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21576702? ago

Julzee2 here...still working through this and got down to here.

I have already done the decode for Be Best. See QRV. Notable > Hero Dog.

Not sure where to find this. Any way to link me?

21905896? ago


Ps - I am still doing the Be Best stuff. TBA. <

21964481? ago

Wow damn NMBRFG I just got this comment. I've been so busy working I haven't had time to see much of anything. I've got a day off and will try to catch up on this. Thanks for linking me...:)

21967672? ago

You're welcome my friend. <

22023031? ago

Check this out. This could be YOU! I am so fascinated with how you numbers fags decode but it hurts my brain trying to understand where/how you get which words and smallest of gestures that I would miss if not for you pointing it out to me....but yeah...I feel like doing a critique on his video. Like what I've been trying to figure out how to do with your decodes. If you did a channel explaining your stuff I could be the middle connection between your work and us numbers normies...;)

22024653? ago

Let's do it.

It's a good format. <

I have a lot of material to get through and having a proper outlet would be great.

That guy is amazing, and there only a few people doing Gematria decodes at this level (in public anyway).

Do you see how it is a language, and one just needs to learn how to read and speak it.

Getting the public to wake up to this stuff is one of the most important aspects of the War I have realized, and this language and exposing it as God wants us to, IS The Great Awakening (or at least a part thereof).

You see, once the public learns this little game, it will be ON, and EVERYBODY will be doing it, and watching for it.

It will become like Capture The Flag.

You'll see.

Now I get all the threats I have been receiving. They can't have all this exposed.

Death threats to me and my family. <

22042437? ago

My problem is is that I don't know how to 'do it' 'with you'. If you could make videos of your decodes whether it be talking while showing the values etc or doing what this guy did by showing it only then I could take your video and critique it. That way I'd be like the intermediary between the true knows absolutely nothing about gematria normie and the experts like you. I know a teeny bit. My mind can't absorb this as fast as you. But I did read your is it ISIS code article. Can you please link me to that again? I almost did a video on it back then but it started to hurt my brain and I couldn't figure out how to explain it. That article gave me so much better understanding though than I had had. I'd like to include that link in my video descriptions.

I'd love to do a video with us both actually discussing a decode but I don't think I can timewise. I have such a crazy life! Between work and helping my mom out almost daily I am forced to do my own videos piecemeal. I record a little before work then add to it the next day etc until I finally get a finished product and as you can see I haven't had much finished product lately...ugh

22045100? ago

Let me have a think about a plan. <

I have done video before, and I guess I just need to write a script.

I will get it done.

I am on BitChute now. No videos yet.

Just need a camera and rf mic, so I can record some original footage, and get editing software.

I am hoping people will support me through crypto donations, as I am flat broke and can barely eat. I am working, but not earning enough.

A regular sponsorship program funded by anons, would certainly help me get all this done faster.

It's not something I want to do, but if I am going to take this cryptologist stuff seriously, I need to do it almost full time.

I will follow a similar format to that other video. <

He was brilliant, I would love to work with him.

22049203? ago

It looks like that guy on dropspace uploaded it from a yt channel. This looks to be the original here Rose Hannah channel Maybe you could contact her there...?

22049346? ago

Thanks I will. <