21188489? ago

Most Patriots are too busy working and generating an economy for the left to live off of to be able to protest.

21188316? ago


21188088? ago

*** no violence ***

21188207? ago

Can't guarantee that anymore around the world.

Peaceful protesting didn't work.

Next phase starts now.

21187426? ago


Get the behind me Antifa.

Matthew 16:23

21187258? ago

Go to rich jews homes and hold a sign that says The Kalergi Plan is wrong. Stop white genocide!

21187236? ago

You first, glownigger.

21186890? ago

Uh. No. No, bad idea. Chill baby. Slow your roll.

21186845? ago

Is that you, Yaniv?

Or is it your relatives?

21188380? ago

Freemasonry Shriner Jester Former judge pleads guilty in prostitution scandal. Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters sex trafficking ring https://voat.co/v/QRV/3494145/21147026 Jesters and Shriners at the local level are important to understand because they often run localized compartmentalization efforts.

21188431? ago

Thanks, anon.

21186843? ago


do it right, or GTFO

21186827? ago

We arent about violence here. Anons are here to research and report the truth.

OP is a three letter spook here to make us look bad. Happens all the time. Deranged fucks.

21188519? ago

Thanks for pointing this out Anon, and for being top comment. I saw this post and thought to myself "oh no, I hope nobody is falling for that trick again".

But here is your comment saving the day. Good work, and good eye for discernment!

21188366? ago

The home nothing more than a cult temple? Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine?? The Sabbatean Freemasons, the Jesters, the Grotto, Shriners are always trying to get the Children? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3400980

21187788? ago

You gotta admit it’s clever on their part, bending the rules in their favor. They can be as violent and protest anywhere they want without penalty. If we try to do anything close to that, we get arrested and have entire platforms shutdown. We’re almost less than a year from elections, and it doesn’t feel like much has changed, except Christians are demonize more now than they were in 2017.

21186717? ago

It sure seems in the last 24-hours since Q returned...those looking to shut this place down (and Q) are more and more talking of violence.

21186859? ago

Easy now.

How do you make an omelette?

21188006? ago

Yes...I make a mean omelette. Sincere question for you, Do you know how I can get your Mom's pubic hair out of my teeth?

21188242? ago

First of all, why were you digging into my mother's coffin? Second, she's probably so decomposed by now that screwing her would pose a challenge let alone eating her Vagina out.

So, having my mother's pubic hair in your teeth is probably the least of your concerns.

The day will come when you and those like you just vanish from this Earth. Done. Goodbye.

You are no where near worthy of my Father's Kingdom. Myth you say?

God is alive and well pal. He's coming for your soul.

21189781? ago

If I had a means to DM you, I would. It seems as though I may have mistaken your comment (of which I am still unsure the meaning of) as one from a smarmy shit-talking demon shill...and my anger turned to the only communication here on Voat that shills understand. Trust me when I tell you that my God has already already been given full access to...and accepted my soul...as one of his warriors.

21186620? ago

It's strange, but this post seems to have a certain "glow". Hmm...

21188390? ago

This Mirth...What are the the Royal Order of Jesters and their Bizzare Acts? Do they Connect to Judges, Euro Royalty and FBI? The Trouble With Occult Jesters, Masonic, Vatican, Jewish, Arabic Rituals?




21186871? ago

It's because your naked and you vag is glowing.

21186472? ago

Locked and loaded.

21186357? ago

Eh, I think we'd all be better off buying guns and prepping for the worst... and hoping and praying for the best:

Cheap and easy ways to prepare for long periods of martial law or civil war without power or water.

21186604? ago

They need to be shown that we are pissed.

No better way than camping out in their front yards.

Eating from their fridge, petting their dog.

21186860? ago

petting their dog
