21231361? ago

Since everything about Epstein is public, ABC needs to air Amy’s report. Her info is now credible and can be corroborated. I’d love to know what she has on Clinton. What’s stopping them?

21238493? ago

What is stopping them is their blind devotion to their own narrative they have created.... it's an alternate reality, where up is down; black is white; Democrats are gods; Republicans are evil, uncaring greedy Capitalists; socialism is the goal; and people like us are to be either indoctrinated or exterminated. They will NEVER break from the agreed-on narrative, and for that reason the entire MSM will have to be crushed and hollowed out like a Halloween pumpkin on the interstate.

21227293? ago

and yet, she didn't go to the police. WTF?

21228610? ago

It's the victim's job to go to the police, they generally don't respond to hearsay. When she said they had "everything" she meant they had enough to report the story. Journalism has a different metric than the legal system.

21227333? ago

Good point...

21226903? ago

Cool. You had "everything" and never mentioned the true perpetrators israel/mossad once, even in your big drop that was supposed to break the internet. Im not celebrating these cute epstein memes any more than I am celebrating "Mini AOC" bullshit

This is serious shit. Grow up you assclowns

21227059? ago

Lighten up, we’re all in this perpetual state of waiting together.

21226698? ago

The scooby doo meme is awesome.

21226723? ago

Hillary doesn't think so, but thanks.

21227822? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3489791 Documentary - British Prince & the Paedophile: Epstein's Royal Scandal. The tv documentary on Prince Andrew & Epstein is now on line

21227975? ago

thanks..will this be removed?

21226420? ago

She’s talking about the Virginia Roberts testimony that ended up coming out this year, resulting in JE arrest. This is not anything new or edgy or blockbuster here.

21228832? ago

It is to the eyes of the sleepyheads mesmerized by MSM. They can now see that there is intentional coverup - and perhaps, just maybe they will start to question the narrative themselves, like we all started too at one time.

21226499? ago

No, not new, but ya gotta know that Kid-Lovin' Clinton, Diddlin' Dershowitz, and the Randy Prince weren't happy about this coming up again.

21226924? ago


Fucks sake...

21226311? ago


21227962? ago

21226348? ago

the dubz are wild today.