21612035? ago

naturally the link is dead

21612964? ago

the Catbox website is gone? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3549484

21605888? ago

You forgot Pope francy pants' BONE THRONE

or the sculpture behind it made of bones

21604749? ago

All you Catholic bashers.....where in the Bible is the Trinity? Where is the word Trinity and that the three are one? Where did the word come from? Do you believe in the Trinity? Why do you believe in the Trinity if it's not in the Bible?

21598781? ago

Catholicism is a LARP.

21598370? ago

iS effing Krampus coming to ruin Christmas?

21597904? ago

Catholics are god canibals

21597794? ago

"When supper began, Jesus took the bread, broke it and gave it to his disciples saying, "Take this, all of you, and eat from it. This is my body which will be given up for you." When supper ended, he took the cup, gave thanks and praise, and passed the cup to his disciples saying, "Take this, all of you, and drink from it. This is the cup of my blood, the blood of new and everlasting life. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me."

How about this one:

"I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world."

Oh, this too:

"Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and Inwill raise them up at the last day."

But, ya know, I'm sure you all know better than Jesus and the Bible....

21597697? ago


21597398? ago

Hate to tell you this but there is no such thing as religion. Gods and all that other stuff are man made. They would just be a cult.

21597019? ago

"If you pay me $4500, I can give you annulment kid " <<< (1990) What the pedo priest told me after 8yrs of their school and parish. I was 22, not a pot to piss in, nor a window to throw it out. Fucking broke.They give $$ for muzzies/immigrants push it on other countries to destroy. They can go eat a bowl of fuck.

21596558? ago



21596432? ago

If you dig deep enough, the answer will be self evident. Clear evidence on the surface but millions have been duped into thinking its spiritual.

Remember: It is much easier for someone to believe a lie than it is to convince them they have been lied to.

21596217? ago

No, Catholics are just Hebrewss that don't know it.

21596147? ago

Hadn't seen this done with this image before, eye popping.

22100168? ago

Love Ed, had seen one vid not the other, do so disagree with him on the moon landing but hey I allow all to hold all their views and can still appreciate their work.

21596033? ago

Why do u think that the fish, Pisces sign is an ancient sign for Jesus? What age began on Jesus birthday again?

21595992? ago

Yes, it is a religion that worships the “sun”, not the son. It’s actually not even debatable.

21595912? ago

This mirror thing..

There is a pattern in many things.

There is probably countless sculptures and images with mirror symbols in them.

21595837? ago

One Jesus (Jeshua, Jeshua ben Joseph, Issa, st Issa,)

19,000 sects of Christians.

He was full of Gods Love. Praying, and praying to embody gods love. 40 days and nights transfiguring and Realizing THE Perfection he prayed even more.

He was showing the way to the Kingdom of God in our own temple, the Heart, not the commercialization of temples religion. There is intermediary-needed.

He was a healer, musician, friend to all.

With Love ❤️

21595411? ago

Very strange sculpture. It doesn't look anything like what the sculptor said it was supposed to be. I think it's demonic

21595362? ago

Does the pope shit in the woods?

Ofcourse the vatican is the seat of evil on this world.

Roman catholicism has nothing to do with the original teachings of Jesus Christ.

Otherwise it wouldn't be called ROMAN catholicism and it wouldn't have incorporated babylonian and pagan caballistic teachings from the start.

The Vatican is deep state occultism at its deepest.

21596650? ago

Retards here need to actually fucking read the history of Christianity.

Catholic simply means universal. The Orthodox Church call themselves Catholic for the aforementioned reason.

The term Roman Catholic arised in the 16th and 16th centuries after the English broke away and formed the Anglican Church.

21597872? ago

so saying the institution of the Roman 'Universal' Church initiated by pagan emperor constantine has become a seat of evil that has corruptes true christian teachings is being a retard?

Aaaand that makes you?

21599406? ago

Yes, because there was no Roman Universal Church in the time of Constantine. It was just the Church and the institution precedes Constantine.

If you mean to say that the Council of Nivea is a corruption of the true Christian teaches then you are also saying the Orthodox and Protestants are corruption true Christian teachings which makes a special snowflake who thinks he knows better than the Apostles, the early church fathers and countless theologians of said sects. In short....a retard.

21597026? ago

You are disinfo. The Roman Catholic Church is Ancient Rome. The Roman Empire was not dissolved, it became the “Catholic Church” and is the start of all evil on Earth.

21600242? ago

You are disinfo.

And you are the type to cry out as you strike someone. The catholic church was not ancient Rome...Byzantium was Rome, continued on for over a 1000 years, and you would be more accurate to use that description of the Orthodox church given that the Byzantine Emperor was in fact a Roman emperor and was considered "Gods representative on Earth"

and is the start of all evil on Earth.

Really...that start of all evil? If you really believe that then you are the type of stupid that cant be fixed.

21595060? ago

Pagan is not synonymous with evil you twat.

21595016? ago

The pope is a jew. You are looking at satanic judaism.

21594964? ago

Even without the mirrored combination, this is one evil looking structure.....is there any justification for how dark and menacing this looks?

21601758? ago

if you see it from the outside it looks like a snake's head ready to strike

21594913? ago

The catholic church was infiltrated by jews long ago. It didnt get off to a very good start either. There is a reason God took it out of their hands.

21594997? ago

Great. And he gave them every other center of modern power. WTF God?

21594879? ago

Buildings and people we could nuke from the sky for $500 Alex

21594862? ago

Paganism has nothing to do with it, but yes.

21595190? ago

Paganism is worship of the gods. The chief god above all is the sun god. The sun god is the light bearer. The light bearer is Lucifer. Lucifer is also known as Satan. They make everyone peel back the layers of deception to get to the inner truth. That is why it is done by degree - i.e. Freemasonry, which Albert Pike states clearly is identical to the Ancient (Pagan) Mystery religion. It is all there for anyone interested to look up and understand. Now we have the internet.

21595648? ago

paganism is ancestor worship. it is the very close to pre nicene christianity. the original christianity which believed in re incarnation and not in resurrection.

21601655? ago

Lord God, where do you get your misinformation? No proof Jesus even existed?


There exists communications from local officials reporting difficulties with the followers of Jesus from contemporaries in very ancient times - some as early as the first and second centuries AD. Fragments of some of the books of the Bible exist that are dated to as early as the 80s AD, when some of the Apostles were still living. There isn't even any controversy about it among the experts because you can see the proof with your eyes and hold the proof in your hands. In actual fact there is far better documentation that Jesus and his followers existed than Caesar or Alexander the Great. It appears you have derived your expert status from watching a half video on youtube from a guy who has no clue what he is talking about. Check your facts.

21605111? ago

that proof is all very recent and back dated. nothing valid.

21605382? ago

It's valid to every expert and academic on Planet Earth. No one even argues the point. Try watching another half video on youtube.

21595346? ago

Again, you're mixing Lucifer, a judeo Christian god, and attributing it to them, it also sounds like you're mixing moloch worship in with it too. I'm all for figuring it out, but paganism is widely misunderstood and it bothers me to see it still attributed to any of this, it predates christianity, been around for thousands of years in nordic lands

21602100? ago

You are correct that I used the normal western name Lucifer to refer to the sun god in paganism. Lucifer is the anglicized word that refers to the principal pagan sun deity. It is derived from the Latin which translated is basically light bearer . And you are correct that paganism is ancient. You are correct that I am equating it to the same Canaanite deity Moloch, because that is the name used for the principle sun god deity by them. If you would like a list of names used by other cultures for the same essential character, here: Helios (Greek)

Apollo (Greek and Roman)

Mitra (Roman)

Ra (Egyptian)

Aton (Egyptian)

Shamash (Semitic)

Utu (Sumerian)

Khvarenah (Persian)

Surya (Hindu)

Savitr or Savitar (Hindu)

Dažbog or Dazhbog (Slavic)

Khors (Slavic)

Saulė (Baltic): A Solar Goddess.

Ūsiņš (Latvian): A God of light.

Sunna (Nordic): Sun Goddess.

Yan-Di (Chinese): The God of Fire.

Tonatiuh (Mexica/Aztec): ‘‘Movement of the Sun’’. He is known as The Fifth Sun.

Kinich Ahau or K'inich Ajaw (Mayan): ‘‘Lord Sun-eyed’’. He is married to Ixchel (The Moon).

Sué or Xué (Muisca/Colombia): Sun ...

If you would like a more detailed study, i suggest Alexander Hislop's,"The Two Babylons" It gives a more comprehensive treatment of the subject. If you mistrust a Christian source, I suggest you read Albert Pikes, "Morals and Dogma". He approaches the topic from a Pagan perspective, as he declares Freemasonry to be IDENTICAL to the Ancient (Pagan) Mystery religion. He, of course, refers to the sun god character as "lucifer," because he is writing in English and using the standard English word for the same character. From your post it is clear that the only person who widely misunderstands this topic is you. It is well known and widely written about from a variety of sources and viewpoints. The Hislop book is available in PDF format, if you are interested.


21594949? ago

Paganism has a LOT to do with the catholic church, are you insane???

Not only paganism but straight cryptojew, satanic infiltration.

Be a christian. not a catholic.

21595210? ago

No, paganism has been made the boogeyman of Christian's, it predates christ, its nothing particularly special, a religion of nature, it's been demonized probably because its a competitor with judeo christian religions. No I'm not insane, just correcting some misinformation. You can say it has something to do with the catholic church, but its the "catchall" for anything against the church, the scapegoat

21595148? ago

Stupid Christcucks think pagans = Satan worshipers lmfao.

22099478? ago

jesus christ is a false translation... it's jesus cuck

21595191? ago

Gas yourself.

21595294? ago

You're the one who worships a sandnigger Jew god - you belong in the oven, not me.

21595353? ago

Nice try kikel. The tired old chrisrcuck narrative you guys love to push on the chans while you pretend to be conservatives.

Seen it ad nauseum.

All jews are born evil, and your people are fucked. You can wear any mask you like. You cant hide anymore. You inbred, faggot mongrels are going down.

Look around you. Its happening.

21595391? ago

Okay. God is a sandnigger and not European. Cool.

21596559? ago

Dumb dumb the Arabs didn’t live in the Levant in the time of Christ.

21595461? ago

Those ovens are right around the corner. Cant talk your way out of it.

21594728? ago

The short answer is yes. This has been widely known and written about since the time of Martin Luther and the Protestant Reformers. Once at the end of a video it rolled a list of Protestant Theologians who state the Pope/Vatican is the antichrist. Every name i had heard of and dozens i hadn't. The list went on a long time. It was basically part of the statement of faith of Protestantism. The practice of Roman Catholicism was against the law in all 13 of the original U.S. colonies. The Jesuit counter reformation has done it's work well. Nobody knows what Protestantism is even about these days.

21594626? ago

Why does "Jesus" have a dinosaur head?

21594983? ago

Because it's Raptor Jesus

21594543? ago

Catholics believe they are eating the actual flesh and drinking the blood of Christ. Blood sacrifice.

21600398? ago

Hold up though, isn't it in the Bible and said by Jesus himself? Something like: "Take, drink, all of you, this is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins"

21596236? ago

They call it transbubstantiation and they do it every Sunday.

It's a ritual. They murder Yeshua again, and consume him so they can be God like.

What fucking buffoons.

21597615? ago

Correction. They do it daily.

21597684? ago


Thank you, fren.

21596334? ago

Read the bible dumb fuck.

21597121? ago

I don't need to. I learned most of what I know in Mass and from my Catholic schooling...

When I say they murder Yeshua again, I say it symbolically. However, I'm not sure they see it as just symbolism. I think they use these mass rituals to further the cost instilled upon his followers, to excite the trauma in to resurfacing.

Either way, if your ultimate argument is ever, "Read the bible, nerd", you have no idea what that book is for, nor do you understand even halfway how to use it.

21599623? ago

Then you should've spent less time huffing glue during the liturgy of the word as the priest reads from the bible and specifically reads passages concerning Jesus instructions on the Eucharist every fucking good Friday.

21599832? ago


You think their interpretations of what Thoth said means anything? Oh, how cute you are.

21600354? ago

What part of "read the scripture out loud" cannot you not comprehend. Is it the word scripture? Does it confuse you? Let me help you here, the scripture is the writing in the bible. So the priest reads the bible out loud dumb dumb.

21600976? ago

This seems like a desperate attempt to explain nothing at all...

21595997? ago

Jesus was a vampire.

21595826? ago

They believe it becomes literally the ESSENCE of Jesus's body, not the SUBSTANCE .

@eagleshigh @bojangles

21596753? ago

In the most blessed sacrament of the Eucharist "the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ and, therefore, the whole Christ is truly, really, and substantially contained."

21596847? ago

This is why many practice not eating or drinking other foods before partaking. They believe when they receive the eucharist, that it is Holy and will be defiled by having other substances in their stomach.

21596319? ago

Spare your breath, the retardant aren’t goin to change their minds given they couldn’t even be bothered to research that practice of communion has been practiced since the beginning of Christianity and was commanded by Christ himself.

21596806? ago

It is not the communion that people protest. It is the belief that it is ACTUALLY flesh and blood, which what catholics believe.

21599671? ago

So do the Orthodox and other protestant denominations like the Lutherans.

21595738? ago


Plenty of podcasts and articles to read there.

Also see James Wickstrom on bitchute (jewtube banned him)

Also read the bible in the original languages with a concordance.

21595626? ago

Is that why I left the Catholic Church at 16?

Caused a big rift in the family.

Could not be in that joyless place

I knew something was not right in that Church

21604704? ago

Because of this picture? I think it was something else you dipshit.

21595068? ago

That's because Jesus Christ himself told them that. It's a Jewish blood ritual. Christianity is Judaism for the Goyim.

21595280? ago

Annnd gas yourself. Jesus despised the canaanites (jews) and newsflash: He was white. Caucasians are his people.

This is why jews hate white people so much.

This is the most truth that has been posted in this thread so far. Sit down, shut up, and take notes.

21595410? ago

Jesus was not white you dumb shit. When people say "White" they mean Aryan, or ethnically European.

21596511? ago

You say that as if the Levantine hasn’t undergone millenia of invasion and replacement post christ.

News flash, the Levant wasn’t Arab in he time of Christ.

21595451? ago

Jesus was white, and he hated the jews.

21595605? ago

Ah, yes, I forgot! Jesus: Born in London, ministered in Paris, Berlin, and Rome!

Seriously, how can you be that stupid? Like, doesn't being that stupid make you uncomfortable or something? There are three major races: Caucasoids, Negroids, and Mongoloids. Nevermind Negroids and Mongoloids right now, they're not important for your basic biology lesson that I'm graciously giving you.

Caucasoids are further subdivided into Aryans, Semites, and Hamites.

Hamites are North Africans. Semities are Middle East Sandniggers. Neither are Aryan, which is what people mean when they say, "White."

Repeat after me: SEMITES ARE NOT WHITE.

21595670? ago

Jesus was white, and Gods people (israel, in the old testament) are the white, caucasian, anglo saxon race. AKA the people you fear and hate the most. You are a jealous, mongrelized, bastard race of shit eating, blood drinking vampires, and you will burn-in-hell.


Plenty of podcasts and articles to read there.

Also see James Wickstrom on bitchute (jewtube banned him)

Also read the bible in the original languages with a concordance.

By the way, i have no interest in convincing you, you jewish piece of trash. Speaking to others reading. Thanks for being a good sounding board!

21595741? ago

Aaaaahahahah you're the stupidest fucking Boomer Christcuck I've ever met!

It's like something inside you understands, at a fundamental level, that you're honoring a foreign races spirituality but, rather than facing reality you choose to pretend that no, it's not a foreign race, Jews are the real white people!

My God, how? How can someone be so low IQ?

21594612? ago

Yes. Jesus taking the place if all sacrifices and burnt offerings. Bring the last blood sacrifice and thus ending the power of moloch.

Just because the Catholics are wrong and fucking retarded doesn't mean they're wrong on that.

21594929? ago

No, not only is it wrong it is creepy. They are mocking you when you participate in that.

Its best to read the bible for yourself, not letting a pastor or pope interpret it for you.

21598412? ago

Or close your eyes and your busy thoughts to locate GOD within you as ALWAYS and NEVER 'angry'.

21598803? ago

Please relocate yourself to the nearest gas chamber.

21598909? ago

ok, thx

21594962? ago


21595029? ago

You have much to learn. I cant possibly type it all in one message. Youre probably going to throw a fit regardless.

In time you will see (unless youre a jewish mongrel)

21595054? ago

Sure. Ok.

Orthodox Christian here, but tell me more about my religion please.

21595154? ago

The more you type the more you look like an orthodox jew.

The post in reference to the mock blood sacrifice called the transfiguration, where you are told you are literally eating flesh and drinking blood- this is judaism. Jewish satanists are vampires and cannibals and always have been.

The catholic church is absolutely rife with ritual and canaanite / pagan symbolism. It once had good within it, as many popes expelled and put jews to death for jewish ritual murder, but just as many popes sided with and protected jewry (the enemies of God and all mankind)

Post 1800s there is no good left in the false prophet. It is entirely ran by jews now.


21595211? ago


Projection at its finest.

Deny being a Jew yourself.

Here I'll go first.

Judaism is the worship of Satan. I myself am a baptised orthodox Christian.

I believe in Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God, as our savior.

Transfiguration is a central part of orthodox Christianity and I can only assume someone with your poor understanding is a troll or a Jew. But I assume Jew since you're obviously projecting.

21595123? ago

And he's an Instagram Christian that clicks "like" on posts of the same 30 Bible verses over and over again. Read your Bible like him!

21595142? ago


I mean I do read the Bible.

It's a great suggestion.

21594909? ago

They have to keep sacrificing their god. They worship a dying god. That's not Jesus. Jesus lives.

21595129? ago

He ded, bruh

21594767? ago

The problem with transfiguration is that they are bringing Jesus into sacrifice with every eucharist served. When Jesus died, he said, "it is finished", thus, no more need for sacrifices.

21599750? ago

It's a cult. They do this stuff.

21596430? ago

The practice of communion is also done by the Orthodox and most major Protestant denominations.

You honestly believe you have a better understanding of what is proper for Christianity than either the Apostolic fathers and Millenia of Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant theologians?

21600025? ago

Yes. Yes, I do.

21600271? ago

Okay secret king.

21596706? ago

Most protestants don't believe that they are ingesting ACTUAL flesh and blood... Christianity has no room for cannibalism. It is for every individual to decide what is right, you are responsible for YOU at the end of it all. I do not think I have a better understanding for others, only for me. It is from study of the HOLY Bible, and other texts, including the catholic canon, and thinking that I come to my conclusions, not on what "millennia of dogma" have found for themselves. Your relationship to God is between you and God, and he will guide you into great understanding through the Holy Spirit.

21600145? ago

the Lutherans do. The Presbyrterians believe that it contains the precense of Christ which in effect is essentially the same damned thing (you are consuming christ).

It is from study of the HOLY Bible, , and other texts, including the catholic canon, and thinking that I come to my conclusions

The same holy bible that says this:

"Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day "- John 6:53.

"Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him" - 6:54-56

"26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." Matthew 26:26-28

Looks like you need to study better.

21600634? ago

At the last supper, “Did Jesus himself miraculously, actually change the bread that he broke and gave to his disciples to eat into the LITERAL SUBSTANCE of his BODY of FLESH?” And “Did Jesus miraculously change the wine into the LITERAL SUBSTANCE of his BLOOD that he would not actually be shedding until the next morning for the atonement of the sins of the world?”

In other words, does the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, come right out and say to us with CLEAR, PLAIN, and SIMPLE words that leave absolutely no doubt that when Jesus spoke the words “THIS IS MY BODY” that Jesus actually and MIRACULOUSLY changed that piece of broken bread in SUBSTANCE into his literal body of FLESH? Please keep in mind that the MIRACLES that Jesus did were CLEARLY SEEN to be TRUE miracles that could Not be denied.

So then, when the disciples partook and ate of bread that Jesus said was his BODY did they actually TASTE the raw FLESH of the human BODY of Jesus? And when Jesus said the words “THIS IS MY BLOOD that I shed for your sins” and he gave the cup of WINE to his disciples to DRINK did they actually TASTE the very BLOOD that Jesus had not yet, at that moment in time, actually shed for the remission of the sins of the world?

NO! Absolutely NOT! There is no such CLEAR, PLAIN, and SIMPLE language anywhere in the word of TRUTH, the Holy Bible, that leaves absolutely no doubt that Jesus without fail MEANT by his words, “THIS IS MY BODY take and EAT of it”, that Jesus was saying without a doubt to us that we would LITERALLY be eating the FLESH of his physical body and that we would LITERALLY be drinking his BLOOD, which again Jesus had NOT actually shed at that point in time when he instructed his disciples to break bread and drink some wine in REMEMBRANCE of his DEATH on the cross that he would shortly suffer for the sins of the whole world.

21597306? ago

don't believe that they are ingesting ACTUAL flesh and blood

"do this IN MEMORY OF ME"

21597331? ago

Yes, the ritual of breaking bread, eating and drinking, communing with each other. Sharing. Not cannibalizing....

21602437? ago

yes. Remembering His sacrifice, not re-sacrificing him again and again.

21594802? ago

And no more sacrifices are made. The bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ.

No blood of gentile children necessary.

21594834? ago


21594875? ago

No don't get me wrong. Obviously Catholics are the anti-church. The pope being the antipope.

Jesus was also very clear on this point, that there would be one bride to Jesus, or one church.

That's the church of at Peter, or the orthodox Christian Church.

Where might you find centers of Christian orthodoxy?

Hmm.. Syria, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Russia, Poland, Ukraine....

Gosh...I wonder what else might line up with those regions.

21596416? ago

I have to say, visiting a Russian Orthodox Church when I was young, It really felt untainted and as ancient and revered as Jewish sabbaths. You may be onto something there. The Eastern Orthodox is the only remaining sect that still has elements of the original Christ Cult and Gnostics intact.

21596762? ago

It is the singular church that Jesus prophesied. The bride. He's very clear on this.

21595083? ago

The Catholic Church was founded by Saint Peter and is, ironically, probably the most authentic form of Christianity.

21595230? ago

Petre means rock. Jesus didnt refer to Peter as "Peter" anyways. You are basing an entire subcult off of a single bad translation. The original verse does not mean what you have been told it means.


21596038? ago

It’s amazing.

21595284? ago


I don't give a fuck, bro. Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef was a filthy kike and you're a cuck if you worship him.

21595302? ago

All jews are born evil. You are tares and you will be thrown in the fire accordingly, niglet.

Run your mouth all day. Wont change a thing at this point. Gods people are waking up en masse and you are proper fucked.

21595102? ago



It broke off in the great schism around 500 AD

21596470? ago

The greats schism was in the 11th century not the 6th....

I mean how in the fuck can you get that so wrong in the era of the search engine

21596746? ago

How the fuck can you not read? The schism started 343 AD.


21600047? ago

Wrong, the great schism specifically refers to the mutual acts of excommunication between the Catholic Pope and the Patriarch and the break of commune between the west and in the east. The disputes prior to themselves were just that, disputes, it did not prevent a western rite Christian from receiving communion from an eastern rite priest or vice versa.

It's why a Roman Catholic can receive communion in from a Byzantine Catholic Priest despite said priest the Orthodox Rite but not an Orthodox priest who practices the same rite.

21594945? ago

"I wonder what else might line up with those regions"

Sorry.....not enough coffee here yet. Please fill in the blanks...

21595224? ago

those are targeted for destruction by the nwo

21594956? ago

War zones.

21594645? ago

Ever consider that originally moloch meant any king rather than a god?

21595255? ago

Molech (with an E) means king in hebrew. Jews to this day sing hymns to both moloch and baal.

Again, its always the jews behind evil. Every time. I can do this all day.

21596048? ago

I’m going to follow u around to learn.

21596341? ago

There are some who call me...


21596587? ago

At least they don’t call you...


21599864? ago


21596611? ago

from: doglegwarrior

I really resent that.

21595518? ago

I'm not talking about what they do today. I'm talking about what it meant originally.

21595578? ago


The jews worship SATAN. They are singing praise to their father. He has many names. Why do you think moloch means king to them?? They burnt their own infants ALIVE on moloch statues.

What exactly is confusing you???

21595705? ago

I am aware of these things, with that caveat that some worship satan.

I am confused as to if Christians do as well still, since the god of the bible is so similar to Saturn of Rome.

Also there are just weird things like god telling samuel that the Israelites turned their backs on him when they appointed a king. And then constant references to MLK which means king and not sacrificing kids to MLK and not sacrificing them to baal. Yes I know these terms are also associated with canaanite gods. But why was appointing a king turning their back on god?

I mean the bible was clearly redacted anyway, no one will ever convince me that first temple israelites were monotheistic at this point.

21596228? ago

It seems to me that when they convened in nicea, to determine what books would be in the Bible was the moment that mystery Babylon subverted the Vatican using their agent, Constantine. The Bible is now a story of the “sun”, the light of the world. The sun who nourishes the earth. The “most high” (which is the sun at noon), God gave us his only sun so that we may have life. The sun who began his ministry at age 30 and died at 33 (the sun comes into an age or astrological “house” at a 30 degree angle and exits that house at a 33 degree angle before moving into the next astrological age). Many catholic feast days lining up with ancient astrological dates like Easter as one example.

“Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts which do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars which follow only the cycle of the Sun; rather, its date is offset from the date of Passover and is therefore calculated based on a lunisolar calendar similar to the Hebrew calendar.”

21598433? ago

Yeah, the thing to me is the foundations seem pretty shaky. I mean if the book of the law which is usually known as the pentateuch was really found under the temple floorboards shortly before the babylonian exile as stated in the book of kings, then much of the rest of the history is bunk. It's like if abraham received a covenant in the land of Canaan during the the time he lived then he assuredly received it from El. Who was referred to often as a bull. And often represented as a golden calf. Then there is the whole bit about israelites being commanded to exterminate canaanites yet they wrote the bible in canaanite and appear to have had lots of the same rituals such as topheths and temple prostitutes.

Say what you want about Constantine and the council of nicea. The foundations are even shakier from what little I can see.

With that said. I'm certain god is real. Guess I'm a walking contradiction.

21599101? ago

I agree with you. I never said god wasn’t real, I’m questioning the story of the Bible is all.

21600401? ago

I was agreeing with you also. It is fascinating stuff.

Thanks for the discussion.

21595800? ago


And the entire book of esther (jewish fiction and revenge porn) should be removed as well.

Indeed, all of the current available translations even the KJV are problematic.

Entire books have been removed at the behest of vatican councils.

Alas, when you dig in, in hebrew, a massive thread of truth remains, and the jews have unsuccessfully tried to remove it for many years.

Many of your questions will be answered here. I know exactly where you are at right now and understand your questions:


Plenty of podcasts and articles to read there.

Also see James Wickstrom on bitchute (jewtube banned him)

21595886? ago

I'll take a look after work.

21595906? ago

Godspeed anon.

21594654? ago


21594669? ago

You should reread drops on samuel about enslavement to kings.

21594675? ago

Sure. I'm glad to have a new covenant with Lord Jesus Christ, as the old covenant seems messed up.

21594743? ago

There is no way to tell for sure at this point that I am aware of, but if I had to guess, I'd say the old covenant was made with El, the canaanite god of covenants. And the bible was redacted, which is why it seems messed up.

21594762? ago

The old covenant was made with Moses.

The Jews broke the covenant.

This Lord Jesus came, fulfilled the prophecy, fulfilled the promises of the old covenant and made a new covenant with the gentiles, specifically excluding the Jews.

Wanna know why the jews hate Jesus so much? The real reason?

Because he was better at contract law than them.

21594998? ago

So the story goes.

But why did abraham make a covenant with YHWY and rename his son after the canaanite god El?

21595106? ago

Because all Semitic religions are fake news? Funny how Ba'al just means Lord and the dude was a peaceful shepherd.

21595533? ago

No idea about all semetic religions. Baal means lord for sure though.

21594505? ago

Look at the shape above the Pope’s head.

Are the mirror images depictions of Enlil and Enki?