

You forgot the Fake News Media. <

21664436? ago

Nice post

21664392? ago

That's right. And each step has to be released, and then talked about for weeks, and more hearings held, so that as many Americans as possible can take in the info and digest it so as to understand where we are. It's this way or we blow it up and see where we land.

21668380? ago

And it is working, the people in my world that were vocal anti Trump in the past are not saying much lately. Quietly becoming closet Trump voters.

21668967? ago

Doesn't matter they are gonna rig this election that they already have state ones. Why wouldn't they? Just pump in more mexicans and get them IDs and an address. When whites are a minority this country is NWO globalist forever

21668596? ago

In the meantime, the Trump haters on Twitterville are getting more rabid by the day.

21664279? ago

Can I add Bush -1 AND Bush -2... Sr and Jr... There are many many more.. But you did a great job Anon!

Maybe a sticky is in order!

21672729? ago

Did you know there is a Bush 3 in the making? I think his name is Pierce.

21674642? ago

Plus Neil Bush’s boy.

21701399? ago

Damn! Won't these people just go away? But now we are totally wise to the RINO thing, so maybe they will flame out like that Kennedy dude.

21674388? ago

Great....just what we need. Smh

21664227? ago

And all the Dems have is dumb opinions and buzzwords as usual. People are seeing through it.

21669722? ago

The Dems/DS/whatever you want to call them/ are also playing their part of the "movie", following their part of the script.

21669010? ago

After today December 9th IG's report, what happens next?

I look forward to reading the coming U.S. attorney John Durham's report about the CRIMINAL investigation of the CIA, DOJ, FBI, foreign spy agencies (intelligence agencies) activities, and others. First, as you know this December 9th, 2019 IG Horowitz's report can make recommendation of criminal referrals. Then using this report, in the future the U.S. attorney Durham can subpoena witnesses, file charges, and impanel fact-finding grand juries. Sources:


______• https://archive.ph/SOew2#selection-1015.0-1019.185


______• https://archive.md/IXeEU#selection-1121.37-1121.120

Blog at https://www.minds.com/Francewhoa/blog/ig-report-december-9-2019-highly-critical-of-fbi-1050890789015822336

21668507? ago

Getting to the point where, if tomorrow, everything came out and all the shitty people are executed, and somehow this whole time the Fed reserve has been dead for year and everyone's debt was cleared and everything was absolutely perfect!.....

I'd almost still be open to exterminating every leftist retard left on the planet. They make me sick with how stupid they are, and how much facts don't matter to them. I don't want them raising or teaching kids. Just want them wiped off the planet.

21670158? ago

Sometimes, genocide really isn't a bad thing.

21671299? ago

You guys are being idiots here. This is absolutely 100% NOT what the Q information campaign promotes. It's stickied right at the top: Ignore posts calling for violence. What are you trying to do? I can already see this screenshotted, with my comment edited out: "Q-ANON DANGEROUS CONSPIRACY TARDS" & crap like we called for genocide of Jews. C'mon now. We are non-violent. We want justice through a transparent and fair court of law. I have to put this comment here so hopefully some outsider sees it and gives everything a second thought without getting rightfully offended by reading what you have posted. There is a distinct group here promoting the Jew hate thing, and it's pretty much exclusively dominant on the Voat boards here. When you go to other sources, the anti-Jew behavior is sparse, probably only spilling over from here. Yes, I know there are quite a lot of Jewish people in power and in nefarious positions. There are bad and good with everyone and everything. Let the courts handle it as long as it is real, fair, just. If not, better believe the Lord will handle it.

21674065? ago

Citizen arrests are valid.

21670657? ago

Unless it happens to whites

21670432? ago

Maybe, it's good?

21666488? ago


21668164? ago

Actually both parties, they were created in the first place to divide us. Any way that they can keep The People divided gives them strength,

21668350? ago

Yep, it's literally good v. evil, not Dems v. Republicans, left v. right, etc.

21665360? ago

Also the

corrupt markets

corrupt corporate environment

where winners and losers have been chosen artificially with monopolies by design.

21669172? ago

Also the

corrupt liberal ideologue zealot professor class expert witnesses.

21669229? ago

That's just Moloch playing marionettes

21669366? ago

Pretty sure (((they)) would do it for free.

21666496? ago

Fuck man, even the lottery winners are rigged!

21666816? ago

It gets worse. When I went to China they assigned me a girlfriend to be my minder.

They have figured out how to control everything down to the individual for billions of people.

21671623? ago

Yeah I'm curious what's a minder?

Is that like a handler?

21671296? ago

What is a minder?

21664789? ago

I've only seen about an hour (opposite end of the world), but it is quite literally a shit show. They are insane. Completely insane. There is no coming back from this, they are that fixated. On a side note... is it just me, or are most of the Demoncrats so fucking weird looking that I am starting to question their humanity?? These things are DEMONS. The mark of Cain is real.

21670138? ago

Obviously, you're seeing the same thing I am and coming to the exact same conclusions. These people are so fucked up there's no way they can be helped. And yes, they look strange. Especially the women. Fucking Nadler? Schiff, all of them. They just look fucked up in some odd way.

21672719? ago

Kuru will do that.

21669045? ago

most of the Demoncrats so fucking weird looking that I am starting to question their humanity?? These things are DEMONS. The mark of Cain is real.


21664958? ago

You get it my friend..

21664624? ago

Impeach mints now






Donald Flompf

21664171? ago

Article 5 reset.

21664937? ago

No. You want those scumbags to speak for you at a convention to change the Constitution?

21665218? ago

Is the right of the people not the reps. Youve skipped to the constitution you want the founding document which superceeds it.
