22311255? ago

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21385094? ago

Americans first. Now, we know, that they have stolen all of our wage earnings, wage tax is suppose to be illegal. We need to be paid back, in a check in the mail. Keep the patriots alive, by paying us real money that has been gotten from all the criminal accounts that have been liquidated.Easy freeze the cabal assets, and return it all to the people. It is so sad to hear other countries getting our money, corrupt millionaire politicians using our money to fly around in private jets, and create fake charities and fake foundations. Our money is being used to build DUMBS. The cabal steals it to build bases where they have a gold vault, seed vault, resort style accommodations, so they can hide under there, and blow the rest of us up. 200 DUMBS in the USA. It costs billions of our money to speed dig them with all using the high tech, they hide from us. If POTUS really wants to do something to help the patriots there is no reason we can't get a check back, especially for the 2008 planned crash. They did that on purpose to wipe us all out. Why not restore the middle class in one day, by paying us all back? These cabal freaks, print up their own money, how can we fight them when we are poor, starving, worried to death about paying the bills? It could be ended in one month by paying us back. What good is knowing all they have stolen from us, when we don't get paid back. No country should get a penny from the USA, until there is no poverty allowed in the USA.. F the immigrants, F the other countries, F the UN, F the parasites. PAY US ALL BACK. So we have the money to defend ourselves and fight back.

21380648? ago

((( DJT )))

21377888? ago

Downvoated because of poor English and post is too long.

21376316? ago

The elephant in the room honestly is why the fuck are we paying taxes. It never goes to anything that benefits us, other than American citizenship.

21375858? ago

The only answer I have for you is jews have niggerized America.

21375323? ago

Foreign aid does not help poor people in poor countries, it goes to rich people in poor countries

21375275? ago


Stop using that

21375244? ago

Q already summed it up....


US taxpayers are paying for it all.

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)

Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)

WAR = scam (trillions)


Who audits where the money actually goes?

Who actually receives the money?

The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.

Slush funds everywhere.

Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?

The hole is deep.

Feel sick yet?


21375234? ago

We are jew slaves.

21375015? ago

That's not the elephant in the room--it's one of many mice.

The US gave $9.5 billion to Chemonics back in 2015, $1.5 billion in 2019 thus far. That's a private company with about 5k employees--not a country with 42.4 million citizens.

21374655? ago

epic post OP, thanks

21374593? ago

I am all for stopping ALL foreign aid to every single country for a time. Once we get OUR shit straight, we can figure out just who needs our help. All the central American countries sending their poor our way, they're out, they get nothing. They won't have poor left, so they don't have the need of our $$. All the middle East countries, they're trying to kill us all, so they don't get our $$ either. If a country is an ally of ours, then they don't need our money or our military stationed on their land, their OWN military can take care of their problems. About the only country I'm inclined to help right now is MAYBE Venezuela.... if they get the rightful president in. Let's help them get back on their feet, and then leave them alone. Decades of foreign aid to countries who either don't need it or want to kill us has to stop.

21374564? ago

great post, thank you. will share in parts, step by step.

21374451? ago

Obama and Putin made a deal to divide Ukraine, where politician's kids and spooks (see Total Intelligence Solutions) ended up on the board of Ukrainian companies that would soon profit while Russia got Crimea. This is a microcosm of how the world gets divided up between super powers.

The necessary media narratives were staged in order to make all of that pan out for those that were in on the deal and the intelligence community accomplishes this quite easily from a single desk at Allen & Co, helmed by George Tenet (former CIA), where this company has worked on merging media conglomerates under one umbrella. From news to sports to video games to the health industry.

Russia being a boogeyman is great news for everyone in the military industrial complex, because it gives the US reason to throw taxpayer money at Ukraine to boost the environment that would lend to the success of their new companies. The Skolkovo deal, arranged by Hillary Clinton, is the biggest scandal nobody talks about because the Clintons took money to allow tech giants in the US tax free access to Russia where they agreed to work with Russia's military.

The Russia Collusion narrative is great for the Cabal because most people are too blind to see that corrupt US assets are working WITH Russia. There is no real conflict, just a way to fleece the people living on their respective tax farms. The narrative also completely downplay how dangerous Russia will become as a result, steering the tax farm slaves towards a war, all at the same time.

The super powers are passing around technology and intelligence to each other so that they can all continue to increase their ability to wage war. If only one superpower had what the US had, there would be no wars to fight. The Clintons allowed Marc Rich of Glencore to deal in black market unraium and oil to the advantage of Russia. Mueller allowed Novosibirsk to provide Iran with black market uranium. They WANT everyone to be well armed so that they can justify tensions and fuel staged media narratives.

Given the media's lack of interest in reporting the financial documents that prove this, after years of them being available, we can safely say that they are in on it. Both sides. Conservative news isn't talking about Ruben Vardanyan's payments to the DNC, which funded media outlets like Media Matters, Correct the Record and Shareblue and the liberal media isn't going to tell you about the rampant bribery, blackmail and corruption surrounding Roy Cohn, Trump's mentor. And, of course, neither of those groups will talk about how the intelligence community has been caught red handed multiple times trading in drugs, guns and people (including children).

It's the same with China. The tension between nations is contrived so that the people are easier to fleece. We see the same pattern play out from country to country, where super powers divide it up beforehand, then stage a media narrative to make it happened, while censoring all other attempts to tell the truth.

The people who really rule are the Jesuits, Zionists, Wahhabists and the shamanistic cult in Asia because there is a secret society that nests within the leadership of all of these groups. One Cult to Rule Them All. The Cabal.

The work on the ground, where the Cabal steals directly from nations and their people, is through the mining and energy industries. When there is a regime change, there is also a change of who gets to extract resources. There is a mad dash for uranium and lithium, right now, and countries are crushed so that getting to these resources are as cheap as possible.

The environmentalism narrative is just another scam on the tax farm where 'conservatives' ignore ground water pollution and other environmental hazards and 'liberals' think scientists like "Mickey Mouse" are credible climatologists because they never perused the list of names of these people who support the idea.

What is being suppressed is cheap energy from the same minerals/ores they are pulling out of the ground. They are robbing the world of the ability to have the price drop in all aspects of life. Combine AI with cheap nuclear energy and modern robotics, and food is cheaper, water is cheaper, oil is unnecessary and the quality of life improves for everyone, so the need for war machines and police start to become unnecessary.

All the scams you see aren't about keeping the elite rich. These scams are about keeping everyone poor and without agency and free will to rise up. Everyone's quality of life is actively being sabotaged because in a world where all this technology was allowed to reach its potential, THERE WOULD BE MUCH LESS NEED TO PAY THE GOVERNMENT.

Maybe for the first time in human history, the Internet has given mankind a fighting chance. Not enough people are speaking up, yet. More people need to speak up in order to crush the censorship. It doesn't take much to drown out the artificial narratives. The Cabal is only getting better at fighting back, so the sooner the better.

Call your representatives. For the love of God.... do something.

21374563? ago

Now THAT Sir, is a fantastic post. Bang. On. <



21374090? ago

How did your friend break his neck?

21373810? ago

What the U.S. gives to Ukraine and other countries is outrageous. The American taxpayer is footing the bill for the world. But...look into Israel. Our students are sacked with debt. They go for free or minimal costs to go to college in Israel. WTF? America first! Keep the money in the U.S.!

21373800? ago

Too many demons clogging the holy filter

21373741? ago

Gold. Thank you, OP. I'd rage if I didn't laugh at the absurdity.

21373416? ago

Q - American Taxpayers are the piggy bank of the world.

Yup. My parents screamed about this when they campaigned for Goldwater in 1960. Funny how things never change.

21373138? ago

I love the post, OP. I am a Daisabled Vet. Broke my back, had a fusion, I have all the metal in my lower back that your friend has in their neck. And not ONE person has ever thought to talk about this Elephant like you have. Thank you for that.

21373021? ago

Thank you, patriot.

Hard-working, honest, decent Americans have been worked half to death just to have their wealth STOLEN by these Cabal bastards.

Time for a refund;

time for the Cabal + their Deep State minions to face justice.

21373768? ago

animal farm...

21372952? ago

Trust the plan!

21372939? ago

The kickbacks in Ukraine that Trump is exposing is how the "foreign aid" game has been playing for decades. This gaming the system is the reason a broke as Talib can go into Congress with almost nothing and retire a mega-millionaire. Foreign aid should be completely shut down.

21372922? ago

Suspend all foreign aide Q+, actually make the average American great. We don’t give a fuck that the biggest companies are getting rich. We give a fuck about our own god damn families we see everyday struggling. We don’t give a fuck about any other country.

21372890? ago

So true.

21372677? ago

Excellent post. Firey. 🔥 Let me add some gasoline to that.

but americans are expected to send their money to ukraine to help some ukranians?

Not just any American's. But his own family and friends need to give their money to Ukraine, and Mexico, and Pakistan, and Haiti, and every other crooked government (not necessarily their people) on the face of the Earth. Globalism.

21376229? ago

Communism by another name, encompassing the whole world

21372664? ago

I think this point is the very reason Trump has drawn attention to Ukraine and all the sociopath's, I mean politician's kids who are being paid by countries like Ukraine. "Foreign aid" is literally a slush fund for pedos and child traffickers, I mean politicians.

Why else would they throw a such a big fuss about not getting foreign aid for Israel, Ukraine, all of South America, most of Europe...any country where they can suck the life blood out of the people, and the peoples representatives who are willing to play ball. If anyone doubts that a Kabbalah does in fact exist, foreign aid is a great place to start.

There are no political parties in the real world,there are no governments, there are only powerful militaries and financial institutions that literally control the entire world.

Most people have bought into the illusion that they live in a sovereign nation, yet none of us do. The shit stained pieces of rotting flesh without a soul know that if they lie enough, they will confuse your average uneducated, ignorant person who is more worried about how many likes they get on Facebook/Instagram, than how many millions and billions and trillions of their countries dollars are being used for the most heinous criminal acts known to man.

When every institution we are taught to trust and put our faith into is in on it, it is a pretty easy to perpetuate the lie.

Foreign aid is nothing more than a way for them to funnel our tax dollars to themselves and their families

That is why federal tax is illegal, and should not exist. Our tax dollars the federal government collects are not used for our country, or the inhabitants of it. It is used for the benefit of the twisted bag of smashed assholes who control it, sorry I mean politicians...

21374434? ago

The are meaner than a hat full of assholes. <

21373687? ago

Great post & writing style. 👍

21372636? ago

Great Post, I have too many friends who are seniors, whose checks are too small to live because they didn't make that much when they started out. I mean when I started working at 16 I made $1.35 an hour. My husband made the same he just retired. he gets, $1,000 a month. So, yea, why are we sending money overseas?

21372626? ago

Abolish anything that was signed into law in 1913!

21372438? ago

The Ukraine weak!

21372410? ago

Bingo! These motherfuckers directing US money to some shithole to then be squirreled away in some Swiss bank account is beyond infuriating

21372280? ago


21372233? ago

Because it’s generally in our best interest to promote a independent Ukrainian state. The whole system is based on the world trading and the world trades when the status quo is maintained.

21372229? ago

We shouldn't be paying money to Ukraine but that doesn't mean we should be giving money to people who are disabled either. Exceptions might be Social Security and working for the government while injured. These things should be handled through private charities like it was historically.

Let people donate what they want to who they want. Taxation is theft. Government should be minimal.

Don't fall into the trap that because something is done that it should continue.

21373421? ago

Social Security IS an exception. That's money paid in specifically to be allocated back at a certain age, disability, etc. Social Security has been used as a slush fund! It should have never been touched at all. If it had been left alone, the interest that would have accrued would have allowed our elderly to live comfortably in their old age instead of getting next to nothing as well as the disabled and any others who qualified under it.

And, as a side note, we need to stop paying out Social Security to our territories like Puerto Rico and all the others unless they pay into it.

21372206? ago

Medicaid owes my daughter thousands for taking care of her brother with autism since July. I’ve been fighting now for months.

21372193? ago

It's worse than that. American foreign aid doesn't even go to the people of that country. It goes to the oligarchs and dictators, with a kickback to the American politicians. They whole fucking thing is a scam to suck money out of the only real wealth-producing country in the world, and ALL foreign aid needs to stop.

21372172? ago

Newsflash: it is more fucked than you describe. They take our tax money an BORROW against our grandchildren's future to send money to Ukraine (& everywhere else including places that hate us), but the $ doesn't help the receiving country or the common people in the receiving country. Their shit leaders turn the $ around to the likes of Biden, McCain, Romney, McConnell, Soros, Pelosi, the Clinton Foundation, the Clinton Global Initiative, and thousands of other individuals working fake jobs and fake charities. It is NWO slavery. It's a big club, but you and I ain't in it.

21373444? ago

Don't forget the Rothschilds.

21372168? ago

Q, Q+...full picture here....please Q drop this..TY

21372123? ago

I don't think you understand how this works. Let me answer your first question, "why are we giving money to Ukraine?" Q has told you our money, our taxes, are drained off by a whole world of criminals, but it starts with our own internal traitors.

This is how our politicians steal our money right in front of us. All this money that is given away is basically laundered by corrupt officials in the other countries. Everybody gets a cut, and then a very large kickback goes directly back to the very politicians that gave them the money.

Save your anger for later, after the tribunals, we will all have to demand mass executions for these crimes, nobody should walk away from this.

21372114? ago

The truth is we could stop giving money to every country and it would take 3 years for your friend to get the check. It is a scam now. Most people have to get a lawyer and go to the doctor for every little thing to get approved. There is a lawyer's office across from the disability place in one of the towns near me because it is usually what people have to do.

21372099? ago

Yeah, he’s evil. Never liked him, always saw through him. Creepy Joe!

21372060? ago

Awesome post! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

21372059? ago

Excellent points, all. Which is why I get so fucking triggered every time I hear a libtard pronounce, 'That's not who we are!', in response to efforts to preserve our wealth, the sanctity and safety of our nation, our way of life and the social fabric that was created by the sweat and sacrifice to build our Constitutional republic. Who the fuck is some wealthier than the rest of us libtard to define who and what we are as Americans - particularly those who don't suffer the results of their fucked up policies and laws?

We want to safeguard our future, our families, our way of life and fucking libtard professors in universities, teachers in grade school, and leftist politicians, celebrities, and worst of all, MSM want to define us as cucks, willing to give away our wealth, safety, way of life and future based on some myth they created so that they can direct where it all goes and who it is divvied up for. FUCK THEM ALL!

If I hear another politician or big-mouthed talking head utter the words, 'That's not who we are' I think I'm going to find a way to shut them down for good. We The People can define who we are, not some elitist.

21371999? ago

americans can't afford to take care of a fellow american with a broken neck,

You can also replace "American with a broken neck" with American homeless and American Veterans, etc.

but americans are expected to send their money to ukraine to help some ukranians?

Can also replace Ukraine/Ukrainians with niggers, "refugees", jews, etc.

21371977? ago

Trump has never worked an honest day in his life either, he inherited 400 milion from his daddy and then ran a vanity real estate business where he sat in an office all day and yapped to tabloid reporters.

He's also a giant tax cheat, maybe we could afford to take care of our own if we stopped spending trillions on warfare and people like him paid their fair share of taxes.

21372117? ago

maybe he will release his taxes, and we will know for sure. Meanwhile why is congress/senate not subject to insider trading rules? All of them are cheats and liars.

21371954? ago

And, why are we worrying about how our discretion about where these dollars go "undermines" the recipient MORE than our OWN country (as the media is doing to our POTUS)??

21373141? ago

can't give welfare to a poor family, because they will grow to depend on it.

but you can give welfare to foreign countries, and somehow they will not grow to depend on it?

21371952? ago

WE are being LOOTED. TRAITORS. DEATH to them.

21371912? ago

We know what this "aid " is actually for now. Q is how the hell do we make it stop? How do we make it right? Go ahead and say "vote" but if the rigging isn't stopped then voting does nothing! We are awake but massive numbers of people are not. These fucking career criminal politicians are the devil's spawn.

21371898? ago

Lol, poor people's problems. Get a job and fix your own problems, stop complaining about other people.

21371847? ago

from: doglegwarrior

was listening to npr to keepnl track of the enemy. they were talking about some illigals and why they cant be sent back because their countries are dangerous. who gives a fuck that has nothing to do with me speding tax dollars on fuckers from shitty countries. go home juan and fucking fight the terrorist aka gangs or shut the fuck up and pay your tax to them. the funny thing in hindorus the gangs called the taxes on business war taxes... i wanted to shout at npr the fucking jews make us pay 38 billion in their war taxes and we build their fucking walls... just fuck you jews fuck you for activly destroying the country that for some insane reason saved you. not that hitler or germany every had a final solution beyond sending yiu fucking parasitic/virus hook nosed fucks to madagascar

21373258? ago

i wonder... if someone from the south side of Chicago showed up at a Canadian or Mexican border and tried to claim they were a refugee from a dangerous place that was overrun by gangs and drugs... what would happen?

21373539? ago

from: doglegwarrior

shit they should go to japan ans try that.. if it was a black family the japanese border patrol would say

in a very very think japanese accent

you nigger. you probrem with chicago you nigger you kill rape murder go back nigger go back

21371822? ago

Can't argue with that! There is nothing to be said against this post, it all rings true

21371807? ago

These rootless international Globalists don't give a fuck about the American people. They use us as cows and run fraud schemes to pillage the tax money.

Out looks like it's going to Ukraine. Check the ethnicity of the people profiting the most. That is the common thread in where we give foreign aid. They aren't going to the actual people of whatever country, it is going to non-european Ethnic supremacists every single time. They benefit we suffer and the people who's country were parasiting off of suffers.

Do You think the working man Ukrainian and Russian want to go to war? No, it is the blood-drinking ethnic supremacist weasels who want more control over Russia who want war.

21373228? ago

id like to think that Americans and Russians can come together for their mutual love of the game of chess

. #OpChess

21373238? ago

We have more in common than that. Authentic Christianity for instance.

21371706? ago

That chomo needs to be shot.

21371627? ago


I pray Trump begins to crackdown even harder when the tide begins to change. So much more that could be done for Anericans that currently isn't. I know I would feel much better knowing my money was going to help my fellow Americans before ANY foriegn entity.


21376851? ago

Love your neighbor as you (already) love yourself.

One can't love a neighbor BEFORE they have loved themselves.

21376893? ago

Spot on 👌🏻🙏🏻

21371595? ago

Remember, if you are on Social Security or any kind of government assistance, your monthly entitlement would be 300% higher without immigrants (legal or illegal) and your taxes would be 80% less without niggers. We are being forced to pay for our own destruction.

21377154? ago

Exactly! 100%

21371502? ago

Completely valid.

Ukraine was a REGIME CHANGE / RANSACKING A NATION / APPOINTING NEONAZIS operation funded by Soros and the State Department!!!!!

It’s fucking incredible and they going to atone.

We fund Israel while people starve here?

No more.

21371482? ago

So sorry about a fellow American’s broken neck & suffering. You are spot on. Americans suffering while “Aid” is sent into the black holes of foreign countries only to have a portion cycled back to corrupt orgs like the Clinton Foundation or the kids of corrupt politicians getting great gigs. On top of all that, we borrow the money from the cabal Federal Reserve and we “owe” interest on top of what we send counties like Ukraine. This is why Trump attacks the Fed. They work for banksters, not Americans.

21371951? ago

and its these remarkably round numbers that were obviously not the sum of actual needs.

21371467? ago

Dude... Wake up. We are being murdered and replaced. Welcome to the war.

21371446? ago

why tf are broke-ass, beaten-down american taxpayers giving money to ukraine ?

Because Ukraine is little israel

21371395? ago

They only do it because none of them have had to pay the price at the hand of your average citizen.

21371386? ago

Fuck Ukraine and all its perogi eating, vodka swilling citizens

21371513? ago

You do understand that its not the Ukranian people that got that got any of that money? Right? Their corrupt politicians got the money...just like our corrupt politicians got a bunch of that money back after it had been laundered. The Ukranian people are victims just like we are. And they have been doing what they could to vote those creeps out....just like what we are trying to do.

21373176? ago

we all have smart phones now

and richard stallman was right

21371531? ago

I dont care...fuck em all

21371360? ago

That cunt who interrupted with a baseball question. Fuck you you worthless bootlicker.

21371353? ago

We give Israel billions a year, and there is no more evil nation on Earth than them.

21371350? ago

Thanking for saying this.

21373200? ago

i once heard someone claim that they were allowed to have a talk radio show or whatever but only if they never talk about 2 subjects

I'm ashamed to admit i can't exactly recall what those 2 subjects were,

but i think they might have had to do with international banking and immigration policy

hmm emoji

21371335? ago

Last year when the migrant caravan was making its way through Mexico and 6 billion dollars was the amount being discussed for the wall, I overheard a couple discussing a better way to use the money - simply give it to the migrants. Wtf? These people are stupid.

21371225? ago

Couldn't agree more, patriot. Not just Ukraine, the vast majority of foreign "aid" need to be stopped. Total insanity

21371701? ago

lets make some noise!

supposedly USA didn't accept any "refugees" last month, for the first time ever.

i listened to Trump speak early in his campaign, and it was sold-out show, with P.A. system set up outside so the overflow crowd could hear. i was in the overflow crowd outside, listening on the speakers, but i did get to see Trump walk out of the venue and into his ride.

anyway, i was shocked at what i witnessed at this Trump speech, and it has always stuck with me

when i looked around, i just saw a bunch of people who looked like my friends and neighbors, so i was shocked by their behavior, which was so out of the ordinary for our local culture...

what i saw and heard was, that every time Trump would talk about building a wall, or changing immigration policy, the crowd went absolutely nuts, screaming, hooting, hollering, clapping, the whole thing...

and that was the only time they reacted.

Trump made lots of policy proposals, such as a tax cut for the middle class, and everyone was like 'meh'...

but any time he 'bashed' (the way i saw it at the time) an immigrant, the crowd over-reacted.

and i remember feeing a little uncomfortable there,

because i knew a bunch of immigrants, and thought they were decent people,

and i thought everyone else felt the same way as i did about immigrants.

they are just hard working people trying to earn a living,

just like everyone else in this rat race.

and as i left the speech, my internal dialog (talking to myself?)

was that Trump didn't create all these bigots.

Trump merely picked the scab, and made it bleed.

these people had been 'bigots' for a long time,

but Trump's speech gave them an outlet for their anger and frustration.

and since that speech, i have been watching the immigration debate very closely,

and i can say that in the time, my opinion has taken a very sharp 'nationalist' turn.

its not that i have any problem with any one particular immigrant,

but i do have a problem with our immigration policy,

and how americans are viewed as disposable and replaceable.

so the sentiment is already out there, that americans are sick and tired of the american establishment treating foreigners and strangers better than they treat born and bred americans.

we have all heard the stories.

benefits for immigrants are better than for local people ?

if they aren't stealing our jobs, then they are stealing our social services.

the immigrants have to eat every day, or they will soon revolt.

so lets keep bringing more and more 'useless eaters' in ?

this social services sabotage isn't an accident, its a plan.

foreign aid hasn't really been a hot topic in the last several Presidential election cycles,

so 2020 would be a good time to make foreign aid a hot topic

and this whole Ukraine scandal, that has lead to impeachment theater,

would be an excellent spark to set it all off.

whats the name of this prosecutor, and whats the other 100 sides to the story?

21377035? ago

I believe muslin immigrants and muslin refugees should go to a country that shares the same religion as them, such as saudi arabia and iran, where their radical beliefs and culture are considered the norm.

The same is the case of the somali's or any other culture that is drastically different than ours where assimilation into American culture has proven improbable or is just unlikely to happen.

21374111? ago

Immigrant is NOT illegal invader; two totally different people. Bigots? That’s just wrong.

21376211? ago

Agreed, we are not bigots, we just want a fair, sustainable immigration policy. I have nothing against immigrants in general, but I do expect people to come here legally and follow our laws. I expect or government to manage money like I have to to survive- to borrow sometimes when needed, but to generally not spend night than one can pay back. Allowing tons of people into the country, and then paying for tons of services for them when they have not contributed is just plain stupid and unsustainable economics.

That's not bigotry, is common sense. The same logic applied to foreign aid. It doesn't make sense to pay billions elsewhere when we can't even pay or own bills. That goes for anywhere.

I know we want to be virtuous and help other people and countries (that's the argument we are up against, that's calling us bigots if we go against them), but we shouldn't be going into mega debt and giving away what we don't have

21432787? ago

For darned sure!

21373803? ago

Whites make up 7% of the global population. Why is it that all of these refugees NEED to come to US and European "white" countries? Why are we being shamed into accepting illegal immigrants, being advertised that race mixing is virtuous, being forced to pay for the education and healthcare of ILLEGALS and ignore our own suffering citizens?

We will be a minority in our own countries in our lifetimes if this is not stopped. Look at Sweden and understand that their constant rape, murder, and grenade attack epidemics are just the beginning!

This is a systematic destruction of white people. But because it isn't being done with government forces and guns we are supposed to ignore it?

Look up the Kalergi plan. And tell me how it's any different than UN's "Replacement migration". And wonder why only white countries are targeted.

If you catch a whiff of conspiracy out of all this, travel down the rabbit hole. What you'll find will boil your blood.

21371539? ago

Oy vey that's antisemitic goy.

21371207? ago

Optics. Gotta play the Game on the World stage. Unfortunately the truth. There will always be those who suffer but we will always rise to our best as servants of the Lord.

Can't isolate like they tried to do with NK.


21371145? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/F8kEacqIVije - ( Foreign Affairs Issue Launch With Joe Biden )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/8a8mRyte8ocr - ( WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/ToJNxb16iyDV - ( WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/LsxHMPWSP7Wr - ( WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden )

21371089? ago

It always infuriated me that we gave those piece of shit Pakistanis a billion a year.

21371341? ago

Fuck the jihad kebab and fuck the kike, they can not be a friend, what trends now PizzaExpress, they gave the paki clowns their baphomet logo ... there is Ted Turner, the Vatican but what other elite family owns most of the land across the world and inside Amefica

21371242? ago

and for what?

im so sick of these vague explanations like they are our allies and they are resisting russian aggression

that sounds like a local problem, like when my neighbor lady beats her husband and i pretend not to hear his blood curdling screams for help.

and then Obama lied about having Osama bin Laden killed

and assuming the official story is true (lol), why is an "ally" harboring the (not) wanted mastermind of 9/11

and then Obama left a drone there so they could pick it apart?

and then Seal Team 6 was flying in an old helicopter over Afghanistan and just happened to get killed.

reminds me of FBI agents Stephen Shaw and Christopher Lorek



cardboard cutout


21392231? ago

Joe Biden defeated corn pop the gangster

21371751? ago

It's slush funds for the cabal. They call it aid but it's really going to Soros and his minions, including Obama and Clinton. We have been slave labor for a long time.

21373377? ago

Foreign aid is a slush fund! Politicians pay out aid and get it back as jobs for their shit bag, rock stupid kids , sweetheart deals for their kids dummy corporations and after they retire it's half million dollar speaking engagements and book deals for books that only the stupidest among us would actually read! The bright side is at least some of the money is coming back into the country! Bah,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha......

21373054? ago

There's nothing for it but to put an end to the illegal life form that is the Satanist Cabal. 13 families at the core, 80 extended... What are they up to, about 2 million now?

Stealing money is the least of their crimes.

They prey on and feed on children.

21371740? ago

All of this type of aid is nothing more than establishing pipelines for kickbacks to the corrupt SOBs who put it in place.

21371525? ago

It is to pay them off so they don't go to war with Israel for their survival. Same reason we pay off all of Israel's neighbors.

21373499? ago

in order of israel to get this:


israel fist needs this:


21373121? ago

Israel is in the grips of the same Cabal Nephilim-hybrids that we are.

Do you know why they don't care if all innocent NON-Cabal Jews are blamed and destroyed? (They've never cared if non-Cabal Jews die). Because Jesus said He will not return until they (Israel) say "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord".

If they kill all the non-Satanist Jews they win. In their minds.

They aren't going to win... But that is their effort.

21371658? ago

Let the mudslimes invade Israel and Let them defend themselves.

21371876? ago

they can't expect american taxpayers to pay for their defense indefinitely

if americans wouldn't support a theocracy in the midwest, why should they be forced to support a theocracy in the mideast?

21373915? ago

They do expect it as right now America is Israel's vassal state.

21371524? ago

Look at Puerto Rico.

Are we still pretending the Red Cross pallets of money make it somewhere not in the wallets of crooked?

21375861? ago


21376078? ago

The ambassador underscored a narrative that all she did was host dinner parties and give awards to people.

That’s a circus story of the macabre it’s so insulting.

here she is posing w no name / graham / and neonazis

21371890? ago

the Red Cross sure needs a lot of blood...

grandma kinda warned me about Red Cross

21371078? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Q0_AqpdwqK4&t=3121s :

Foreign Affairs Issue Launch With Joe Biden - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=mLqtwtZWNas :

WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=mLqtwtZWNas :

WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden - YouTube

https://invidio.us/watch?v=mLqtwtZWNas :

WeAreCHANGE confront Joe Biden - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

21371018? ago

Great post.

21371084? ago

the dead Maxwell guy and the news media Empire?