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21347316? ago

Wife's parents have netflix. We visit there a lot and watch whatever it is they're into these days. I find it interesting that WWII stuff is finding it's way to the top almost every time we fire it up. They want that shit in people's subconscious. They are trying to push that shit to the fore. Ohhhh but ...muh Hitler...muh Nazis! ...muh Judaism....Do you believe in coincidences?

21347556? ago

I believe maybe someone is trying to inflate the numbers, adding interest rates? Ay Tone! Did ya hear about dis history machine, The Holocauster 9000, could fire 600 of jews straight into the sun? ...Fuckin Long lost Three Stooges episode clearly... Fuuugettaaboutit

21347660? ago

Check out this fucking gem. Fastfoward to 39 minutes. He's talking to Ari Shafir, - aka guy who slipped Bert Kreischer fucking extasy while he was with his family. Kid is sick. Now I know why. Swear sometimes Rogan shits the bed. I think he's controlled op.