21635320? ago

make a jpg so we can e-mail it, youtube is so 80's lol

21630484? ago

Im convinced True Detective was trying to tell us something.

By the end of season one, we find out the cult goes all the way uo to the Senator of the state(nxivm)... Shit there is a scene in the second to last episode where Woody watches a videotape where a child of s rape and killed (frazzledrip).

We also see that there is more than just ceremony and ritual in involved in the goings on... Cohl sees with his own eyes the battle is bigger, between good and evil. He sees it's spiritual.

21630369? ago


21629150? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall:

It's always been out in the open.

You just have to LOOK.



Symbolism = END.


21627870? ago

First off, I love that song, still go out of my way every now and then to listen to it. Second, I doubt all of the artist that use the symbol know its meaning, that said hollyweird is rael.

21626299? ago

When Pizzagate was on fire 2 1/2 years ago we created a sub on VOAT, for people to post pedo symbols they spotted. It's amazing what is in there. Check it out: https://voat.co/v/PizzagateLogos?page=0

21626293? ago

@2:35 mark, check out the head position of the child. These people are sick.

Great work OP. Def redpill material. Thx.

21625827? ago

Now this is what QRV is for! Great red-pilling for normies.

Thank you.

21625634? ago

Thanks brother, important stuff. Shared in Larry Johnson’s Twitter feed.


21624833? ago

Well done patriot!

21624430? ago

every one of these fuckers who put the symbols in should be hunted down...

21624292? ago

Fuck your video. Make a graphic. See the comment I made on your other posting.

21623978? ago

Excellent! And THANK YOU.

21623944? ago

Well done anon. I downloaded a fucking video game for my kids and it is loaded with pedo swirls. This shit is really pissing me off!

21623897? ago

holy cow. I remember watching "Flight of the Navigator" when I was maybe 15, my mom got it for me. Plenty of abduction, telepathy/mind control, "downloading" data from the mind without free will, lost / missing time, alternate realities, organic spacecraft that can go underwater/in space, etc. And the clip at 2:50 shows the steps to the spacecraft. Damn. Right under our noses.

21623481? ago

Donna Brazil.. clearly visible on Fox.. bold.. and sick!

21630148? ago

I won't watch anything that fat lying cunt is any part of.

21627956? ago

She made a point of representing Fox at the Cokie Roberts funeral. wow

21623204? ago