Why hasn't anyone in these hearings simply asked, of each and every one of these witnesses, "are you in any way affiliated with the CIA?" (QRV)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3525135?
Make them say no on record = perjury. Make Schiff go nuts with an instruction not to answer.
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21409724? 5.2 years ago
CIA trying to do the USA what they've been doing around the world in our name for decades.
21413678? 5.2 years ago
Why ask them to swear on a Bible? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525643/21413426 That was the current slang term for them at that time.
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21409724? ago
CIA trying to do the USA what they've been doing around the world in our name for decades.
21413678? ago
Why ask them to swear on a Bible? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3525643/21413426 That was the current slang term for them at that time.