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21856600? ago

Sir, I just re-read that article, and it talks about NOFORN > No Foreigners.

Q posted NORFON right?

The R has been shifted two places to the left.

This problem is gnawing at me.

21857212? ago

I made a typo on original post it should be Noforn but still doesnt change the fact that now we have a post number issue.

21857400? ago

So 1 post out of alignment?

This won't do Sir.

It doesn't balance. <

WHERE is the error in the post numbers?

I used to be a Bank Teller, and we HATE errors. <

21861953? ago

3649 on qrv with NOFORN POSTER is

3650 on q posts online. Not sure why or how it can be rectified. Everything was for a reason i found other digs on Noforn