21238696? ago


21239034? ago

the Jew Occult, Arab ritual, Masons what is the link? This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts? Do they Connect to Judges, Euro Royalty and FBI? The Trouble With Occult Jesters, Masonic, Vatican, Jewish, Arabic Rituals? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3457657/20837296 Royal Order of Jesters, Masonic, Vatican rituals are all over the target

21238472? ago

My niece follows a few quirky channels that create campy ( silly ) segments with a horror movie vibe. Harmless.

HOWEVER, watching these segments has opened the suggested videos to an array of strange content, including some of the color/counting videos with 20+million views, underage beauty pageants and random videos of kids playing.

Definitely not defending this POS, because he's already guilty AF for his 'coup' and 'impeachment' tweets.

I'm more concerned with the suggested videos that lead down a dark path on YouTube.

( my niece has 100% monitoring of her sessions on YT )

21239427? ago

You moniter 100% of your nieces YT sessions? That's some big brother shit. .

Worst kind of parenting you could do. Rather than talk with your kids and teach them about how to be safe online you absolve yourself of real responsibility and take the unethical step of SPYING on your own fucking niece (to keep her "safe").

How about doing the hard work of teaching values and working to develop trust.

Hell, you could put on parental controls to ensure "safe" browsing without going all 1984 on her ass.

You should be ashamed, fascist.

21246801? ago

it's like this: my alcoholic sister-in-law is often out partying rather than watching her son. the kids's dad, my brother, is not around because he died of a heart attack at 43 when my nephew was 3 years old. so the kid ends up spending a lot of afternoons with me. he likes to sit at my desk and show me his favorite videos, usually supermario and music. (but yes, the suggested video feed is full of violence and swearing, he's not at an age to have his own youtube sign in). I indulge about 20 minutes of videos as a variant to our other play time including stories, books, games, tag...

you're right. sounds pretty fascist after all.

21239438? ago

kill yourself, shill

21240198? ago

Shill? So you support monitoring your childrens internet usage? 1984 much? You sound like a bitch.

Why not just skip that step and wiretap their phones and hack their webcams so you can see them browse in real time?

21240245? ago

still alive shill?

eat a bullet, you worthless piece of shit.

21237773? ago

the guy is a TDS loser and no doubt corrupt, but it's possible he has a kid who watches youtube with his sign in.

that's how it was with my 4 year old nephew, jus sayin

21238788? ago

He does not have kids I just saw a tweet where he’s at Disney and says you don’t need kids to be Disney

21238511? ago

You didn't read the article.

21246811? ago

you're right. just saw the disneyland pics. the guy is a pedo creep.

21238298? ago

But they are probably not signing into his Twitter account to post pictures of him and create Tweets that talk about how you don't need to have kids to be the biggest Disney fan evah! Seriously, try harder.

21238214? ago

Yeah and it is also possible he is a jew pedo scum like EVERY. SINGLE. OTHER elite member of the (((tribe))).