"Lord Mountbatten was a homosexual with a lust for young boys"- according to secret intelligence dossier. Described additionally as "a person of extremely low morals." (google.com)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3539161?
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21526307? 5.2 years ago
So many of the royals in History have been. They keep it in their DNA I think. Must be proud of their evil sins.
21526787? 5.2 years ago
A royal Buckingham smuggle and people taken inside https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3539458/21526234
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21526307? ago
So many of the royals in History have been. They keep it in their DNA I think. Must be proud of their evil sins.
21526787? ago
A royal Buckingham smuggle and people taken inside https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3539458/21526234