21417755? ago


{{{ THEM }}}

21417598? ago

Patriots in control means everything is already done and you are watching a movie with some great actors in it.

21417496? ago

That’s what I tell people who think Trump is acting like an asshole or an idiot. I say no that’s confidence, they’ve been caught.

21417210? ago

Killed in jail or else we havent "won" jack shit!

21416821? ago

Wearing blinders, or paid to promote inaction?

21416298? ago

Thinking you already won is how you can still lose.

21416491? ago

Unless you really have already won but the public doesn't know it yet?

21416864? ago

How about we tell the left that they've won, so THEY'RE the side that stops fighting.

21415959? ago

Who will win this war? I hope it’s not the (((ones))) who won WWII.

21417772? ago

the Jews in US UK and bolshevik Jews in RUS and Rotchild bankers?

I definitely hope not !

21415492? ago

I'm not even close to losing hope.

21413586? ago

These people on the intelligence committee have some degree of clearance.

Now thas a wakeup call!

21412662? ago

it's always the complacent side that loses the war, always.

21416918? ago

All part and parcel of the psyop.

21414361? ago

What a ridiculously incorrect statement. The reason David and Goliath and Tortoise and the Hare are stories is because it is RARE for the weak looking opponent to win the day. If one side of the conflict looks afraid, that's almost always the losing side.

I can't believe I had to write this to an adult human being.

21416939? ago

Those trannies in the libraries don't look afraid at all, you child rapist.

21414627? ago

These statements sounds incorrect because these are Q posts, and unfortunately, they have been ridiculously incorrect for the last 3 years.

Claim wining when Hillary's in jail, before that, STFU

21412897? ago

Quantifiable truth is not the same as complacency.

21412566? ago

Hasn't Q told us this is biblical? If that's true, then things will get much worse soon.

21414430? ago

You're conflating "biblical" as a description with "biblical" as in prophecy. If these were the beginning of the end days, then neither Q nor none of us would know it. Jesus instructed as much.

But yes, if this was the beginning of the end times, then things would get much worse before the end. I mean, like Hillary returns and is President and spends eight years destroying America, persecuting Christians and destroying 1/3 of the world.

I don't think we're there yet. I think Trump wins again.

21412595? ago

Q does hamm up with the bible stuff a lot..

21412508? ago

There is no STEP FIVE.



Donald J. Trump



I agree, but in the end we will win and save our Country from certain destruction!

21412374? ago

If you’ve been paying attention to body language you’d know we’ve been winning for a while now. Despite the MSM’s constant attempt to have you believe otherwise.

21416849? ago

Body language of the trannies telling the children about their penises in our pubic libraries? What a wonderful win, inaction-promoter.

21417768? ago

I agree this is still just a show

until USM does not march with some handcuffs it will be that the crow does not eat crow

for swamp in US

21411905? ago

We have won nothing yet.

This war is eternal anyway, it will never end. No one will ever win this war.

It’s wrong, furthermore, to say we have won when we’re not even at the stage where puppets have been eliminated. The crosshairs are not even on the puppet masters yet!

Long, long way to go.

Psychopaths in international organisations and in the corporate world remain to be dealt with as well, as are all the lazy, amoral acquiescent pawns that enable evil. These last ones are the real guilty ones, the real traitors!

And for the moment, the battle is focusing exclusively on a very narrow segment of this web of evil... we still haven’t started to imagine the future world and our place in it...

21412605? ago

We are in battle yes. Hopefully Trump is as good as he pretends to be

21413698? ago

Trump is “The Chosen One”, I have no doubts about him.

But he can only do so much, also given his limited timeframe.

Also considering the size and power of the enemy... I’m not only talking about the DS or the international cabal... the true enemy, the most powerful, the most guilty: those millions of amoral, mediocre, conforming pawns employed in government, corporations and international organisations that are the real vehicle of evil.

Obedient, arbitrary, good consumers... gregarious, ignorant, lazy.

Trump can’t take care of these monsters.

Only we can. The only reason it hasn’t been done is that there’s —seemingly — only one way to do it. It contradicts our own Values.

And these monsters, ultimately, are our own relatives, friends, neighbors...

21416893? ago

Your values of continuous losing? Those are yours, not ours.

21413944? ago

honestly im ready to fight my own family. if they choose the side of communism.. i have no choice. i never wanted to grow old anyway

21417020? ago

My family's gone

21413264? ago

Yes. I get a little bit nervous having been duped so many times before. Think GHWB, GWB. But I think he's the real deal.

21413337? ago

yeah i THINK so too but... i definitely bought the Bush and Mccain bullshit when it was being peddled. Now I hate them both like a fire

21412221? ago

They say to never underestimate your enemy.

But the facts are that these psychos are carefully following a plan that worked hundreds, even thousands of years ago. But it's not working anymore.

They are trying to climb out of their hole on a very slippery slope. The faster they scramble to get up and out, the more they slide downward. And now it has started raining.

The Storm Is Coming.

Nothing Can Stop it....

21416881? ago

What an effective meme against the "Patriots".

21412626? ago

They dont have plan B. if someone tells the atrategy and shows to the masses... they really have no other options but to just ignore it.

Q is dangerous in that sense. all he does is expose their bullshit faggotry and leave it for people to see if they can agree with the obvious shit he mentions vs reality

21463719? ago

I doubt that even you understand what you just wrote....

21412100? ago

Dear child, the winners of world control don't tell you anything.

21412640? ago

control of the world is overrated. u die at 100 and then what. u dont get to keep anything. its like the people that preorder a game vs people that wait for the sale. u both get the same result.

21420228? ago

Well, pre-orders get the "gold suit" add-on but yeah

21411531? ago

Our guys, Jim Jordan, Devin Nunes and Elise Stefanik totally owned Lt Col Blobface today. What a bunch of hapless losers all these people are. You get promoted in the Cabal by how evil you are and what you are willing to do on camera. You are not promoted based on competence or intelligence. Schiff is only about Nadler+1 as far as mental ability. What a fucking dumpster fire today's hearings was.

21417191? ago

metaphor, 1982


A champion wrestler named Lawler

A methodically-effective brawler

Using close tactics handy

He pile-drived Lib Andy

Till the Kaufman could no longer holler.

21413393? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525580/21413257 Bohol incident. Look THAT up!

21412127? ago

I wouldn't hype Stefanik too much. She's apparently a RINO. But she has done good work in these hearings.

21418316? ago

She's apparently a RINO.

IDK I've never heard of her until these hearings. She's been awesome and she is clearly tying herself to Trump on her website. That's not the kind of thing you can simply undo later, because there is so much evidence. I'm not going to cast shade on an ally.

Compare to Romney. Seems like a different animal to me.

21412307? ago

She's apparently a RINO

If she was my enemy, I'd say this to discredit her. Who says she's a RINO?

21414434? ago

She voted down the emergency declaration for the wall.

21416207? ago

So did Rand Paul, but I wouldn’t consider him a RINO

21412619? ago

This article started the ball rolling: https://bigleaguepolitics.com/exposed-elise-stefanik-has-extensive-ties-to-mitt-romney-supports-mass-immigration-and-carbon-taxes/ Her congressional website: https://stefanik.house.gov/ Perhaps there is more to her story and the article is misleading. I sure hope so. She has done incredible damage in these sham clown hearings!

21413514? ago

Trump has taken a bit of an interest in her. No accident. I'm not familiar with is website and their history.

21424759? ago

Neither am I. Explosive headline that seems aimed at seeding doubt.

21412580? ago

Who says she's a RINO?


21413488? ago

Anyone else?

21411189? ago

Just watching a movie at this point and enjoying the show.


21416829? ago

Snore away, fat Boomer.

21417945? ago

Thanks fat boomer

21411111? ago

They are so pants pissing terrified they can't even look at our arguments. All they have is lies and censorship.

21412335? ago

Digits seem to confirm

21415353? ago

Holy shit quintuple digits, haven’t seen those here before. Truth confirmed x 5!

21420177? ago

a day or two ago i noticed a 8-way palindrome, which was neat because i don't always read every number

21411609? ago

Liberal today was arguing the Trump administration wasn't leaving a paper trail because of incompetence, and if they had documented everything, like Hillary, the crimes would be in the paper trail. Pathetic.

21410928? ago

Lost the house

Lost kentucky governor

Lost Louisiana governor

Cali has gone full blue with no gop representation AT ALL

President is facing impeachment

The electoral college is dieing, ensureing gop never wins

Wow... So confident. Im so tired of all this winning.

21411575? ago

But we didn't lose (((you)))... (((you))) are still here.

21411358? ago

Spending at ALL TIME HIGH! Can't blame DEMS!

Obama deported more illegals than Trump!

Trump FAMILY MEMBERS on government payroll. COME ON FOLKS!

Q is a PROVEN FAKE, idiots can't ever get 8/chan back, nobody will touch the CHILD PORN servers!

Trump WILL BE IMPEACHED, no doubt about it.

Trump Tweets like a middle schooler, LIES CONSTANTLY. increasingly disliked by the PUBLIC.

It's POLITICS YOU IMBECILES, Q was a LARP. A JOKE you fell for.

This board is just garden variety right wing conspiracy shit! NO Q DUMBFUCKS!!!!!

How dumb are YOU????????????????????????????????

21412177? ago

I bet your mother is disappointed.

21411710? ago

Hi Hillary.

21411589? ago

^^^ triggered from failed impeachment hearings kek

21411584? ago

Why are you so worked up?

21411291? ago

bet you're fun at a party...

21411257? ago

Ongoing wars in the middle east show no sign of slowing. Thanks Trump!

21411604? ago

Lol, stop watching CNN... it is fake news. The wars are ending sleeping sheepy.

21411846? ago

Which war is ending? There are more US soldiers in the middle east under Trump than under Obama.

21412646? ago

Its too late libtard. You morons have lost.

Later foo!

21410988? ago

Most of Americas young people now hate the jews and deny the holohoax. Even hot girls know its cool to hate the jews.

Ze tipping point

21410984? ago

You’re still losing and everyone in the world knows it.

21411246? ago

Yes, white people are still losing.

21412155? ago

We shall see. Only difference is you're a race based on lies and deception. When the shit hits the fan, you'll be scared. We will be in our element. We are born to be leaders.

21416955? ago

Puffing yourself up nicely there, but your child rape WILL catch up to you.

21412189? ago

We will win, one day

An admission that you are, right now, losing.

21411879? ago

You’re not white rabbi. We disavow you.

21411244? ago

And then for no reason at all...

21410904? ago

Which side is use to losing?