21412301? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=9bupl8-aF1w&feature=youtu.be :

Qanon Drops Glenn Beck Throwing Up The Devil Horns - YouTube

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21412228? ago

And the U.S. Army/Air Force has tweeted videos that contain jet pilots throwing up horns in salute as they take off. What exactly is your point?


Yeah... good luck making that stick. Hundreds of millions of people use them regularly without any malicious intent or any form of worship of an imaginary scapegoat.

21412538? ago

What the fuck ever. What's the next "common" Luciferian thing? Pizza and spirals? All meaningless now?

21412517? ago

Sometimes its just play, messing around, theater, a silly movie ..... other people believe in that crap.... and the Blue Falcons? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525438 Beck party to that Mystery club