21831279? ago

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21641993? ago

Patton's car accident was no accident.

21640637? ago

Didn't he also say something to the effect of "I wonder if we fought the correct enemy"?

21639286? ago

from: doglegwarrior

look at an encyclopedia from 1958 to 1968 look up A and H guess what your not going to find? if you do find something about A and H it will be tiny. At some point basicaly someone started an auswitz and holohoax PR campaign

21639269? ago

Trump said in his very first presidential announcement speech that he is going to find the modern day General Patton to rebuild our military.

Maybe Trump knows?

21638630? ago

Great post, did not know this about Patton. Saved and thanks!

21638403? ago

This is one of the best red pills to help paint the picture for normies. A real American warrior who wasn't afraid to call them out and ultimately paid for it with his life. He understood exactly what was happening to the country and the world and it was the same Zionist Bolshevik's that have been destroying ever since.

21638211? ago

You should edit your post to include the source info. Might be some interesting reading.

21638294? ago

Came from Rense, but only used excerpts from his diary. Will see if I can find a good link to his diary.

21638609? ago

Thanks. I just wanted to know where it came from, but it would be awesome if you can find a link.

21637175? ago

Fucking based patton. Thanks for posting..

"you shouldnt have a job because you are a Nazi" modern Jews and SJW faggot niggers.

21637928? ago

"you shouldnt have a job because you are a Nazi"

Pretty much the same thing the media has been saying about President Trump, for the past 4 years. Pretty crazy how relevant everything General Patton said still is today.

21638009? ago

I stress everyone should read the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion at least once and try to explain it away after that.

21637094? ago

Patton was based. That's why they whacked him.