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21529758? ago

Jewoogle Accused of Creating Spy Tool to Squelch Worker Dissent Bounce your signal, Use a proxy or VPN .... Google's claim that they're showing everyone the same set of trending news articles is fake fake ... Google released new tools to spread liberal propaganda. Whites with white guilt will never recover Coming soon - inter-racial couple emojis! Google is disgusting it hates Western civilisation and Whites? Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Spoke gets worse, political censorship, they also use a lot of masonic and satanic symbolism

That is the perfect example of Social Engineering. Mass programming.

They are NOT fucking around, fellow Patriots. WAKE THE FUCK UP and realize what is going on around you. Human beings are HIGHLY suggestible. Stay FOCUSED and ALERT. They are trying to DESTROY all of us. They are, biologically and psychologically , constantly poisoning US. Knowledge is true POWER. When you realize the truth, there is NO going back. "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32) Jack Dorsey praises DuckDuckGo (instead of Google) and claims to have been using it for a while now. I just cannot keep up anymore. In other words, it's compromised. Google Covering For Epstein -- Showing a Tennis Court Instead of the Human Sacrifice Heiau ... African School & Google. All this time I've been saying it wrong... I feel such a fool now. Gooooooo goo gu la Jewoogle for the Negroes

21531979? ago

I've noticed that DDG has a hard time finding my specific search requests. I designed data bases IRL at one time, so I'm aware of key word sequences. It's been frustrating lately.

21530832? ago

Are there any reasonable free proxies or VPNs?

21531745? ago

Hotspot Shield Free. Most stealthy.

21530799? ago

Children need to be taught about Jewish subversion and how to guard against it.