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21411613? ago

Why the Red Shoes? ...Cook was on the same flight as Glenn Dubin and 2 females. WHEN YOU'VE GOT A DIG TO DIG...DIG WITH THESE It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM. ... Hollyweird the media 'Sabrina' and Satanists Reach Amicable Settlement in Baphomet Statue Lawsuit ... Covered Up by British Govt? the movie stars, MTV, Jay-Z, Madonna, Masonic musician Pink' aka Alecia Beth Moore.... shut it down? ...the women ... Praying to Pentagrams? The O.E.S ...

21412140? ago

@ellanana @Leonidas4Q @GlobalSouth ?

it must be noted that not only the sabbatean frankists, but also the jesuit/templars comprise the illuminati and that marvin antelman tells the story about the outlawed templars and the outlawed jews taking to the seas together to become slavers, drug smugglers and pirates. the story behind the jolly roger logo of the skull and bones.

some of these templars are from portugal where the order was not outlawed known as the order of christ. the santa maria sailed under their banners.. and the scottish rite masons today represented by justin trudeau, whose sinclair/st claire ancestors built the rosslyn chapel.

and many other places where the templars had temples and retreated from the persecution of the church, such as cyprus (think wilbur ross) where the russian oligarchs today keep their stolen money.

or the basque country where they were called the alumbrados and later reinvented themselves as the jesuits.

last but not least to switzerland, a templar country since the end of the crusades in 1291.


22562901? ago

Read "Born in Blood" for an in depth history of the Templars and the start of the Masonic Orders. Written by a historian who is not a Mason.

21414228? ago
