"I had three abortions because children hold female artists back" - Marina Abramovic (A Jew) (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3509436?
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21276807? 5.1 years ago
three child sacrifices to the demon she worships
because the Satanic-inclined believe that evil entities can empower them in the physical realm
22064061? 4.9 years ago
What is the real religion? https://voat.co/v/news/3600802/22061772
22064440? 4.9 years ago
extinction promotion of course. unnatural
22064435? 4.9 years ago
So sayeth the lord!
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21276807? ago
three child sacrifices to the demon she worships
because the Satanic-inclined believe that evil entities can empower them in the physical realm
22064061? ago
What is the real religion? https://voat.co/v/news/3600802/22061772
22064440? ago
extinction promotion of course. unnatural
22064435? ago
So sayeth the lord!